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Yes I approve the use of historic vehicles like the P 51 or the hellcat even 109's they are still better than modern vehicles
Shining, you just pushed the wrong buttons!
Also, WW2 vehicles? Bucking sweet!
Your Tenno keeps losing his cool, kinda goes against the whole elite warrior niche.
6767165 Lets see, fought in a war, 1000 years old, lost his planet, and Shining thinks he's out for blood, id be pissed too to be honest. Excalibur is human, his only job is to protect people, by any means necessary. He has a war going on in his galaxy and yet here he is trapped on an unknown planet. I mean what would you do? and how would you react?
6767223 I dunno, ask me in another 978 years, but at that age I'd like to think that I didn't care much about the thoughts and words of an ignorant stranger.
Awesome story. Why are you using German planes though? Everything else was American or English
6771969 The Jagpanthers are German heavy class tank destroyers and the T-72 is a Russian heavy tank. The whole point is that its a rag tag group of resistance fighters that took what ever they could find. I wanted to add in a King Tiger heavy German tank but I couldn't find a place to put It in. I'm a WWII buff I wanted the best vehicles to be used, and the tanks and planes, (except the T-72), are the best vehicles of that era
6772358 what about the b17 (didn't see one but might be wrong) the best precision bombers of wwii
6772806 Well I could try to add that, but the planes were doing an escort mission not a bombing/ strafing run, they were to protect the civilian shuttles. ill explain what the Guardian and Trinity are in a little while.
6772358 th sherman was by far not one of the you needed like 50 shermans if not more for just 3 tiger 1 and 50 t-34 were not even abl to stop a single tiger
6877133 necro, sorry
t-34s had german tanks way outgunned, even when germans got tanks with better cannons and armor, russians put a 85mm cannon on a t-34 body and it worked just as good as before.
american tanks were shit all the way through ww2 tho
hmmm, I did overlook the rather faulty explanation of gravity in the previous chapter (it's not a big issue after all) or the fact that Equestria has balloons and dirigibles (and hot air balloon, visible in the FiM generic every episode), so I doubt flying above Canterlot would have been that special (again, not a real issue because flying in a... Liset/Orbiter has to be exotic, and spacefaring has to be jawdropping).
I'm however finding it really hard to get my mind around tanks; and planes. Rhyno alone could probably out-tank a bunker. And Archwings are leagues better over just about any craft, their abilities clearly contain abilities for both dogfighting and ground target/ space Fomorian target takedown.
I can't see the advantage in using old WW2 gear. Besides, if you want to keep a WW2 tank alive in a battle, just ask Mag to overshield it, or Volt... or Frost... or Zephyr with extended range... They could probably outDPS a tank too, they can shoot arrows through a few meters of concrete after all!
Sorry of I sound like ranting, but, I'd really love an explanation there...
I want to know is how your headcanon came to the conclusion that the warframes are just armored people with special abilities when everything in the game alluded to them being puppet bodies that your consciousness transferred between even before the release of second dream which confirmed it? That's the reason you're refered to as operator and by others as not being human as your warframe. Though even the real human body controlling it from afar isn't considered human.
7566734 Only ten weeks late. When I started playing the idea of operators would have been a joke. They game resembled Halo for the longest time. Than things progressed. Yadda yadda yadda, by the time Ordis came around and started with the whole operator thing we just assumed he meant operator of the ship. Codex entries for the prime frames were fragmented and full of holes. Even though all these things hinted at the fact that the Warframes were puppets, no one ever expected that that is what they were. Everything exploded when the Second Dream happened. No amount of data-mining could have lead to that. So the fandom was more or less forced to fill in the holes based off of what we knew and the 'previous' game Dark Sector until they were filled in.
did you ever do that?
Aside from Chroma? You know, since Chroma has a miniature dragon.
Congratulations. You showed that you, Shining Armor (in this fic), believe that standing around doing nothing all day in fancy clothes is on par with someone fighting to save his entire species from extinction. Which makes you look completely unable to view other beings as actual people and more arrogant than Blueblood.
Oh, and yep, we humans will fight even with sharp rocks if we must! We NEVER GIVE UP!
Still, changing to using low-tech against the Sentients is rather a bad idea when they've already adopted your previous super-tech. They're not going to dumb themselves down.
You write this before the second dream came out?
Because the tenno do not pilot the framed from within them
Written long before the second dream was an idea. It was thought that the tenno were people in suits, which was supported by DE's Steve in an interveiw, when he explained how the were super suits, and the game Dark Sector is a bit ot a prequel to Warframe. Hayden Tenno is a man in a suit in that game.
Now that the War Within and The Second Dream have come out, along with everything in between, the majority of this chapter is both noncanon and hard to read, knowing now what we do. For some points however, the idea of the Orokin using WW2 tanks against the Sentients is brilliant, considering they themselves stated "...machinery and power too primitive to adapt against." While there's a lot in these early chapters that warrants a rewrite, this chapter here is easily the biggest reason.
By a technicality, the entire story needs to be rewritten if I were to stay to Warframes canon. But that is to much work for me to do on top of finishing this story, hence why I added an Alternate Universe tag and just left it at that.
Frankly, I like this a lot. Early Warframe lore + filling in the blanks with reasonably made assumptions about the nature of things.
It really was a necessity. What some people either don't realise or forget is that at the time I starting writing this, all the lore that's in the game now, was not there 4 years ago.
While hard to read knowing that this isn’t Warframe cannon, it’s quite the interesting insight on how may people thought of Warframe before the second dream.
This make me want chroma more but the damn boss won't give the the peice I need lol
Question does rhino at least survive