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Wow, that happened...
Are you going to integrate the lore given to us by the Second dream quest at all?
6790650 Well I may add Hunhow, but for the people who have done the quest like me know full well that by now, that my story and the ending of that quest are completely different. Since I started this before the quest came out I had never planned on adding it because I didn't know. and since it blew everything I thought out of the water, I'm just going to stick with my original idea which is this. Excalibur is a man in a suit, and I'm twisting the lore just a little bit, since it is full of holes in Warframe.
The mare called Winter Brezze has the same description as mine in my story, the only difference is the name. I need to change it when I can.
Plus I wrote the discription before I started reading this story.
it would be nice if Winter Brezze came back in a later chapter
It's donned, not dawned. If it dawned on someone, they have realized something. To don is to put on.
It's off, not of.
Oh wow. A cliche rape scene. No doubt the mare is going to fall in love with him. LIKE THEY ALWAYS DO!
I like Excal's personality. I'm not entirely sure why.