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This...I like this...make more
6746856 I know I've been killed by him plenty of times and I've beaten him plenty of times read some of my later comments on the subject, when the stalker first came out he "technically didn't exist" I'm more worried about the g3 than I am of him, I can one shot him the g3 not so much
6746912 talking about grustag three I've beat them once after I died by them in killed them after u die by them they will give u a virus on ur warframe get rid of it fast doh
Keep on going las
6748667 I've killed every hunter killer boss and have collected every part for every one of their weapons, except the war and broken war haven't gotten shadow stalker to drop those yet, which sucked and sucks. I've only lost to the g3 twice and that was when I didn't know who or what they were and that was a long time ago.
6749146 the broken war u get after u beat mission the second dream
6769172 Well I do have that one, but I need another one in order to make the war and keep the broken war
pls keep this up!
Small correction: the atmosphere, assuming Equestria's atmosphere is similar to Earth's, it only reaches between 30 000 to 50 000 ft up, not 33 000 000 ft.
...This is crappy... All the little niggling things that only I likely gripe about are getting to me... And yet I can't stop reading, damn it! ...Curse you, sir. Curse you.
7056861 You aren't the only one,
But hell, I'll keep reading this story because it's an interesting concept.
Well, he's actually a super space ninja with powerful weapons and void-granted abilities, but whatever.
*Looks at the space core*
*teleports out*
There is not enough Space Core references In the comments.
*Space Core comes from no where.*
*looks at Space Core.*
You forgot the Pirate part.
What? What do you mean? The Tenno aren't pirates. The only "pirate" Warframe/Tenno would be Hydroid. Did you think I was saying a bunch of cool sounding terms that don't apply to the Tenno? Because they are space ninjas, and their abilities were literally granted by the Void, or at least partially due to the Void.
if you had to call them something they would be space ninjas ( i think )
But now we have our own personal ships that can have our own crew so that we can board other ships and kill their crews and steal their loot.
Warframe: Space Ninja Pirates.