• Published 25th May 2015
  • 2,839 Views, 233 Comments

Reverie Bound - MartiantheGray

Dropped unceremoniously into a world of ponies, a man must fight to stay alive in a world that loses more and more of its life with each passing day.

Comments ( 4 )

If Ladarion was voiced, what would he sound like?

He's a Southerner, and his accent kicks in when he is especially frustrated or surprised. Other than that, I haven't put much thought into how he sounds.

Ladarion is falling apart at the seams. Despite this, his behavior is no less despicable. He's descending from an anti-hero into the trappings of a villain, and as interesting a development as that is, I can't say I'm happy about it.

Seriously, his dialogue here is almost cartoonishly evil.

“You weak! Useless! Mockery of nature! See how easily I can end your miserable existence? I’ll show you what mercy gets you!”

Thankfully Hawkeye took him down a peg, because he's getting out of hand. If he continues like this, he'll end up turning into this guy.
freaksugar.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/volgin_snake_eater_3d_render_by_cjcneocon-d52u09q.png .

Don't do this to him.

Ladarion still has quite the journey ahead of him. He is indeed falling down the slippery slope, and his sympathetic traits are dwindling, but he does have people like Hawkeye (unknowingly) keeping him from completely breaking down. For now, at least.

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