• Published 21st Oct 2016
  • 4,724 Views, 2,083 Comments

Appledashery Vol. Two - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash and Applejack have a long, joyous, arduous relationship.

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Two days later...

"Rarity!" Applejack exclaimed. Her hooves and wagon wheels moved faster across the heart of Ponyville. "Howdy! Whatcha doin' on a day like today?"

"Hmmm?" Rarity looked up in mid-step. Even when the mare paused in the midst of something so mundane as crossing the town street, she somehow made it look dainty and graceful. "Oh!" her voice lilted as she glanced at her saddlebags. "Well, I still have several patches of silk to hoof-sow together for a client of mine. I figured I would do so with a change in scenery." She smiled. "Not to mention a refreshment or two."

"Do I smell Sugarcube Corner?"

"Why, yes, Applejack." Rarity winked in the bright afternoon air. "Why, yes you do."

"I bet Pinkie Pie must be bakin' up something scrumptious."

"Hmmm... yes..." Rarity squinted at Applejack, fighting a curious smile. "I suspect she would be."

Applejack blinked back. "What's the matter?"

"Hmmm? Nothing!"

"Yer lookin' at me awful funny."

"Well, I just can't help it, Applejack. You're..." Rarity's muzzle scrunched delicately as she searched for words. "...alarmingly cheerful this afternoon."

"I am???" It was Applejack's turn to scrunch her muzzle. "So? What the hay's wrong with that?"

"N-nothing!" Rarity remarked, chuckling breathily. "My my... it's so odd seeing you act so expressive. I find it quite refreshing!"

Applejack settled back against the weight of the wagon she was hitched to. "Well... don't I have reasons to be all chipper-like? We done just come back from the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot, after all."

"You are referring—of course—to the disastorous event that left us all stumbling after our broken dreams?"

"Errrrr..." Applejack gulped. "Yeah, but... we had lots of fun after the Gala!"

Rarity stared.

Applejack sweated. "...didn't we?"

"Well, the rest of us girls certainly did. You—on the other hoof—spent a day with Rainbow Dash and the following morning recovering from... whatever spirits you both drowned in."

Applejack was starting to squirm.

"But!" Rarity was smiling once more. "I must not be giving your memory enough due credit! You undoubtedly recall the joyous conversations we had at the following dinner!"

"I... er..." Applejack tilted the brim of her hat. "Reckon I remember the 'joyous' part."

"Splendid! Maybe we can chat about it over a cup of coffee at Sugarcube Corner!"

"I think that would be a mighty fine idea..." Applejack glanced at her saddlebag. "Unless... I-I dun wanna interrupt your work."

"Oh, don't be silly, darling," Rarity said, waving a hoof. "The sole purpose of this visit is to help my mind relax. I find it best when I'm doing other things while hoof-sewing."

"Uh huh."

"After all, Twilight and Fluttershy are going to be there. I promised that I would meet them. Having you along would be a hearty bonus!"

"Well, shucks. That sounds awfully nice." Applejack breathed warmly, calming down. "I could sure use the company of my bestest gal-pals."

"Is that so?" Rarity smiled. "Well, you may be happy to know that Rainbow Dash has been flying around. Somehow, I suspect she might be dropping by—" Rarity did a double-take as Applejack blurrrred past her with the wagon wheel. "...too?"

"What are ya waitin' for, Rarity?!" Applejack hollered back as she practically stampeded towards the bakery across town with her wagon picking up dust. "Time's a-waistin'!"

Rarity coughed as the dust flew in her face. "I don't suppose it would be rude of me to ask for a ride in that thing while you gallop off like an orange comet?!" There was no response. Rarity shook her head and shuffled after her friend with an amused smile.

"Hey Rarity! Hey AJ!" Pinkie Pie leaned over the front counter of Sugarcube Corner, smiling brightly. "What'll it be?"

"Tear. Earl grey." Rarity smiled, raising a hoof. "Tepid."

"Oki doki loki!" Pinkie scribbled the order down. "And what about you, AJ?"

"Errrr..." Applejack stood, panting, sweating. Her eyes darted continuously towards the front entrance of the bakery. "Whatever she said. Teaming Eels. Turgid."

"Uhhhhhhh..." Pinkie arched an eyebrow. "You sure you want lukewarm tea? You look like you've been inside the toaster! I've got refreshing lemonade!"

"Oh! Sure!" Applejack smiled, tilting her hat blindly. "Whatever ya say, Ponky!"

"Heehee! 'Ponky'! I gotta use that someday!" Pinkie scribbled down the order. "I'll be sure to make it ice cold for my favoooooooooorite work horse!"

"Yuh huh." Applejack looked at the door. "Consarn it... Reckon we got here too fast."

"I'd say." Rarity fanned herself with some silk... then Applejack. "We beat Twilight and Fluttershy by ten minutes at least. Applejack, don't you ever know how to relax calmly?"

"Huh? What? Who?"

Rarity sighed. "My point exactly..."

Just then, the door rang. A shade of blue entered the room, followed by colors.

Applejack's eyes twitched. She stood up straight. "Why, howdy, Rainbow!" She waved. "Yer lookin' bright-eyed and... uh... bushy?"

"Hi Rarity. Hi AJ." Rainbow Dash fluttered briskly past them. "Hey Rainbow. Got some of that Ponyade?"

"You betcha!"

Rainbow slapped a coin down. "I'll take two bottles."

"OooOOooOooh! Extra cloud kicking today?"

"Yeah. Sure. Whatever." Rainbow took two bottles from the freezer, uncapped one, and sipped as she flew towards a table. "Got a window seat! Time to chillax."

"Oooh! Splendid choice, Rainbow!" Rarity trotted happily after her. "Wait until you see the silk that I'm working on for a customer!"


"... ... ..." Applejack stared in Rainbow's direction. Not once did the two mares make eye contact. She swallowed a lump down her throat. "Say, Pinkie...?"

"Yeah, AJ?"

"... ... ...better make my lemonade servin' extra tall..."

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