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I'm liking this story so far! Keep it up!
6720466 they are crazy powerful and deadly and prime is like being a demi god being prime Excalibur for Rhino our gods
Just found this like 30 minutes ago. Already done
moar plez bby 
6721071 Thanks guys, one last question, this is the first time I've heard of this game, what exactly is it? (I'm still new to this stuff)
6721076 it's a third person adventure role play game they can be found on the PC and the Xbox free on xbox 1 if you ever do look up to the game or if you ever intend to play it I'm more than happy to show you how to play in kick some ass on it you can eat my gamertag to reply
6721648 Unfortunately that's not happening, as I don't have a Xbox of any kind
Is he going to retrieve his weapons? Or does he not care anymore?
It's on PC as well.
6721667 It's also on PS4 and PC as well...
Well, there's also the Corpus, and the Infested, and the syndicates, and also the few fighters among the colonists.
Should it really be yoou? I'm fairly certain that it's you.
They meant fighting the grennier for the people.
Also infested kill everyone so they dont count
There is also the Sentients themselves. Might be trying to wipe out all humans but supposedly it's because they feel as if mankind consumes or destroys everything it touches so they view killing us off as some sort of crusade to protect the universe.
I really hope the inaros rework in the upcoming Dante Unleashed update in March implies that we'll be getting inaros prime in prime resurgence, he's so goddamn beautiful
I know it's not excruciatingly obvious, especially back when this story was written, but the landing craft and orbiter are very much different things. Your base of operations cannot fit inside the liset let alone any of the other landing craft. In fact I don't think the landing craft have any walkable interior at all, I imagine it's just a vaguely padded compartment with some storage and whatever in between all of the necessary machinery.
If you ever have the fortune of gathering all the 'Orbiter' cephalon fragments or the resolve to play up to and through The New War, you can see the exterior of the orbiter. Although neither is a complete look, the cephalon fragments are just a concept art image at a three quarters view. And in the new war your temporary base of operations is an abandoned orbiter mostly submerged in the ground with the front glass blown out.