• Published 21st Oct 2016
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Appledashery Vol. Two - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash and Applejack have a long, joyous, arduous relationship.

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Runs In the Family

Applejack stood up on her hind legs before the sink...

Washing dishes.

Through the wooden walls, she heard the rattle of plumbing installed into the house a decade ago. Big Macintosh was likely upstairs, taking a bath before retiring for bed. He always got the heaviest of sleep out of the four Apples—not that Applejack was one to complain. In everypony's opinion, he always did the heaviest and most grueling of physical labor.

In the adjacent room, Granny Smith sat with Apple Bloom before a gently crackling fireplace. Applejack could hear a yawn or two between them as Granny continued sharing age-old stories that coincided with countless old photographs that had long been engrained into Applejack's mind.

"And this here is Copper Galoshes. I-I never did get the meanin' of his name. No matter. He was always tryin' to help me when trottin' over deep puddles. Heheh... the oldest gentlecolt trick in the book. I humored him only because I knew Pappy was havin' us all move out into the Country Soon. And this photograph? It looks so shiny 'cuz it was taken by one of them fancy cameras in Canterlot. The whole family stayed there for a spell—before we got Princess Celestia's blessing to move out and settle in what eventually became Ponyville. See those two strapping young bucks?"

"What... the deer?"

"Dang skippy! Visitin' dignitaries from Whitetail Woods! Heheh! Both took a fancy to me. Got themselves lockin' horns and other such macho nonsense up until the day before we left."

"Wow... Granny..." A squeaky, foalish yawn. "...you was quite the eye-catcher, weren't ya?"

"Runs in the family, y'know. Especially when we're young. Freckles get us extra mileage into young adulthood... heheheh—at least that's what the neighbors used to tell me. 'Course... as the years went on... the other horseshoe eventually fell. I'm talkin' about age-old Apple Family frailties such as heavy wrinkles, rosacea, and Bent Plot Disease. I've certainly scored myself at least two of those... I-I think. But—heh—when I was young, I was the belle of the ball! Just like Applejack! And just like you too—I bet—why with that crimson mane of yers all bright and flashy and... and... eh... eh-hehhh? Oh... hyeh-hyeh... of course..."

Granny could be heard clearing her throat. Her voice became hoarse as she whispered towards the kitchen.

"AJ! AJ, darlin'..."

"... ... ...?" Applejack turned from the sink. She placed the latest dish up, wiped her fetlocks on a dish towel, and trotted quietly into the living room.

When she approached, she found Apple Bloom draped against Granny Smith's side on the couch. Fast asleep.

"Looks like yer fine cooking met its mark." Granny Smith gave a wrinkled wink. She wrinked. "Perculatin' some nice dreams from her tummy. Heh..."

"It's alright, Granny," Applejack said in a hushed tone, leaning in. Granny helped drape Apple Bloom's slumbering figure over the mare's backside. "I'll take her upstairs to bed."

"What would I ever do without ya, AJ?"

"But seriously, though..." Applejack stood up, carrying Apple Bloom while she gave Granny a wry smirk. "Did ya really have to fill her lil' sweet head with all that silly romantic notion? She's just a filly..."

"Ohhhhhhhhh AJ..." Granny Smith flipped through the photo album with a coy grin. "You ain't too young for love."

"Hmmm... reckon not." Applejack fidgeted momentarily in place. "...or... or t-too old either... ya think?"

"Pffft. Ponyfeathers to that!"

Applejack blinked.

"I just dun ever see myself bein' comfortable with a stallion in my life," Granny said. "Got too much on my mind. Too many responsibilities. But still..." Her eyes lit up with warmth. "It's awful sweet of you to suggest, darlin'."

"Yes, well..." Applejack cleared her throat as she slowly began to trot away with Apple Bloom. Her smile dissipated beyond the light of the fireplace "...keep an open mind, Granny. You never know. You just might meet Prince Charmin' yet."

"If I somehow do, he'll have to be an expert on good fiber!"

Applejack ascended the stairs swiftly.

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