Just a skinny white guy from Montana, I think ponies and guns are the best inventions in life.
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dang no more Excalibur prime being sold but all and all good fic
ah u 18 that was awesome so your gonna do the second dream here or
6698935 Probably not, the ending to second dream was such a surprise it would literally throw everything out of proportion here. I'm just going to keep this as is, in a few later chapters we'll learn more about who Excalibur is. But we might see a shadow in the future, watch the shadows Excalibur, you never know who or what may be hiding in them.
6699012 shadow? is it the stalker or something like lotus father
6699689 That's a good question, but there is a darkness looming in the frozen north of Equestria, I don't want to spoil to much, but a darkness is looming on two fronts.
And by the way... what stalker?
6699779 you never been mark yet or seen a stalker before?
6700241 This Red snake is level 20, almost 21, I just need war to complete my stalker weapon set.
(P.S. the stalker technically doesn't exist that's why I said what stalker? and gave the wink )
6700281 oh gotcha
Lotus sings to you Tenno.......
This is enjoyably awesome, i mean, i love MLP and for the most part i love warframe, best of both worlds.
while there is no luna emoticon yet, have a moustache
6710180 well thank you, I mean I'm not the best writer but the attention my "little" story is getting is pretty nice
You have my attention.....
Blasted changelings! At least Excalibur was there, or things would have gotten worse!
Just how powerful are Primes in Warframe?
I'm liking this story so far! Keep it up!
6720466 they are crazy powerful and deadly and prime is like being a demi god being prime Excalibur for Rhino our gods
Just found this like 30 minutes ago. Already donemoar plez bby
6720466 pretty good on how many mods u can give them
6721071 Thanks guys, one last question, this is the first time I've heard of this game, what exactly is it? (I'm still new to this stuff)
6721076 it's a third person adventure role play game they can be found on the PC and the Xbox free on xbox 1 if you ever do look up to the game or if you ever intend to play it I'm more than happy to show you how to play in kick some ass on it you can eat my gamertag to reply
6721648 Unfortunately that's not happening, as I don't have a Xbox of any kind
This...I like this...make more
6700281 dude I've been attacked by the stalker in warframe he's brutal if ur not playing it safe he can one shot you with any hit from his gear and he dose exist
6746856 I know I've been killed by him plenty of times and I've beaten him plenty of times read some of my later comments on the subject, when the stalker first came out he "technically didn't exist" I'm more worried about the g3 than I am of him, I can one shot him the g3 not so much
6721071 not only that they also have better stats then there non prime formes power wise and ability damage rate how do I no I play the game on xbox
6746912 talking about grustag three I've beat them once after I died by them in killed them after u die by them they will give u a virus on ur warframe get rid of it fast doh
Keep on going las
6748667 I've killed every hunter killer boss and have collected every part for every one of their weapons, except the war and broken war haven't gotten shadow stalker to drop those yet, which sucked and sucks. I've only lost to the g3 twice and that was when I didn't know who or what they were and that was a long time ago.
Yes I approve the use of historic vehicles like the P 51 or the hellcat even 109's they are still better than modern vehicles
Shining, you just pushed the wrong buttons!
Also, WW2 vehicles? Bucking sweet!
Your Tenno keeps losing his cool, kinda goes against the whole elite warrior niche.
6767165 Lets see, fought in a war, 1000 years old, lost his planet, and Shining thinks he's out for blood, id be pissed too to be honest. Excalibur is human, his only job is to protect people, by any means necessary. He has a war going on in his galaxy and yet here he is trapped on an unknown planet. I mean what would you do? and how would you react?
6767223 I dunno, ask me in another 978 years, but at that age I'd like to think that I didn't care much about the thoughts and words of an ignorant stranger.
6749146 the broken war u get after u beat mission the second dream
6769172 Well I do have that one, but I need another one in order to make the war and keep the broken war
Awesome story. Why are you using German planes though? Everything else was American or English
6771969 The Jagpanthers are German heavy class tank destroyers and the T-72 is a Russian heavy tank. The whole point is that its a rag tag group of resistance fighters that took what ever they could find. I wanted to add in a King Tiger heavy German tank but I couldn't find a place to put It in. I'm a WWII buff I wanted the best vehicles to be used, and the tanks and planes, (except the T-72), are the best vehicles of that era
6772358 what about the b17 (didn't see one but might be wrong) the best precision bombers of wwii
6772806 Well I could try to add that, but the planes were doing an escort mission not a bombing/ strafing run, they were to protect the civilian shuttles. ill explain what the Guardian and Trinity are in a little while.
you catched me
Wow, that happened...
Are you going to integrate the lore given to us by the Second dream quest at all?
6790650 Well I may add Hunhow, but for the people who have done the quest like me know full well that by now, that my story and the ending of that quest are completely different. Since I started this before the quest came out I had never planned on adding it because I didn't know. and since it blew everything I thought out of the water, I'm just going to stick with my original idea which is this. Excalibur is a man in a suit, and I'm twisting the lore just a little bit, since it is full of holes in Warframe.
not sure how you got this typo since the a and the i are no where near each other on the keyboard but it's here somehow
6815096 I have no idea how I missed that.
Cant wait for the next chapters
Oh... no... no. no, no, no, nonononononononononoNONONONONONONONONO! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!
I'm caught up...