• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 1,853 Views, 33 Comments

PinkieDash Roleplay - VitalSpark

Two MLP fans begin an RP that might change their lives.

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26 July
*SeraphFire is online.
*AlchemyGirl is online.
AlchemyGirl: so wanna RP?
SeraphFire: sure.
AlchemyGirl: so you wanna be?
SeraphFire: dunno.
AlchemyGirl: I'll be rainbow dash.
SeraphFire: I guess I'll be Pinkie.
AlchemyGirl: ooh! PinkieDash. ;)
SeraphFire: so you want it to be romance?
AlchemyGirl: unless that's too weird for u.
SeraphFire: nah, it's okay.
AlchemyGirl: no sex though.
SeraphFire: yeah, that would be weird. You're too young.
AlchemyGirl: I know.
SeraphFire: so, you want to start?
AlchemyGirl: no, you go.

Pinkie Pie was working in the bakery making cupcakes.

AlchemyGirl: Oooh! Cupcakes. ;)
SeraphFire: No. Just no.

The cupcakes were made of flour, sugar, eggs, butter, and nothing else. Nothing else.

Rainbow Dash trotted through Ponyville on the way to Sugarcube Corner. She was on the way to buy a cake for Scootaloo. It was Scootaloo's birthday tomorrow. She arrived and knocked on the door.

Pinkie looked up when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" she called. The shop was open after all.

Rainbow didn't know why she'd felt the need to knock. She walked in. "Hi, Pinkie, I need a cake for Scootaloo's birthday — and I need it fast!"

Pinkie looked around the shop. "I'm sorry, but all we have is cupcakes, and these ones aren't done baking yet."

Rainbow looked sad.

"I suppose we could bake a proper cake now," Pinkie suggested. "Would you like to help?"

"Sure!" Rainbow said, thinking that could be fun.

Pinkie got out another mixing bowl. "First we need 250g of flour."

Rainbow thought for a moment. "Is that about half a pound?"

"I can't think in pounds," Pinkie laughed.

Rainbow chuckled too. "I can't think in grams."

Pinkie got out the weighing scales. "You don't really need to think anyway — just measure."

Rainbow weighed out the flour and tipped it into the bowl.

Pinkie got out another bowl and cracked four eggs into it. "Can you whisk these?"

Rainbow could whisk an egg in ten seconds flat. Soon the eggs were mixed.

Pinkie had meanwhile measured out 250g of sugar and 250g of butter, and tipped them in with the eggs.

Rainbow wasn't sure what to do but kept mixing.

Pinkie watched her friend creaming together the ingredients. Once they'd reached the right consistency, she sifted the flour into the bowl too, and added a dash of baking powder.

Rainbow kept stirring until the flour was mixed in.

Pinkie got out two cake tins and divided the mixture between them. The oven was already hot from the cupcakes, so she put the tins in to bake. "What will we do while they're baking," she asked.

AlchemyGirl: ((Sorry gtg. Sleep. D:))
SeraphFire: ((curses! Time zones!))
AlchemyGirl: ikr? :D
AlchemyGirl: impressed with your baking knowledge
SeraphFire: ((thanks))
SeraphFire: ((goodnight. <3))
*AlchemyGirl is offline.

27 July
*AlchemyGirl is online.
SeraphFire: ((hiya))
AlchemyGirl: ((hi!))

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were waiting for the cakes to bake and trying to think of something to do. "So, what do you want to do?" Pinkie asked.

"I don't know," Rainbow said. "We could play a prank on Fluttershy."

"Oh, awesome idea," Pinkie replied. "Let's go!"

The two ponies hurried to Fluttershy's cottage. They didn't have that long before the cakes needed to come out of the oven, so they needed to be quick. "Okay, what should we do?" Rainbow asked.

"I thought you had an idea."

Rainbow shrugged. "Nope."

Pinkie thought for a moment. "Okay, so we could… we could trick her into thinking there's an injured animal but it's really you."

Rainbow shrugged. "I don't know. Sounds a bit mean, and not that funny."

SeraphFire: ;(
AlchemyGirl: ((aww… don't cry))
SeraphFire: :D

Rainbow thought again. "Actually, it sounds like an excellent plan. Let's do that."

Pinkie smiled. "Okay, you lie here and fake an injury."

Rainbow lay down and faked an injury.

Pinkie went to Fluttershy's front door and knocked. Fluttershy answered the door. "Quick, Fluttershy, there's an injured animal that really needs your help!" Rainbow told her.

Fluttershy asked, "what kind of animal is it?"

Pinkie pretended to think. "It has wings."

"Is it a bird?"

Pinkie chuckled. "Nope."

"A bat?"

Pinkie laughed. "Think bigger."

Fluttershy didn't understand what Pinkie thought was so funny. "A dragon?"

Pinkie and Fluttershy arrived where Rainbow Dash was lying.

Fluttershy leaned over the crumpled pegasus. "Wait… is that…?" At that moment, Rainbow Dash sat bolt upright and planted a big kiss on Fluttershy's muzzle before bursting out laughing. Fluttershy blushed.

Pinkie had expected to be rolling on the floor laughing. She hadn't expected that kiss. She looked at Rainbow and Fluttershy and felt a little jealous, but she didn't know why. She remembered the cakes back in the oven. "Oh no! The cakes are going to burn! We need to get back! Bye, Fluttershy!"

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie headed back to Sugarcube Corner as quickly as they could. They arrived just in time to hear the timer on the oven go "ping!"

Pinkie put on her oven gloves and took out the cakes, putting them on a little rack to cool.

"Should we decorate them now?" Rainbow asked.

"No," Pinkie said, "we need to wait for them to cool down first."

They waited for them to cool down. "Is now okay?" Rainbow asked.

Pinkie laughed. "I suppose now we've waited for them to cool down, it's okay to decorate them." She got out some icing sugar, food colourings and pieces of candy.

"I want this cake to look awesome!" Rainbow said. The cake was for her adopted little sister, after all.

"Since when are my cakes ever not perfect?" Pinkie asked. She started mixing some icing sugar with a little water in a bowl, and the mixture congealed into icing. She added two drops of red food colouring and three of yellow, and the icing turned a bright orange. She passed the bowl to Rainbow Dash and started mixing another batch.

Rainbow spread icing onto one of the cakes, then put the other cake on top like a sandwich. "I'm doing this right, right?"

Pinkie nodded and added three drops of red and four of blue to her second batch of icing, turning it a rich purple.

Rainbow spread more of the orange icing on top of the cake and then made patterns with the purple icing.

Pinkie admired Rainbow's work. For somepony who had never baked before, she was doing a good job. "Great work, Rainbow Dash!" she said.

SeraphFire: ((okay. Gotta go to work. Bye.))
SeraphFire: ((and thanks for being fluttershy.))
AlchemyGirl: ((bye.))
AlchemyGirl: ((np))

31 July
*SeraphFire is online.
*AlchemyGirl is online.
SeraphFire: ((ok to continue?))
AlchemyGirl: is it my turn
SeraphFire: ((yep))
AlchemyGirl: lemme check where we were up to

Rainbow looked at the time. "Oh no! The party's going to start soon!"

Pinkie was disappointed. She's really enjoyed her morning with Rainbow. She didn't know what she'd do when she had gone.

"Do you want to come with me?" Rainbow asked.

Pinkie shook her head. "But Scootaloo didn't invite me."

"You didn't plan the party?"

SeraphFire: ((didn't think of that. :P))

"No, for some reason I didn't," Pinkie answered.

Rainbow wrapped a hoof around Pinkie's neck. "Well, then you can be my date!"

"Date?!" Pinkie gasped.

Rainbow coughed. "You know… just as friends." She took her hoof back and started shuffling it against the ground a little nervously.

"Of course… of course… friends" Pinkie said, blushing. She knew she was bein silly to have hoped for anything more.

Rainbow and Pinkie trotted to Sweet Apple Acres, where the party was being held because Apple Bloom had wanted it to be a surprise for Scootaloo. Applejack and Big Mac were looking after everything, and all of Scootaloo's friends had already arrived. They were just waiting for the birthday filly herself.

SeraphFire: ((who's going to do all the other characters?))
AlchemyGirl: ((we both can))
SeraphFire: ((k))

"Here she comes," said Sweetie Belle, looking through a window. "Everybody get into your positions."

Rainbow Dash flew up and hid near the ceiling. Fluttershy hid nearby too.

Pinkie Pie hid under the table. Applejack, Twilight, and a slightly uncomfortable-looking Rarity hid behind some bales of hay. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle each hid behind one of the barn's double doors.

Scootaloo stepped into the barn. All the hidden ponies held their breath.

"Surprise!" shouted everyone as they jumped or fluttered down from their hiding places.

Scootaloo jumped backwards in shock before an enormous grin spread across her face. "You guys!" was all she could manage to respond.

Pinkie put the music on and soon every pony was dancing full swing.

After a few songs, it was time to have the cake. Rainbow Dash cut it, and handed it out, the biggest slice for Scootaloo. Every pony seemed to enjoy it.

Once the ponies had finished eating, and had sung "Make a Wish, it's your Birthday" to Scootaloo, Pinkie put the music back on. She found Rainbow Dash and took her aside. "Rainbow, you did a really good job on that cake."

"Of course, I did," Rainbow said. "When am I ever less than 120% awesome? Besides, it was for Scootaloo. She's like a sister to me. I almost love her more than y—" She caught herself and stopped.

"More than what, Rainbow?" Pinkie asked, curious about the blush that had come to Rainbow's face.

"More than…" — Rainbow thought hard — "… yellow quiet. That's my nickname for Fluttershy… yellow quiet. She's my oldest friend in Ponyville, and I love her — as a friend — I love her as a friend."

Pinkie raised her eyebrows. She could tell something was going on. "How come I've never heard you call her that before?"

"I… err… it's a new nickname. Just trying it out," Rainbow said before trying to change the subject. "Hey, let's go dance!"

Pinkie and Rainbow danced together for a few songs and then it was time for everypony to go home. Scootaloo and Pinkie stood by the door handing out party bags to all the guests as they left.

Once everypony had left, Rainbow said, "well, I suppose we ought to clean up this mess or Applejack will kill us. You go home though, Scoots — it's your birthday — you don't want to be doing all this cleaning on your birthday, do you?" Scootaloo left on her Scooter.

"I'm glad it's just us now, it's really hard to RP multiple characters," Pinkie said, breaking the fourth wall.

Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrows in confusion, but supposed it was just Pinkie being Pinkie. "Yeah, me too."

AlchemyGirl: ((lol))

Pinkie started sweeping the floor. A lot of ponies had dropped crumbs and other bits of food, plus there was confetti and bits of streamer and other miscellaneous party junk.

Rainbow flew up and brought down the banners and balloons.

Pinkie put all the mess into a bag and took it out to the bin outside the barn. "Wow! Party cleanups go quickly when you have a friend to help you," Pinkie said.

Rainbow Dash smiled. "Heh. Any time, Pinkie."

2 August
*AlchemyGirl is online.
*SeraphFire is online.

"So, what should we do now," Pinkie asked.

Rainbow Dash's stomach rumbled. "Maybe we should go have dinner."

Pinkie was surprised. "But we've just had a party. Surely you can't still be hungry?"

Rainbow shrugged. "I guess all this being awesome uses a lot of fuel!"

"Well, I can't argue with that," Pinkie said, chuckling. "So where should we go?"

Rainbow thought. If they went to Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie wouldn't be able to relax properly. She remembered seeing Twilight at a café shortly after she'd moved to Ponyville. "How about that nice café in the town square?"

"Oh, Savoir Faire's place?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes, that's the one!" Rainbow took Pinkie by the hoof and led her away from Sweet Apple Acres and back to town.

AlchemyGirl: ((good background pony knowledge))
SeraphFire: :)

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash arrived at the café and a waiter showed them to a nice table for two.

Rainbow looked at the menu in confusion. All the meals had fancy, foreign names. "So, have you been here before? What would you recommend?"

"I like the daisy sandwich," Pinkie answered. She grabbed the menu out of Rainbow's hooves and turned it over. "You were looking at the Saddle Arabian side."

Rainbow looked down the other side of the menu. It had familiar items like sandwiches, hay burgers, hay fries and so on. "That sounds like a good idea to me."

The waiter returned and they ordered two daisy sandwiches and a bowl of hay fries to share.

Once the waiter had left, Rainbow looked around the café. "So, you already seem very familiar with this place. Have you been here before?"

"Cheese Sandwich took me here a couple of times," Pinkie answered.

"Oh… him." Rainbow Dash looked deflated. "How's it going between you guys? When's he next in town."

"It's not like that," Pinkie said. "I mean, we tried, but he wasn't what I was looking for. We just work better as friends."

"And how did he take that?" Rainbow asked.

"It was really him who figured it out first." Pinkie sighed. "I guess I'm just not looking for a stallion in my life."

"I see…" Rainbow said. "So you're not looking for a special somepony?"

"I… didn't say that," Pinkie said shyly, her face turning an even deeper shade of pink.

The waiter returned with their food.

Pinkie dug into her sandwich.

Rainbow took a few fries. "So you're not looking for a stallion? You're looking for a mare?"

Pinkie put her sandwich down and looked away. "Maybe I've already found them."

"Who?" Rainbow asked. "Is it somepony I know?"

"I…" Pinkie started. "I… I'm not hungry anymore. You finish my sandwich, Rainbow." She got up, threw a few bits on the table, and half-galloped out of the café.

"Wait!" Rainbow called after her, but she was already gone. Rainbow sighed and finished their food.

SeraphFire: ((dun dun dunnnnn!))
SeraphFire: ((gtg. you know i'm on holiday next week, right?))
AlchemyGirl: ((yes. miss u))
SeraphFire: (( me too. :( ))

16 August
*SeraphFire is online.
AlchemyGirl: Hi!!! wb. xD
SeraphFire: ((thanks. missed you))

First thing the next morning, Rainbow Dash flew to Sugarcube Corner, a little uncertain about what she'd done to upset her friend. She knocked on the door and waited.

Pinkie put down a bag of flour and wiped her hooves on her apron. "Who could be knocking this early? Can't they see we're not open," she thought to herself. She trotted to the front of the shop and pushed the door open. "Oh… Rainbow… it's you," she said, her irritation evaporating instantly.

"Yeah… I wanted to apologize for…" Rainbow wasn't really sure what she was supposed to be apologizing for. "… for what happened last night."

"It was nothing," Pinkie said. "Forget about it. I already have."

"Thanks," Rainbow said with relief. "Because you know our friendship is special to me. I love all you guys — the Elements of Harmony — but… Pinkie… you and I, we just click, you know?"

Pinkie felt herself getting hot under her apron collar. "Anyway…" She let the word hand for a moment. "I was just in the middle of—"

"I owe you a meal!" Rainbow interrupted.

"Wait… what? It was me who skipped out. If anypony owes anypony else a meal, it's Pinkemena Diane Pie owing Rainbow Dash."

"Okay," Rainbow said, "so where should we go?"

"Can't right now," Pinkie answered, "but meet me back here after lunch."

"Should I book anywhere?"

"Just meet me," Pinkie said mysteriously.

19 August
*AlchemyGirl is online.

Rainbow Dash pushed open the door of Sugarcube Corner and looked for Pinkie Pie.

The shop seemed deserted.

Rainbow walked through the hatch in the counter and into the back of the shop where the kitchens were.

Pinkie was there, rummaging through cupboards and talking to herself. The counter was covered in jars filled with candy, sprinkles, chocolate, and various sauces. She even seemed to have emptied the freezers, as there were dozens of tubs of different flavoured ice creams adorning the work surface.

"Errr… Pinkie? Are you looking for something?" Rainbow asked, a little unsurely.

"Looking? Looking? No, I think I've found pretty much everything we need," a harried looking Pinkie said.

"We need all this?!" Rainbow queried incredulously. "What for?!"

"Ice cream sundaes, dummy," Pinkie giggled.

"All right!" Rainbow beamed happily. "I love ice cream!"

"I know," Pinkie smiled. "Here's your bowl," she said, sliding a large glass bowl to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow took the bowl and asked the expert, "so what do I put in my sundae?"




Rainbow was excited about this. "Okay, so where do we start?"

Pinkie pointed a hoof at the rapidly melting tubs of ice cream. "Ice cream."

Rainbow looked at each tub in turn. "What flavour?" she mumbled to herself, considering the possibilities.

"All of them!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"All of them?"

"Will you stop repeating back everything I say as a question?"

"Okay," Rainbow said, looking again at the range of flavours — Death by Chocolate™, Raspberry Ripple™, Dragonberry Delight™… "There must be at least ten ice creams here."

"Twelve," Pinkie corrected. "I'm not very hungry though, so I'm only going to have one scoop of each. You can have two if you like though." She opened a lid and spooned a big dollop of Dragonberry Delight™ into her bowl.


Pinkie stared at Rainbow.

"Eh," Rainbow said sheepishly. "I'll… errr… stick with one for now."

"Suit yourself," Pinkie said, shrugging and moving on to Strawberry Surprise™.

Soon Rainbow and Pinkie each had twelve scoops of ice cream in their bowls, one scoop of each different flavour. Rainbow thought that Toffee Temptation™ looked the best. "What next, Pinkie?"

Pinkie fetched a tub of candy. She opened it up and grabbed a hoof full of miscellaneous confectionary from within, which she dumped on top of her ice cream.

Rainbow did the same, sprinking her ice cream with candy.

"Come on," Pinkie said. "You don't have to be polite." Pinkie lifted up the tub and emptied the entire contents into Rainbow's bowl. "That's better!"

"Pinkie!" Rainbow shouted. That was a ridiculous amount of candy.

Pinkie ignored Rainbow's complaint. "Whipped cream next!"

Rainbow looked at the row of cans of cream. "Who could possibly need this much whipped cream?" she asked.

"We do," Pinkie answered, giggling.

She took two cans in her front hooves and simultaneously fired both of them at her bowl, building up a mountain of whipped cream.

Rainbow took a more conservative approach, using only half a can on her sundae.

"You need more cream than that!" Pinkie took another can and emptied the whole thing onto Rainbow's sundae.

"Are we done yet?" Rainbow asked, apprehensive about actually eating this thing.

"Not quite!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Saucy!" She clapped her hooves together around a squeezy bottle and a big dollop of chocolate sauce flew into the air, landing perfectly on the top of Pinkie's whipped cream monstrosity. She repeated the process with a caramel sauce, and with strawberry too.

Rainbow thought that looked fun and tried to copy, but ended up with three flavours of sauce all over her face.

Pinkie took a nearby tea towel and used it to wipe Rainbow's face. Part of her felt an urge to lick the sweet sticky sauces straight off Rainbow Dash, but she knew that would freak Rainbow out.

"Thanks," Rainbow said, grinning sheepishly.

"No problem," Pinkie laughed. "Wait… you've got a little…" Pinkie wiped behind Rainbow's ear. Pinkie repeated the process she'd used for her own sauces and soon had Rainbow's sundae looking almost as saucy as her own.

Rainbow looked at her ever-growing sundae. "It's…" She gulped. "It's ready now, right?"

"Almost!" Pinkie answered. She pulled the lid off a tub. It was filled with sprinkles of every colour imaginable. She threw a hoof full into the air, and they landed mostly on her sundae. Some ended up on the floor, sure, but most hit the target.

Rainbow marvelled at Pinkie's aim.

Pinkie remembered the sauce incident. "How about you let me?"

"Go ahead!"

Pinkie threw a hoof full of sprinkles in Rainbow's general direction and almost miraculously, they mostly ended up on Rainbow's ice cream sundae, though admittedly the sundae was a pretty big target.

"Wow, Pinkie, this sundae looks amazing," Rainbow gushed. "Let's go eat."

"One final touch," Pinkie said, poking two large chocolate bars into each dish. "Perfect!"

Rainbow lifted her bowl, and with surprising difficulty took it through to the little sitting room at the back of the shop.

Pinkie followed her, carrying the bowl on her head while bouncing.

AlchemyGirl: ((gtg)).

23 August
*AlchemyGirl is online.

Rainbow Dash groaned and rubbed her stomach. "I can't believe I ate the whole thing." Bits of whipped cream adorned her face. She was sure she still had sprinkles in her mane.

"You did — I saw you." Pinkie grinned and used her long tongue to lick out the remains of her own sundae.

"No, I mean… ahhh… it doesn't matter what I mean." She struggled getting up. "I… I need to go home and have a nap."

"You can nap here if you want," Pinkie suggested. "The shop'll be closed this afternoon."

"Are you sure that's okay?"

"Of course it is." Pinkie stretched. "To tell the truth, I'm kinda tired too." She bounced across the room to where Rainbow was sitting. "I could do with a rest too." She curled up on the sofa beside Rainbow and instantly fell asleep.

Rainbow shrugged and tried to get some rest too.

28 August
*AlchemyGirl is online.
SeraphFire: ((hiya sweetie))
AlchemyGirl: ((hi XD))
*AlchemyGirl is now known as AlchemyFire.
SeraphFire: ((awww...))
AlchemyFire: ((XD))

Rainbow Dash woke up and yawned. She looked out of the window: early evening. She'd only been meaning to rest her eyes, but must have slept for several hours. Pinkie was curled up beside her on the couch.

Pinkie slept soundly.

Rainbow tried to get up without waking Pinkie.

Pinkie woke up when she felt Rainbow stirring. "Ahhhhh," she yawned. "What time is it?"

"I don't know… quite late, I think."

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" Pinkie asked.

Rainbow clutched at her stomach. "How can you think about dinner?" she asked.

"Well, it's dinner time."

Rainbow still felt full. "But after all that ice cream?"

Pinkie shrugged. "I told you — I only had one scoop of each flavour. I'm surprised you're not hungry."

Rainbow shook her head. "I don't know how you eat so much Pinkie, and still look so attractive."

"I suppose it's because­—" Pinkie stopped herself. "Wait… what? You think I'm attractive?" She smiled.

"Well, you know… objectively speaking… I… I… gah!"

"It's okay," Pinkie chuckled. "For what it's worth, I think you're one of the prettiest mares I know."

Rainbow blushed but tried to brush it off with bravado. "One of?!" she scoffed.

"So… anyway… if you're not hungry, do you at least want a drink? I think I have a case of Applejack's cider somewhere."

"You still have some?!" Rainbow squealed excitedly. "It's been weeks since the end of cider season. I ran out ages ago!"

Pinkie looked in a cupboard. "Yeah, here's my last six bottles." She opened a couple of them.

The two ponies sat on the couch, drinking and chatting. After the first two bottles each, the conversation took a different turn. "So," Rainbow asked, "you think I'm pretty?"

"Sure," Pinkie answered. "Why wouldn't I?"

"It's just… being such a non-feminine colour… not a lot of people have ever said that."

"I'm sure that's not it. They're probably just shy."

Rainbow shook her head. "I don't think so."

Pinkie looked at Rainbow's large magenta eyes. "Well, I think you're beautiful."

Something clicked in Rainbow's head and suddenly she leaned forward, kissing Pinkie on the lips.

Pinkie's eyes opened wide before she melted into the kiss.

Rainbow tilted her head slightly to the side; her tongue came out to seek Pinkie's.

SeraphFire: ((I can't see where this is going to go without... You know.))
AlchemyFire: I know we said we wouldn't but...
AlchemyFire: I want to. :$
SeraphFire: ((umm…))
SeraphFire: ((okay))
SeraphFire: ((If you change your mind tell me though. We can stop.))

Pinkie ran her hoof through Rainbow's mane, and down her neck, resting it on her shoulders, and drawing the cyan pony towards her.

Rainbow shuddered at Pinkie's soft touch, kissing Pinkie back with added intensity. She felt her wings involuntarily unfolding and straightening.

Pinkie broke away from Rainbow's lips and planted a trail of kisses down Rainbow's neck.

Rainbow sighed and wrapped a front leg around Pinkie's neck in an embrace, at the same time guiding Pinkie's lips further down.

Pinkie took a step closer and continued kissing Rainbow along her barrel before nuzzling her muzzle into the folds under Rainbow's wings, taking a deep breath of her scent and rubbing her face into the soft downy feathers there.

Rainbow moaned and stroked Pinkie's mane, allowing her hoof to wander further down.

AlchemyFire: (Sorry. This is too much.)
SeraphFire: ((It's okay.))
AlchemyFire: (I'm really sorry. I thought I could do this.)
SeraphFire: ((I mean it. It's fine. Should we do a scene break to the next day? Or just talk about something else?))
AlchemyFire: can we talk about this story idea I've been working on?
SeraphFire: sure.

2 September
*AlchemyFire is online.
SeraphFire: Hi
AlchemyFire: do you want to continue the rp?
SeraphFire: Are you sure?
AlchemyFire: of course! but can we do that scene break? is that ok?
SeraphFire: Of course.

Pinkie blinked and opened her eyes as she felt the first rays of Celestia's sun start to warm her face. For a moment she was surprised to find herself wrapped in Rainbow Dash's wings, but remembered their night of passion.

AlchemyFire: heheh

Rainbow felt Pinkie stirring and started waking up herself. She stretched her wings, still stiff from last night's activities, and gazed at Pinkie, a smile coming to her lips.

"Good morning, Rainbow," Pinkie said.

"Yeah, good morning," Rainbow responded, a little embarrassed.

"Shall I make us some breakfast?"

Rainbow chuckled. "You're always thinking about food."

"Well, after last night, I thought you might need refuelling," Pinkie laughed.

Rainbow blushed. "I… errr… what happened last night, it… it's between us, right?"

"Oh," Pinkie said, becoming serious, "okay."

"I mean, it's not that I wouldn't be proud to have you as a mare friend… not that I'm saying this makes us mare friends or anything… it's just… you know, the others…"

"Yes, I understand." Pinkie nodded. "We'll just see how it goes."

5 September
*AlchemyFire is online.
SeraphFire: ((hi!!! <3))
AlchemyFire: ((hiya <3))

"Thanks, Pinkie, I knew you'd understand."

Pinkie looked at Rainbow. "But if we're not mare friends, then what are we?"

Rainbow Dash thought for a moment. "How about we're just really good friends, who do… that… sometimes."

Pinkie tried to hide her disappointment. "Oh, okay."

Rainbow looked at the clock. "Oh buck, is that the time?!"

"No, it's a clock," Pinkie answered. "Though it does provide a concrete representation of the abstract concept of time."

"Huh?" Rainbow said, shaking her head. "I… I need to get going. We've got a rain shower scheduled to start ten minutes ago!"

6 September
*SeraphFire is online.

The next day Pinkie Pie found Rainbow Dash training in a field outside Ponyville. "Hi Rainbow!" she called.

"Oh, hi, Pinkie," Rainbow replied.

"You know we never made arrangements to meet up again," Pinkie pointed out.

Rainbow gulped. "Like… a date?"

"Not a date date."

"Oh, okay, that's cool then. I was gonna hang out by the lake after work — catch some rays. Wanna join me?"

"Oh, goodie!" Pinkie squealed. "Should I bring a picnic?"

"I don't know," Rainbow replied. "To be honest, I still don't think all that ice cream is out of my system!"

"Okay, I'll just bring myself then!"

Rainbow smiled.

9 September
*SeraphFire is online.
AlchemyFire: (how's life?)
SeraphFire: ((better now I have you. :D))
AlchemyFire: (hehe. XD)
SeraphFire: ((true story dat. :P))

Pinkie Pie arrived at the lake and looked for Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow was already there, lounging on a deck chair. "Hi Pinkie!" she called enthusiatically, and waved her over.

Pinkie bounced over to Rainbow. "I know you didn't want a picnic, but…" — she pulled something out of her mane — "… I brought these apples. That's okay, right? Apples are healthy."

Rainbow grabbed one. "Sure are. Thanks, Pinkie." She crunched down on the fruit. "Gwud affuls," she said while chewing.

Pinkie threw her apple in the air, catching it in her mouth, and seemingly swallowed it whole. "Yes, they are good. Fancy a swim, Rainbow?"

"Nah, I'm good," Rainbow said, relaxing back on her chair.

"Well, I'm going to." Pinkie dived into the water and started swimming up and down.

Rainbow watched Pinkie swimming around the lake. She was half tempted to join her, but she'd had a long day of cloud shaping, so needed to relax. That mare was certainly always full of energy — Rainbow understood now how she could eat so much and still have such a wonderfully sexy body — she threw herself energetically into everything she did.

After swimming ten lengths of the lake, Pinkie emerged, her fur dripping wet and clinging to her body; her long — usually curly — hair hanging straight and almost down to the ground.

Rainbow's jaw dropped open. "I… errr… Pinkie, that was some impressive swimming out there."

"Thanks," Pinkie said, flicking a few strands of her wet mane out of her face. Water dripped off her body as she walked towards Rainbow.

Rainbow gulped.

Soon Pinkie was standing right by Rainbow's deck chair. "Well, aren't you going to kiss me?"

A drop of water fell from Pinkie's mane and landed on Rainbow's cheek. Her tongue involuntarily went to lick it, and she consumed the liquid that had fallen from Pinkie's hair.

SeraphFire: ((hot. but gtg, dammit!))

12 September
*SeraphFire is online.

Pinkie lowered her lips to Rainbow.

Rainbow leaned forward in her deck chair and kissed the pink mare. She wrapped a foreleg around the back of Pinkie's neck, guiding her down onto the deck chair with her.

Pinkie lay on the chair next to Rainbow Dash and snuggled into her side, still kissing the pegasus.

Rainbow kissed back, stroking Pinkie's mane.

Suddenly the deck chair collapsed, leaving both ponies tangled in its remains. Pinkie struggled to get up to her feet. Seeing Rainbow's predicament, she burst into laughter.

"A little help here, maybe?" Rainbow asked.

Pinkie managed to reduce her fits of laughter to a gentle giggle, and gave Rainbow a hoof getting out of the tangle of deck chair.

Once Rainbow was on her hooves, she scowled at Pinkie. "That wasn't funny."

Pinkie tried to bring her giggling under control. "Well, you have to admit it was a little bit funny."

"Was not."

"Was too."

Rainbow huffed and stormed off.

Pinkie watched her leave. "Geez! What did I say?"

16 September
*AlchemyFire is online.
SeraphFire: ((excited about friday?))
AlchemyFire: xD

It was the next day. Rainbow decided to spend the day helping Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres to avoid Pinkie for a while.

AlchemyFire: (I'll be AJ?)
SeraphFire: ((eeyup))

Applejack bucked a tree, most of the apples falling down. She watches as Rainbow zoomed around the top branches, collecting any that were still attached. "Don't get me wrong, Rainbow, ah appreciate the help, but normally when ya have a day off, ya spend it asleep, or hanging out in Ponyville."

"Yeah," the pegasus said, depositing a hoof full of apples into the waiting bucket, "I've not been sleeping very well the last couple of days, and Ponyville… I don't want to be seen around town right now."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Why? What've ya done this time, Rainbow?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just… I'm trying to avoid Pinkie at the moment."

Applejack sat down and patted the ground. "Why's that? Ah thought ya two were close."

"That's kinda the problem… I'm worried we're becoming a bit too close." Rainbow sat beside Applejack. "A few days ago… we… ummm…"

"Ya kissed her?!" Applejack asked with surprise.

Rainbow buried her face in her hooves. "Actually a bit more than that."

Applejack's eyes shot open in surprise. "Really?" She'd always suspected that Rainbow liked mares, but Pinkie…?

The pegasus nodded. "And yesterday… we… we kissed again."

"And now ya want to go back to just bein' friends, but ya don't know how to tell her," Applejack said.

"I… don't know. She wants more, and so do I, but I don't know how to give it to her. Just being friends would make things easier, wouldn't it?"

Applejack put her foreleg around Rainbow. "Well, ah ain't exactly had an easy life. But one thing ah do know is ah wouldn't throw away a chance at true happiness just because it might be a little difficult."

Rainbow thought for a moment. "You can cope without me for a while, can't you?"

Applejack smiled knowingly and nodded. "Sure, Rainbow."

Rainbow stood up with a look of determination on her face. "Good. Because there's some place I need to be."

18 September
*AlchemyFire is online.
SeraphFire: Happy birthday!
AlchemyFire: you remembered!
AlchemyFire: :D
SeraphFire: of course
AlchemyFire: we'll do a bit more, but i don't have much time. going out soon.
SeraphFire: birthday stuff?
SeraphFire: I wish I could be there
AlchemyFire: yep
AlchemyFire: so do I. :)

Rainbow dashed to Sugarcube Corner and pushed the door open, looking for Pinkie.

She was greeted warmly by Mrs Cake. "Hi dear, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Hi… ah… Mrs Cake. I was looking for Pinkie. Is she in the kitchen?"

"Why no, she asked for the day off at the last minute."

"Oh, okay," Rainbow said in disappointment. "Thanks. See you later, Mrs Cake."

"Bye, dear!"

Rainbow flew to Fluttershy's cottage and knocked on the door.

Fluttershy answered. "Hi, Rainbow, what are you doing here?"

"You haven't seen Pinkie have you?" Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy shook her head. "Not for a couple of days, no. I've been pretty busy with my animals."

"Okay, thanks… errr… yellow quiet." Rainbow flew off again.

"Yellow what?"

Rainbow knocked on the front door of Twilight's castle.

Spike answered the door. Because he's like her servant or something. "Hi, Rainbow, long time no see? Want to come in? I've got some good new comics, even the newest Daring Do comic!"

Rainbow peered past him into the hallway. "Sorry, Spike — no time. Has Pinkie Pie been here?"

"No, just me and Twilight. To tell you the truth, it's been kinda boring. I'm glad you've come to visit. Back when we lived in the library we used to get tonnes of visitors — ponies returning books and stuff, but…"

Rainbow cut him off. "Okay, thanks Spike. Bye!" She flew off in the direction of Carousel Boutique.

Rarity was gazing out of the window, waiting for a delivery of a special new fabric.

Rainbow flew through the open door, barrelling into a stack of mannequins, and knocking them over.

"Rainbow! Why must you always do that?" Rarity busied herself straightening the mannequins that her friend had knocked over.

"Sorry Rarity, but I'm in a rush. I'm looking for Pinkie. Is she here?"

Rarity gestured around the shop. "Does it look like she's here?"

Rainbow looked. "No, I suppose not." She headed straight for the door.

"Wait!" Rarity called after her. "She's not here, but I have seen her."

Rainbow Dash turned back suddenly. "You've seen Pinkie? Where?"

"I was looking out the window, and happened to see her walking into Savoir Faire's café. It must have been… what… twenty minutes ago?"

Rainbow ran up to Rarity and gave her a big hug. "Thank you! Thank you so much! I'm so sorry about all the mess. I'll make it up to you another time!" She gallopped out of the doorway and across the town square, heading for the café.

Pinkie sat in the café. She pushed a breadstick from one side of the plate to the other, but her thoughts were elsewhere. She'd really upset Rainbow Dash, and didn't know what to do about it.

Rainbow stood outside the café for a moment, wanting to regain her breath before going in. After a minute, she gulped and walked into the building.

Cheese Sandwich looked across at his dining companion. "Pinkie? What's the matter? You don't seem yourself today."

Rainbow stared at Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich for a few moments, then turned around and left before the tears forming in her eyes had a chance to start rolling down her cheeks.

21 September
*SeraphFire is online.
*AlchemyFire is online.

Rainbow Dash sat in the orchard, crying. Applejack was doing the best she could to comfort the pegasus, but all that slushy stuff wasn't really her speciality. This was a time when tact might be better than honesty.

"Rainbow?" Pinkie's voice came from out of the blue.

Rainbow looked up. "What? Pinkie? How did you know I'd be here."

"'Cos my sis tol' me to go get 'er," Apple Bloom said, emerging from behind Pinkie.

Applejack stood up. "Sorry, Rainbow, but you two need t' talk. Me and Apple Bloom 'll get outta here. Give you two some space." She and her younger sister walked back to the farm house, leaving Rainbow alone with Pinkie.

"I saw you at the café," Pinkie said softly.

Rainbow was surprised. "You… you saw me at the café?"

"Well, just your plot as you turned and left, but who else in Ponyville has a plot like that?" She chuckled slightly.

"I… I didn't know you were with… with Cheese. I didn't want to disturb your date." Rainbow sniffed.

"I already told you, Rainbow. Cheese Sandwich and I are just friends. It wasn't a date. As it happens he was telling me about how he's just got engaged!"

Rainbow perked up a little. "Engaged? As in… engaged to be married?"

"Yes. Some pegasus mare called Surprise. He met her in Baltimare. I can't wait to meet her — she sounds so much fun."

"So, you two are not… together then?" Rainbow asked.

Pinkie sat beside Rainbow. "How many times do I need to tell you? Cheese and I… we're just friends. Not that it's any of your business — you've made it perfectly clear that you're not interested in any kind of relationship with me."

Rainbow turned to Pinkie. "About that… I… I changed my mind."

"Great," Pinkie said, raising her eyebrows, but there was a subtle hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Rainbow was confused. "What's wrong? I thought that was what you wanted."

"Oh, it is, Rainbow," Pinkie sighed in frustration. "But how long until you change your mind again? I don't know if my heart could stand it."

"Pinkie, I'm not going to change my mind. I… I love you. I've always loved you." She looked Pinkie in the eye. "I was just too stupid to see it. I thought by loving you, I'd ruin our friendship, but now I realize that it was pretending not to love you that really ruined things."

Pinkie threw her forelegs around Rainbow and took a deep breath before kissing her passionately.

Rainbow Dash returned the kiss with

SeraphFire: Sorry. Gtg. This is important. Cya.
*SeraphFire is offline.
AlchemyFire: k

24 September
*SeraphFire is online.
AlchemyFire: where the hell have you been? It's been three days!
SeraphFire: Sorry. Had to go somewhere. On phone now, so typing is annoying. Can't really talk.
AlchemyFire: k :(
SeraphFire: BTW, knock knock.
AlchemyFire: That was seriously freaky. When you typed that somebody knocked on the front door. Exact same time.
SeraphFire: go answer it then.
AlchemyFire: k
*SeraphFire is offline.
*AlchemyFire is offline.

Author's Note:

Okay, so the style of this story was a little… different. It was fun to experiment with a new style though. What do you think?

Comments ( 29 )

I'm pretty sure the image is from a video where Pink kills Dash

I think you might be right. That doesn't happen in this story though.

I helped? :rainbowhuh: K then

*Image cover*
No no no no no no no....NO!
Do not think blood. blood. blood. blood. blood......Do not think...blood...
*Sarachi had one thumb in his mouth and he was rocking slowly back and fouth*

i like this story :twilightsmile:

And i'm normally not a fan of mane 6 shipping so it means something:pinkiehappy:

Well the ending doesn't necessarily imply secks. Plus she's older at at the end of the story than she is at the beginning. The birthday that occurs might be a milestone birthday like 16 or 18.

That wasn't the interpretation I intended, but I can see how it could be taken than way. Ultimately I'm of the school of thought that readers are free to interpret a story whichever way makes the most sense to them.

Frist thing the next morning


Adorable story!:raritywink::pinkiehappy:

I just wanted to see how this would play out, and I thought it was very adorable. A few spelling errors, but nonetheless, I liked it. Nice job! :twilightsmile:

Towards the end I was really rushing to get this finished in time for someone's birthday, so it has had almost zero proofreading. (The pre-readers I mentioned mostly only saw early, incomplete versions.) :facehoof: Hopefully any errors don't detract from the story too much.

Oh, alright. That's fine, and no the spelling was just something I picked up.

I approve of this story. Random unimportant entity whose word is worth as much as the dirt. But I approve

And then nothing NSFW happened. :raritywink:

Oh, wait, somepony is underage... :twilightoops:

Many thanks to Infinity Shade, scootaloo96, and Lesbian Sonata Dusk for pre-reading this, and offering me their feedback, which I blissfully ignored. :pinkiecrazy:

glad i could be part of the process. or atleast getting early access :P

Aww. Adorable symbolism. An unconventional story, but still an enjoyable one. I liked it.

"Roleplay ehh. Kinky."
-Johnny Bravo

Oh wow I just saw this!!!
Upvoted and loved!

If I didn't know any better if think you had a special girl in mind you met on here!

what happens O+O :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiegasp:

Maybe I'll be able to tell you on 25 September? :raritywink:

6451236 REALLY?????????????????? :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

No, not really. I wish really.

Maybe in a few years.

6454232 :/ now I am sad sad sad i don't have years sadly

It ends there? Okay then.

Cliffhangers...My old enemy...

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