• Published 21st Oct 2016
  • 4,724 Views, 2,083 Comments

Appledashery Vol. Two - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash and Applejack have a long, joyous, arduous relationship.

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Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie were a flood of giggles as they trotted merrily down the cobblestone streets of Canterlot's market district. More than a few shopping bags dangled/floated between them.

"Did you see the expression on that poor clerk's face?" Rarity adjusted her sunhat and winked at her fellow fillyfriends. "She must be wondering why we didn't carry the whole store along with us!"

"Oh no..." Fluttershy struggled to stop giggling. "I do hope we didn't make her day stressful."

"Oh please, Fluttershy... Rarity..." Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes. "None of us can even afford buying one thousandth of that boutique's entire inventory."

"You know what the best part is?" Pinkie Pie grinned wide. "I'm not even worried about how I'm going to pull off my new outfit at the Gala! Cuz the Gala's behind us!" She hop-hop-hopped along. "Plus! It stinks! Heeheehee!"

"I'm going to wear my new scarf at the first book club meeting I have with my animal friends," Fluttershy said. "I hope the pink-ness distracts them from having to ask any questions about the Gala."

"Nonsense, darling!" Rarity tossed her bangs in mid-trot. "If any of your... forest friends poses an imposing question, simply tell them it's none of their business! Mare's perogative!"

"Hah!" Twilight Sparkle chortled. "I've tried that before with Spike, but it never works!" She looked over her shoulder. "Isn't that right, Spike?"

"Mrmmmf-mrmmfff!" Spike stammered, his face full of stacked packages that he was struggling to balance in his little claws. He waddled desperately after the mares.

"Spikey-wikey doesn't count, darling," Rarity said. "After all, he's a lady's-mare. He knows better."

Spike stuck his head out, wheezing. "I am?" He nearly tripped on a manhole. "Guh! Whoahhh—!" He kept his stack of packages from teetering over at the last second and resumed his dutiful march.

"Awwwwww... poor Spike..." Fluttershy pouted. "He's been so patient with us girls."

"Yes. Quite." Rarity nodded. "We should consider doing something far less glamorous so he can recover." A beat. The unicorn then beamed. "So—who's ready to go to the salon?!?"

"Oooh!" Twilight skipped along. "Me! Me! You're going to love this place! My mother and her fellow marefriends go there all the time!"

"Yaaaay!" Fluttershy giggled, flapping her wings slightly for added lift. "Oh! I can't help myself! Sometimes it's fun letting myself do things that are unapologetically 'girly'!"

"Something something estrus!" Pinkie Pie hopped and smiled. "Am I doing it right?!"

"Hah hah hah hah!"

"Hee hee hee! Come on, darlings!"


The four mares frolicked happily at the front of the pack with Spike struggling to keep back.

Keeping up the rear...

"Unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh..." Rainbow's every body part drooped, anchored to the mountainface below by three times the normal pull of gravity.

"How ya holdin' up there, partner?" Applejack remarked, giving her a calm smile.

"Whatever. It's okay. I'm fine." Rainbow nevertheless took several firm, steady breaths. "We're gonna fit in an airshow sometime this week. I just know it."

"Heheh... dun worry." Applejack winked. "If worse comes to worst, just remember I'm here. We'll look out after each other. Make sure we dun go insane."

"Yeah, well... I don't deserve it," Rainbow muttered.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "How's that?"

"I... totally could have come up with a way to drag you out of that fru-fru mess at the store earlier," Rainbow said. "But I didn't." She gulped, avoiding Applejack's gaze. "So... totes sorry about that."

"Ehhhh..." Applejack paused in mid-trot to wave a casual hoof. "Ain't no big whoop."

Rainbow flashed her a look. "Huh?"

"Just sayin'..." Applejack tilted her hat back and smirked. "I was enjoyin' myself mighty fine."

"Enjoying yourself?!" Rainbow blanched. "AJ... you were fidgeting and complaining and groaning the whole time!"

"Eeyup!" Applejack winked. "On account that I wanted to last even longer."


"Rainbow..." Applejack smiled at her. "I'm happy just to be here with y'all... with my friends. Sure, I prattled and rambled on like a sick mule, but that's not the point. The point is... they had fun sprucin' me up... and—as much as I hate to admit it—I had a teensy bit of fun bein' the center of their attention."

"For realsies?" Rainbow spat out the side of her muzzle. "Pffft..." A wry smirk. "Girl, I don't even know you any more."

"Oh come on, Rainbow..." Applejack chuckled. "Dun tell me you've never liked the idea of bein' dolled up."


"Or... more to the point... just plum bein' treated affectionately." Applejack inhaled. "Y'know... we're mighty lucky to have such soft, carin' friends. They carry the likes of us as much if not more than we carry them. Wouldn't be proper without acknowledgin' it once and a while."

"... ... ... ...huh..." Rainbow Dash blinked. "You're... not wrong."

Applejack stared at her. "About which part?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh..." Rainbow suddenly sweated. She a double-take. "Oh wow! Look! A fire hydrant?"

"Errrrr... what about it? We have them in Ponyville."

"Yeah! But this one's funky and shiny looking! Cool!" She zipped off. "Check it!"

Applejack shook her head and shuffled after her. "Reckon we put the wrong one of us in a girdle..."

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