• Published 21st Oct 2016
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Appledashery Vol. Two - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash and Applejack have a long, joyous, arduous relationship.

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Get Slumped

"Htttt!" Applejack bucked another tree.

Apples fell into a basket. She collected it and shoved it into the back of her wagon.

Wiping the sweat from her brow, she turned to approach another line of orchards...

...when she realized that all the trees were bereft of fruit.

"... ... ..." Applejack stood in place, calmly looking left and right.

More and more lines of trees had been bucked clean. The progress made that day was undeniable. But Applejack didn't accomplish it alone.

In the distance, she could hear the grunts of her friend.

Her friend... who showed up randomly out of nowhere to ask for a basket of apples... then spontaneously decided to lend a hoof in grueling, muscle-aching work.

Applejack took a deep breath. She looked over her shoulder, making sure the coast was clear. Then—with liquid motion—she took her hat off and glanced at the feather contained within.

The thing was several weeks old. And yet—miraculously—it had maintained its shape and vibrant color. This was after many-many bouncing adventures atop Applejack's skull.

Applejack smiled... but the smile didn't last long. She realized then and there that the inebriated soul that the thing was plucked from and the mare currently helping her were more than two different ponies. They deserved to be respected separately as well.

Rainbow knew nothing about the feather or what it meant to Applejack. Still, that was no reason to punish the mare—even if the drunken soul was the reason for Applejack acquiring it to begin with.

The farm mare felt terribly lucky and terribly guilty all at once.

She needed a breather, but she wasn't alone.

So, taking a deep breath, she plopped the hat back on, lifted two baskets of apples on her flank, and trotted towards the distant hill. "Rainbow?" She called out. "Rainbowwwww? You there, sugarcube?”

“Uhm, yeah!” A scampy voice cracked over the grassy crest. "Totally, Applejack! I wouldn’t have ditched ya!”

Applejack blinked weirdly at that, but shrugged it off. "You over by the southwest orchards?”

“Uh huh! Just about to—”

“Good. Stay where you are. Reckon it’s time for a breather.”

The farm grew silent.

Applejack rounded the hill and found Rainbow Dash slumped on her haunches. The poor pegasus was likely dead pooped, but wasn't about to admit it. Applejack digested the knowledge with a sweaty smirk.

“Whew! Land’s sake, Rainbow Dash!" she let loose cheerfully. "Would you look at yerself?”

“What?!” Rainbow flinched. “Wh-what?! Nothing special about me!”

“You kidding? Of course there is!” Applejack winked. “Yer my gul-durn savior today!”

“I am?”

“Well…” Applejack pivoted about and pointed at the fields from which she came. “Take a look for yerself, darlin’!”

Rainbow Dash craned her neck, blinking at the fruitless trees. "Oh… Groovy.”

“‘Spiffy’ is more like it, hun.” Applejack placed her baskets down and took the opportunity to stretch her legs, crackling multiple joints. "Whew! Gracious! I don’t know how you do it, Rainbow! I’m plum tuckered out, and I only did about half the labor that you did!”

Applejack figured that some good, old-fashioned complimenting would liven Rainbow's spirits. She hadn't anticipated the awkward reaction she got.

“Oh, uhm…” Rainbow bit her lip and murmured in a Fluttershy-esque tone: “You know. Good ol’ fashion pegasus versatility, eheh.”

Applejack's brow furrowed. "Them’s too many syllables.” Casually, she took her hat off and fanned herself. "Especially for you—” She awoke to the moment, eyes bulging. Consarnit! She slapped the hat back on, sucking in her breath.

It was Rainbow's turn to look at her funny.

Applejack smiled nervously. She may be a respectable friend, but Applejack could no longer simply relax around her. Not like before.

And just like that, Applejack felt sad again.

"Ahem… Why don’tcha ditch the saddlebag, Rainbow. Take a load off.”

“Oh, don’t worry about me.” Rainbow Dash smiled slightly. “I’m tight.”

“Suit yerself," Applejack muttered. She turned around three times before slumping down in the grass. "I’m takin’ a bit of a breather. I suggest you join me."

“Right…” Rainbow nodded, muttering something else under her breath.

Applejack didn't listen. She didn't particularly care at the moment. She simply sat and stared out at the western fields, delighting in the coolness of the afternoon combined with the bright glint of leftover sunlight on the grass and leaves stretched out before her.

Filthy Rich had drawn out of a lifelong deal, and the farm was in trouble. That was all true.

But right now, in the company of friends, with the buzzing ache of a long day's work tingling in her extremities...

...Applejack felt at ease. She didn't think she would again.

The sweaty breaths came evenly, and she couldn't help but smile.

She looked aside.

Rainbow Dash didn't look nearly as happy. In fact, she sat several feet away from the farm mare

“What’s the matter, sugarcube?” Applejack glanced back down the hill, her voice instantly switching into "big sister mode." She murmured, "Afraid of catchin’ somethin’?”

“Huh? What? No!" Rainbow's cheeks puffed up like a stubborn toddler's. "No no no no no… eheheh… I worked up a total sweat just now, y’know? Murdering all those trees? Pffft…” She waved a hoof between them. “Don’t want you gettin’ downwind of pegasus funk, gurl.”

“Heh…” Applejack’s lips curved. Rainbow Dash was just being Rainbow Dash. It was a welcome relief. “Are ya kiddin’? I smell like sawdust and farm sweat all the gosh dang time.”

“I knowwwww…”

Applejack blinked. She looked curiously at Rainbow.

The petite pegasus was stifling a casual yawn. "I-I mean… I know. Whatever.” She leaned forward, avoiding Applejack's gaze. Her voice took on the same emotionless tone as the hardened lines in her muzzle. “Don’t feel like you gotta boast about it to everypony. Not like we’re in some… friggin’ sweating competition.”

Applejack's ears drooped. She tried not to take Rainbow's words too close to heart—after all what happened back at the Gala weekend was simply a chaotic incident of happenstance. But—perhaps it was the tiniest flutter of the feather against her scalp—she couldn't help but feel like she had lost something she wasn't aware of. After all, Rainbow Dash was very busy these days with multiple jobs. There was no telling what her life was being encumbered by. Despite her own troubles, Applejack felt like a bad friend.

She realized that she needed to respond to Rainbow Dash, if only for the sake of responding.

“No, I reckon not," she muttered, literally forgetting what they were even talking about.

“Uh uh.” It would seem—for the moment—that Rainbow Dash had as well.

Applejack clenched her jaw tight. It was still bright out with a rosy sky overhead, and yet Applejack felt like she was back to the dull, dim nights of lying restlessly awake in her bed. Nights before the feather.

She avoided the sight of Rainbow Dash... the sky... and everything.

Awkward silence reigned.

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