• Published 28th Mar 2015
  • 9,668 Views, 63 Comments

Spring Is in Bloom - Kirb

After spending six months spent in Equestria, Michael was finally beginning to get used to his new life. But everything changed when spring arrived.

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Comments ( 36 )

Lovely XD

It would be kinda interesting to see how long you could make this kind of story

Cool, I just wasn't thinking you'd go for pirate sex:moustache:

Great chapter. It was sexy, cute, and absolutely hilarious with the breakfast incident.

This was a good life, and I couldn't wait to see what happened next.

If there was genetic compatibilty then probably pretty interesting fun times with mornin sickness. Then again, for that to work, they'd have to have lots and lots of sex during heat. Or just get (un)lucky :rainbowlaugh:

Great story, AB is pretty awesome :P

It's refreshing to read a shipping fic that includes secondary characters. This one had generic sprinkled here and there but it's nothing bad at all.

Don't stop improving your authorship. :twilightsmile:

5857985 Thanks for the comment! fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/014/c/3/fitwi_by_comeha-d7252jt.png

5858227 Haha, we'll see. I actually do plan on making more of these fics with Michael eventually, including one explaining his backstory. Even if these fics don't involve clop, I definitely plan on keeping the comedic edge that people seemed to enjoy so much about this one. roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/excite.gif

5858244 Yarrr! Pirate sex is best sex! (Not that I'd know or anything... roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/liarjack.gif )

5859349 Thanks! I figured people would find that funny. And if they didn't, well, they were the ones who asked for an epilogue! roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/mlp_smirk.png

5861954 roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/facehoof.png Well, I doubt they would be genetically compatible, anyway. Unless we're going by Star Trek logic, where all humanoid species can somehow produce babies with each other. Vulcan + human = baby, Klingon + human = baby, Klingon + Trill = baby, so confusing! roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/bloomgah.png

5875633 I have to admit, I wasn't as interested in her or any of the Apple family before I had the dream that inspired this RP/fic, but after that, and after seeing the episode "Bloom and Gloom," I'm interested to see more of Apple Bloom. roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/inquisitive.png

5885077 Yeah, well, I tried to balance out the generic with some humor. Personally, I'd like to see more comedy clop fics, so I can take turns between being horny and laughing out loud. fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/014/a/8/hapie_by_comeha-d7251pk.png
And thanks! Zeph and I are working on a new fic with my girlfriend starring Rainbow Dash, Soarin, and Daring Do. Hopefully that gets at least as good reception as this. i453.photobucket.com/albums/qq260/spacewings/EmoteDashWet_zps24095993.png

-Kirb, got sunshine in a bag. (ytdatr) fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/019/3/b/sig_by_flyingbrickanimation-d8elwjm.png

5885739 Yea I wasnt super interested in her until I read one fic that was really good, althought I don't remember its title. Then I was like, can't all the pones be written sexy, in a way? :rainbowwild:

Needs Original Character tag. Other tag is only for show/comic characters that don't have their own tag.

5900250 Whoops! Sorry, just fixed that.

5885861 Yep! Though I still stick to my belief that Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara cannot be portrayed sexy, or cute, or funny, or anything apart from being the most despicable ponies ever. Unless you have proof otherwise. (Challenge!)

-Kirb, got sunshine in a bag. (ytdatr) fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/019/3/b/sig_by_flyingbrickanimation-d8elwjm.png

5901198 No, that's for the sequel! Because if they keep going like that someone is gonna end up preggers!

5901207 Haha, well, I doubt they're genetically compatible. I'm sure magic could fix that if they wanted a foal, but in the meantime, I'm going by the belief that humans cannot get ponies pregnant... or can they? :rainbowderp:

-Kirb, got sunshine in a bag. (ytdatr) fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/019/3/b/sig_by_flyingbrickanimation-d8elwjm.png

5901247 Well if you look at it this way lets take a look at Tirek. Obviously a Pony (thinking Unicorn) and Minotaur hybrid and his brother was possibly a Pegasus and Minotaur hybrid. There are several hybrid creatures running about. So I have a feeling magic infuses everything in Equestria and makes the compatible, eventually. Eat the food long enough, breath its air and enough magic will infuse a human to make them 'part' of the Equestrian whole.

Just a theory mind you.

But for your stories, they can be compatible if you want them to be. And Big Mac can have a double barreled shotgun if he wants to.

This was an enjoyable epilogue. Well done.

So your theory is that Equestria is Xanth? I'll buy that.

5904161 Xanth? Man I haven't read a Xanth novel in twent years.

Well, what you said about all the magic immediately made me think of the effects of the Xanth love springs.

5905004 Yeah I vaguely remember the story's. I was looking at the pic of Tirek and his brother and noted they were minotaurs yet had parts from other animals. We have ton's of chimera's running around. Its not to far to think that there is the capacity for cross species breeding. It is a world filled with magic after all.
But a human would be a blank slate. Being from a non-magical world and all but as one remained in Equestria eating the food, breathing the air they would slowly take it in. And one of two things happen. They acclimatize and eventually become another semi-magical creature running about.
Or the foreign magic becomes a poison and the human dies or becomes crippled. Sort of like poison. Small amounts may be consumed and absorbed (arsenic or lead is a good example-very low doses) but two much and your in the ground and a worm party in the making.

omg the way you ended it seemed to make way for a sequel! dammit now i want to know how his future is gonna be like and what applejack wanted to talk to twilight about?! her secret love for mitch?! her uncomfortable feeling with mitch and apple bloom's relationship?!

5901266 This is true. I've always been under the belief that, since humans originate from a different universe altogether, their bodies wouldn't easily adapt to the rules of Equestria. But that's just me. Besides, I may be a little biased since I don't want to have kids, ever. :rainbowlaugh:

5905004 Forgive me for sounding stupid, but what is Xanth? :rainbowhuh:

5905582 If it makes you feel any better, I'm planning on making a series of fics with this, so your questions might be answered. And by the way, no, Applejack isn't in love with Mitch. He was just the closest male in the vicinity, and she was in heat, so... :applejackunsure:

-Kirb, got sunshine in a bag. (ytdatr) fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/019/3/b/sig_by_flyingbrickanimation-d8elwjm.png


...you know, answering these sorts of questions has gotten much easier since I discovered linking Wikipedia.

5906453 Xanth is puns, let's leave it at that. Except they literally have horses called Nightmares who's job it is to deliver bad dreams and a sack of tat can get you some tit from a nymph.

Looks interesting. I'll have to check that out sometime.

-Kirb, got sunshine in a bag. (ytdatr) fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/019/3/b/sig_by_flyingbrickanimation-d8elwjm.png

After spending six months spent in Equestria

I'm sorry, you wot m8?

6265729 Did you even read the story, or did you stop at the description?
EDIT: ...wow, I just noticed that typo. :facehoof: Fixing right now.


6266079 Don't worry, I'm gonna read it. It's just that the wording of the sentence doesn't make sense. Spending 6 months spent? Sounds rather silly. But the comments look great, so I'll give it a go!:raritywink:

6266093 Thanks, and yeah, sorry about that :twilightblush: A few people have said that introducing a character and saying that he's been in Equestria for six months is pushing the suspension of disbelief, and I still can't believe I've gone four months without noticing that typo.
Anyway, have fun reading it!


6266115 Did you make the cover art? If so, great job! I wish i was that talented.

6300991 I did draw it, thanks! It's honestly a little unfitting, though--she looks a lot taller and older there than she is in the fic. Still, it works, so thanks for the comment (:


a very beautiful story man :pinkiehappy:

Last chapter left me like: "No! No! No! C'mon, Man!... NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

This chapter left me like: "Wait, it's not over!"

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