This story is a sequel to Trials of Harmony and Insanity
Danny was on his way back to Equestria after some talk from the griffin empire, only to have his ship shot down by the Equestrian Empire. Feeling betrayed; Mephiles tells him that Celestia used a mind control spell on Charming to issue the order. Filled with anger and betrayal; Danny pays the ultimate price and now; his lust for vengeance begins with a master plan they could doom Equestria and step 1 is the NLR. Can Equestria survive the dark plot of an evil twisted master plan hatched from the Dark Lord and his newest minion?
Cyber Alliance? Great. Something for me to fight against.
6814463 Sorry about that, I like the story. Anything that will be a threat to equestria will be my target.
While it may not seem like it; Cyber and Eclipse confirmed that their primary target is Celestia herself. The Cyber Alliance has no quarrel to anyone else but that doesn't mean they won't fight back against other nations that attempt to stop them from conquering the world.
6814527 Ok then. If Cyber and Eclipse confirmed that their primary target is Celestia herself, then Cyber and Eclipse are my enemies.
6814533 Yeah... good luck against Cyber. Not even the Alicorn Goddess (Who is the most powerful being in all world's existence) could not stop him and he wasn't even upgraded at the time. So you can already guess that Cyber is already surpasses the level of the god. If I had to rate his power level of a super form from Sonic; I would rate him even stronger than both Hyper Shadic and Hyper Perfect Nazo.
6814553 Please, I won't underestimate any enemy even Cyber. Every enemy has a weakness.
6814563 Well; Cyber has 1 known weakness and two hidden weaknesses that are related to his ghost side. The one known weakness is that he is weak against EMPs, Electricity attacks, etc. for being mostly robot. But that Cyber Metal plus the boost from Dark Energon makes EMP attacks useless against him and gave him a powerful resistance to Lightning based attacks.
6814570 Hmm. Interesting. Please, tell me more.
6814573 There is not much to tell. We all know that Cyber is the Champion of Unicron the Destroyer, Guardian of the Dark Side, etc. Everything about Danny and Cyber is classified and Charming lost his only source of information of them.
6814581 Hmm. Ok.
6814583 Speaking of Sonicdash123; his progress on his next Equestria Wars is currently in progress. I won't give out spoilers but I will just tell you that it is currently under work.
6814594 Ok.
Not bad. Not bad at all. I doubt the I will be facing those droids again and this time, I won't underestimate them.
Light Side or Dark Side
Nice chapter, it is cool that Rainbow and Danny aka Cyber Eclipse together again.
You're welcome, but I got a question for you.
If Rainbow and Danny going to have foals?.
Probably. I think they have a son already but I'm completely sure. It's been... how many years since I actually looked back into my Phantom War Project?
It has been two year since you wrote your lasted Phantom War story.
That it has. I've been very busy on both Fanfiction and real life.
I see what you mean.
I am here to ask you about regard the Rise of the Darkness [DS-False Ending] - Phantom War VIII Return of the NLR and Mephiles' Alliance
I can see that Pinkie is the only mane six that refused to accepted the change, cause her to joined Equestrian Rebels, I can tell that she was not happy about that, if you know what I mean.
Sunset, at first refused for to accept the dark ways again for awhile, but eventually fall prey to its teachings, Starlight, on the other hooves, still continue refused, so they had to put her under watch 24/7.
I am wonder about how Twilight did react about her husband, Charming had cybernetic implants for himself?.
Well, that is not my fate to continue on the story on the Dark Side Ending. That is up to Sonicdash123. If you wish a sequel on the Dark Side Ending, go to him. I've put my foot (or hoof, whichever you prefer) down on continuing this series; the Phantom War. As for her reaction, I wouldn't know. Perhaps Sonicdash123 can provide you with one.
Okay, you made your point.
I'm sorry? Did I sound like I hate discussing the subject? Because if I did, I'm sorry but I wasn't speaking like that.
No, that is not what I meant.
What I meant is I agreed with you.
Oh, ok.
But what about Super Sonic Blue or Ultra Instinct Sonic? Sonic would be more powerful than Cyber.
Three years (maybe more) since I worked on my Phantom War project.
Ok. But from what I heard about Super Sonic Blue and Ultra Sonic they more powerful than anything Sonic ever had in his life. Ultra Instinct is a power that far exceeds anything I ever seen! Sonic would easily beat Cyber with no problem. Also I'm sure Sonic would like to pay Mephiles back for killing him in Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 and use Chaos Control to wipe him clean from existence. I can see him begging Ultra Sonic to spare him, but Sonic doesn't agree to the terms and unleashes Chaos Control to blow him away for good.
True, but Super Sonic Blue or Ultra Instinct Sonic were probably not around or I never bothered to look for that back when I made this story. Either way, I've just about retired the Phantom War and only help Sonicdash123 (or Charming Thunder, whoever you want to call him) making his Equestria Wars.
Ok. But think you can help with a few of my stories especially a Sonic Force X MLP Movie crossover that has Super Sonic Blue featured in it I'm working on.
Alright, I can try to look at it. I'm also trying to make a Displaced story but don't know which characters to use. I also plan to use Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. There is a project that me and Sonicdash123 are working on and doing once his finale of Equestria Wars is finished (I think it is finale).
Really! I'm doing a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon story too! What a coincidence!
Yeah, I noticed. I was always a fan of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. I just don't know what Pokémon to use. I want to use Zorua and Vulpix, maybe some more but I can't think of them at the moment.
What about the new gen 8 starter Pokemon once more Gen 8 Pokemon are revealed.
Well, I want more options than just grass, fire, and water. All teams usually have 2 members at minimal, 4 at maximal. If I need to do 4 then I will but I want to more than just single types. But I will see what the gen 8 starter Pokémon have to offer.
Ok. The other starter Pokemon are an option too.
Ok, here is what I'm thinking of doing for the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon team.
What do you think of the team members?
Yeah! I like it! Nice idea of yours in putting the new starter water type Pokémon from Sword and Shield.
Thank you, but the story will have to wait until Sobble's information (moves, abilities, etc.) actually appears. Now comes the gender part of the characters. I don't know if I want the team to be an even split of gender (2 Males, 2 Females) or have 3 Females and 1 Male (the male would probably be the Zorua).
I go with 3 males and one 1 female which will be Fennekin. The other three will be males. Will it be a crossover with MLP?
Yeah, I'm calling the title "Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Equestria". I loved Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky as a kid so I wanted to make something similar in title to it. Also, why 3 boys and 1 girl?
Well that or 2 boys and 2 girls. Equal team. Also I have Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky too.
I'm actually thinking of added two more members. Make the team like the Mane 6 and Young 6.
What type of Equestria should this be? Like a normal pony equestria or Anthro Equestria? Also, should the team be able to evolve or remain in their default form?
Cool! Adding Pokémon's most famous moscot of all time! Pikachu!
So here is the Pokémon team.
What do you think?
I like it!
Alright, now comes the tricky parts. Should I limit the Pokémon with four moves (like All Pokémon games or movies) or should I allow them complete access to all of their moves?