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Sounds awesome to me,too.
Adagio better watch out. Sunset isn't one too mess around with. Two alphas trying to top each other is always fun.
This absolutely NEEDS a sequel!
I demand a sequel! This must continue!!!
I agree! Ooooh and a possibly threesome with little sci-twi?!? Yes please!
i woudl absolutely love to see a sequel to this
This was simply glorious, I love Adagio & Sunset stories, plus since it’s also a corruption storyline, it makes it even better!
How fitting~
Give it another couple of days, and more likes will come.
i came back to re-read this so that id have my memory fully recharged for the happy surprise of another chapter to the sequel, and...this is still as amazingly erotic and enthralling as it ever was. great, great story!