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ah u 18
that was awesome so your gonna do the second dream here or 
6698935 Probably not, the ending to second dream was such a surprise it would literally throw everything out of proportion here. I'm just going to keep this as is, in a few later chapters we'll learn more about who Excalibur is. But we might see a shadow in the future, watch the shadows Excalibur, you never know who or what may be hiding in them.
6699012 shadow? is it the stalker
or something like lotus father 
6699689 That's a good question, but there is a darkness looming in the frozen north of Equestria, I don't want to spoil to much, but a darkness is looming on two fronts.
And by the way... what stalker?
you never been mark yet or seen a stalker before?
6700241 This Red snake is level 20, almost 21, I just need war to complete my stalker weapon set.
(P.S. the stalker technically doesn't exist that's why I said what stalker? and gave the wink
6700281 oh
Lotus sings to you Tenno.......
This is enjoyably awesome, i mean, i love MLP and for the most part i love warframe, best of both worlds.
while there is no luna emoticon yet, have a moustache
6710180 well thank you, I mean I'm not the best writer but the attention my "little" story is getting is pretty nice
6700281 dude I've been attacked by the stalker in warframe he's brutal if ur not playing it safe he can one shot you with any hit from his gear and he dose exist
6746856 Bah, he's a pansy now, to me he's the new Second Dream stalker with his new weapons and armour, but I just sprayed his ass with my Soma Prime using my Rhino Prime and he went down fast.
I know right?!?! where's the Luna?!?!
How about Dalai Llama
You made the dalai lama an actual lama??
There's an old saying for stories, some tip for writers, a great thing for storytellers of all stripes, what was it... Oh yeah.
Show, don't tell. You've essentially said this happens, then this, and there's a bunch of times with nothing but dialogue, but here, you said "object" with no description. I know it's a Kuria, and you described it and showed a picture of it in the first chapter, but you just said "object," like we all know what you're talking about. You know what else is an object? Excalibur, the Dread, Storm (living beings are objects), the Lex Prime, ferrite, plastids, infested, Corpus, Grineer, other Tenno, Cephelons, the syndicates, the fucking planets, those are all objects. For all we could know, they could be talking about the sphere used for summoning specters or a map of the entire solar system. Describe it or give it a name and use it, but only use the name when someone there knows what it is, meaning that here, a description is necessary.
The dialogue lacks depth and is barely engaging, it's essentially just small things you're using for no real purpose. Also, dialogue for the Kubrow? Are you serious? Say that Storm barked twice, it sounds less inane. Say that she whimpered, but don't say "whimper whimper" or "bark bark," it just doesn't sound right.
This story of yours is one of the better Warframe-MLP fanfictions I've started reading. Urimas Ebonheart's story is probably the best of the non-cancelled multi-chapter Warframe stories I've read. I tend to try to point out errs when I feel like it, meaning most of the time.
Best part about this chapter is the quote, purely because knowing the mlp universe, there's someone actually named Dalai Llama
And they're probably an actual Llama.
If you really think about it, the most likely area Equis is in is the Void. Void energy seems to be able to do things like teleport, burns or freeze things, electrocute things, alter and even create matter, all sorts of stuff. Depends on what the wielder bothers learning to do.
"Dalai the lama"
I love it.