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Just how powerful are Primes in Warframe?
6720466 pretty good on how many mods u can give them
6721071 not only that they also have better stats then there non prime formes power wise and ability damage rate how do I no I play the game on xbox
Not technically true.
The Specters of the Rails update gave us Ordis' backstory. It's pure nightmare fuel.
I know you don't really follow all of the Warframe Lore, but I must still say: He's more of a who than a what.
Quite a fit for a warframe with practically no face features.
Well, its a man in a suit, and its written from his perspective. So yes, she cant see, but its how he reacted.
To quote from one of my favourite Christmas specials, "You don't believe because you only think with your head. So you have trouble believing in anything you can't see, or touch."
Uhhhhh? What?
I'm very confused right now.
One of many things that I should probably change. My earlier writtings are full of 'cringe' moments and confusion. It was supposed to be Excalibur waking up and panting.