• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 2,258 Views, 46 Comments

A Spike of Magic - The Story Man

Anon, Twilight, and Trixie fight monsters, bandits, and boredom

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Comments ( 8 )

Great chapter.

In today's chapter, the part of Braeburn will be played by Captain Jack Harkness. :pinkiehappy:

Just as funny as always. Great to have you back updating this story.


The return

>Gulping heavily, you prepare to die in a bath of hot fire when the sound of a lyre makes you open your eyes. The source of the instrument is no where to be found, but it continues to play softly. Looking back at the dragon, your squint your eyes as it’s mouth slowly opens. Inside the beast’s jaws is Pinkie, sitting on its tongue and playing the song which captured your attention.
Random/10. Wow, mate. Almost one year has passed from the last chapter and there is a great lap forward from the level you were then and you are now. Due to all respect, teach me, senpai.

>“Shh, this is the best part!" she says with a bright smile before continuing.
What kind of bard are you?! Oh, Judei People's Front Suicide Squad?

>“Don’t be fooled by appearances, but don’t question everything. Sometimes you can get in over your head or distracted,” Pinkie says, moving to your side.
Excuse me? That's why I do. I question everything here! And I love it, too, but, whetever. It's very good that you continue this concept, but Pinkie out of nowhere, in tha cas out of Dragon's mouth?

>Why was that bard there? Was it really her, or just some weird subconscious thing? Maybe you need to stop eating berries you find in the forest. At least before bed.
Kek! Fucking kek. Very nice cliche.

>“You really should try and take my advice quicker next time. Good thing it’s just a dream this time!" she finishes with a big smile.
Oh, you magnificent bastard.

>Knowing you’re safe, you wonder what the hell that dream was about.
About your future! Not everyone can tell in afterlife that being dragon's snack trully was his main goal when he took his last job!

>Picking it up, you notice it’s scrawled in very elegant blue ink. It reads “You were too restless in your sleep, had to move back to her own bed.” Beneath that was an artistic signature you made out to be Trixie’s.
Kek! It's so nice to see a bond to previous events!

>If she finds out you actually looked at her with even mild interest, she’d have a hay-day.
After I finish reading this I will have high-day thanks to your work.

>“Oh please Sparkle, these roads are mostly empty. Sure, if you ignore the long stretches and boring hours of nothingness and skip straight to meeting random people on the road it’s busy, but otherwise it’s barren,” Trixie whines.
tfw Trixie says exactly what I am thinking right now. High level of self-critique? I would give you for that a follow, but I follow you already...

>“Well it is a long-- wait, didn’t you bring yourself along?” you say, deciding to join in.
>“Irrelevant. Trixie desires more interesting things happen and she wishes them now,” she says in an authoritative tone.
>After a few moments of silence Trixie groans to herself and slouches in her saddle.
That bitch is so well written I want to plug my dragon into her deepest cave.

>“Hey, I think I know those people,” Twilight says, leaning forward to see the travelers.
And who exactly is surprised by that?!

>“Applejack? What are you doing here?” Twilight asks, coming to a stop.
If you want to fuck your bro you can do it in a barn, pig.

>“Well howdy Twilight. I could ask ya’ll the same thing,” Applejack responds, giving a look over you and Trixie.

>“Braeburn, can ya stop with the cat-callin’ everyone we meet? I swear, it’s like I can’t take ya anywhere. If only Mac hadn’t broken his foot again, I’d have him here instead,” she replies angrily.
Braeburn? Nice. She would has him instead? I don't doubt in that. Hue!

>“Mmm, nice grip you got there,” He comments while continuing to shake your hand.
He wants to grip even more of Warrior. Trixie has a competitor.

>“Fer crying out loud--BRAEBURN!” Applejack shouts, making him jump and finally let go of your hand. “What did I just tell ya about hitting on everyone that passes by?” she angrily asks, adjusting her hat before putting her hands on her hips.
Uh? That HIV is not what AppleBloom wanna have under christmass?

>“Mighty strong grip, ah, ya got there,” he compliments, trying to free himself from her grasp.
>Trixie eventually lets him go and Braeburn moves back to Applejack’s side while rubbing his sore hand. Looking over, you notice Trixie drop the same glare and start to pout just as you turn your head.
>From the looks of it, Trixie was trying to hide an emotion rather than broadcast it. First time for everything, you guess.
Ah! Revenge! Delicious!

>Twilight barely holds back a small laugh at the flirt, but Applejack only rolls her eyes again before massaging the bridge of her nose.
This event was very funny, but I really hoped for more dark character of the story.

>“I meant how often will we meet people you know? Seems odd that we keep happening by people who know you and Trixie,” you say, looking over at Trixie.
Dude! Stop doing this! Why and how are you doing this fucking with my brain thing?! You make the story ridiculous and then show that at least Trixie and Warrior are still sane. WTF.

>“Trixie is always right. She’d just been guessing to be fair however,” she admits with a slight shrug.
It's true. She is. Ever was.

>“Maud, what’re you doing out here by yourself? And what’s with the armor? Why is it all dented?” Twilight asks in a worried tone.
Why, oh why they are running at all we know and love? I'm gonna hit you. No matter how I like it it's still a cheap catch.

>“Excuse me, but what? Are you seriously just shrugging off that this woman was attacked by a DEMON?” Twilight asks, gesturing to Maud.
>Both you and Maud exchange looks for a second before looking back at Twilight.
>“I was only attacked a little,” she replies blankly.
>“See? And her armor seems to be in working condition. Very nice make by the way,” you mention, giving her a nod of respect.
>“Thanks, I helped make it back on my father’s farm,” she says, moving to show off the arm pieces.
>“How can you be so relaxed about this?” Twilight asks, worry clear in her voice. “Trixie, back me up here, they’re acting way too casual right?” she asks, turning to the other party member.
Pussy scholar. That's the true life here! That's the path of warrior! Stones have to roll!

>“Perhaps you should not go on adventures if you are terrified about every wayward spirit you may have to fight, Sparkle,” Trixie replies with a smirk.
Marry me Trixie. To persuade you to that concept let me say that I have no debts, not like you.

>“Same,” she replies, walking in the opposite direction of you.
It's very cute and everything, but unreal as fuck.

>“Huh? Oh, uh, bye Maud!” Twilight calls to her before looking back at you and jerking the reins of her mount to catch up to you. “Why didn’t you tell us Maud was leaving?” she asks incredulously.
I'm sick of this Twilight. Good job.

>“Probably her farm. Wait, you’re not thinking of doing anything with her, are you?” Twilight asks, lowering her voice and moving closer.
>You stare at her as she awkwardly leans forward on her horse before she blushes and straightens up. Glancing back at Trixie, you can see her keeping her head statically staring at the trees to her right. Turning back to the road, you notice signs of damage.
Go back to your books, nerd. He wants Trixie but he is still away from commiting it. Also, it's a bit stupid that she hurts Trixie and after that she blushes. Wtf, man. I know what you tried to do but now I don't like her anymore.

>Thankfully, you’re able to pull your sword out and block one meant to grab you. Trixie and Twilight aren’t as lucky however and get grabbed by the demon before being hoisted upside down into the air. You jump from your horse and ready your blade at the monster.
Tentancles rape demon? I may wait with purging couple of minutes.

>The monster lets out a terrible howl and slams a massive branch aimed at your head. You roll to the right and try to chop the branch off, but it’s too thick to cut. Barely managing to free your sword, you start running to avoid its hits.
Don't kill the demon! He is a good guy! He just want to make some random love, and since Maud is into rocks it is only a misunderstanding! I swear!

>“Ice magic. That will actually weaken the wood, fire would just make it so we have to deal with a flaming tree. Have you never fought a demon before?” Trixie asks with a laugh.
I love this Trixie. Maybe I played warhammer too much, but that's exactly what I though. I'm impressed dude.

>Its trunk bursts into flames, and it quickly spreads as the monster screams. After a few seconds, it slams a massive flaming branch down next to the both of you in a fit of rage. You are sent flying to the right before sliding to a stop just before the road turns into forest.
>“Trixie told you so,” she says, landing beside you.
Fucking knew it. I love when Trixie isn't bitch and she's right.

>One is a sickle shaped blade with an oddly blunt backside, while the other is a fairly simple straight sword that has a wickedly sharp edge to it. She holds the sickle in her off hand and the straight in her right hand.
>“Where have you been keeping those things?” you ask in confusion.
>“That is not important. Get Sparkle to freeze the tree and then cut it down the middle,” she says spinning the blade in her right hand.
I love how positive you developed her.

>You nod and make a dash for where Twilight got knocked over to. She’s running between the trees, but when she sees you, turns out of the forest to meet up with you.
Fuck you, bookworm.

>“All you had to do was laugh! Jeez, first that stone faced woman and now you two. Great way to die. Thanks a lot, you jerks,” it says as it fades away.
So, Pinkie was right. It's not surprising since you are memelord, but it's still good.

>The ghost gives you a rude gesture just as it shimmers away into thin air.
Or it wasn't the one Pinkie propheted about...

>Strangely enough, her knowledge ends with that vague description.
>“It’s not my fault! The book I got it from was a lore book, not a bestiary or an explorer’s journal,” Twilight says with a huff as you all dismount.
Really? Not your fault?

>Thinking back on it, this whole adventure has been strange. Given that you knew that going in, but dreams like the ones you’ve been having are not like you. Most of your dreams tend to involve more women and less clothing.
Call them nightmares and I will call you virgin.

>In truth, there could be a lot stronger threats coming for your group then you know.
Because OP is faggot.
: ^)

>Your first choice is Twilight, since she obviously knows enough magic to handle herself defensively and could probably sense any incoming threats. Still, her gut reaction in the tree fight was incorrect and even made things slightly worse. Not to mention the fact she ran, which while a smart move, might not be the best for defense.
>With a begrudging sigh, you turn towards Trixie’s tent and start walking towards it. While not as skilled in magic as Twilight, she definitely made her swordsmanship abilities known. Come to think of it, you never did find out where she has been hiding them.
I'm happy that you see what you write, and you have control about that. I was afraid you just make random shit, but no, it's planned. With some random shit, still. But I still appreciate that.

>Opening the tent with one hand, you peek in to wake her up. Inside, you find Trixie’s evidently naked body barely covered up by some blankets in what looks like a purposefully lewd pose. You sigh and try to shake the shock of the sight from you before waking her up.

>“Trixie, wake up, you need to go on watch,” you tell her, nudging her with your right foot.
Warrior uses his foot to wake up the sleeping beauty. WTF dude! Use benis!

>“Say, since you’re up, where did you hide those swords?” you ask, poking the fire with a branch and putting more kindling on.
As it makes sense because we all are cutious, it has no sense in this place. Isn't he tired? He can ask about that at the morning. Eh. Porn logic or cliffhanger is close.

>You nod at the clever defense method and give the area another scan with your eyes. Just as you start to head towards your tent, you hear a strange hiss come from the area directly behind you and beyond the camp.
And once again, a moment before my interest drops, you save the day. Or night. How and why? I don't know, but I will know someday. And then... Who knows?

>The blade’s edge hovers incredibly close to Trixie’s neck as she stands behind you.
Shit. Was close.

>Trixie could be lying, but what did she have to gain from that?

>Suddenly, you put the pieces together in your head. Trixie’s frequent advances explain the why, and her apparent illusionist magic knowledge must be the how. You back up against a tree, dragging your sword along with you.

>“Well, yes, you...uh...” you try to focus but Trixie steps close to you until she’s right under your chin.
What a misteke of me! It's not rape when he wants that!

>You relax your hand and feel across her butt for a moment. Just as you start to think of how soft her body is, something hits you.
>“Wait, where’s your swords?” you ask, patting her ass to make sure they weren’t there.
>“Don’t be silly, I’m a girl we have sheaths,” she says with a small laugh.
Oh, fuck. Kill it with fire! No! With ice! No! With benis!

>Behind her, the real Trixie emerges with her skirt removed and only her shorts on. Placing a foot on the creature’s back, she yanks the sword from its arm, severing a good portion of the limb. Its hiss turns into quick expletives as Trixie presses its back to the ground with her foot.
It's so fucking good. Trixie is so fucking godlike! I LOVE IT!

>“Changeling? Don’t those things feed on love?” you ask, stepping forward.
>“Yes, they also are known for kidnapping and feeding upon travellers,” Trixie says, pressing the blade against the imposter.
>Stepping beside Trixie, you can now get a better look at what it is. Its skin is a dark black color, with a slight sheen which suggests it’s a carapace rather than normal skin. The clothes seem to have disappeared, apparently also part of the illusion. Doubly clear in the dark, the creature has bright green eyes that have no pupils.
Do you hate it because it's black?! Hue!

>“Hey, a monster’s gotta eat. We don’t mean any harm by it, honest! Look, I’m supposed to getting a meal of my own or my mom won’t think I can stand on my own,” he sheepishly admits.
Is this changeling ok? I mean, I think it is ok. Alright. Friendly guy. Wanna into party? We are hunting a runaway dragon. Wanna join? Love, feelings? Maybe. Death? Probably. But your mom will be proud of you!

>“See you chumps later!” it shouts, breaking into a sprint further down the hall.
I want it into this party. I want. Do it.

>“Of course, Trixie can take care of herself. Besides, were you to join her, your inevitable attraction to her would cause both of us to get distracted, especially if you tried to--”
>“Goodnight Trixie,” you cut her off with a tired tone and slip into your tent.
Show me where the codex of Warriors points out that you have to be so big party pooper.

Your sstyle has changed, your taste is sharper now, word choosing improved, and you seem more mature now, but I like both of you, younger and older. Now, let me hug you.

There are two things I'd like to address.

Although, the story just seems to be going on I guess, it's a re-used formula of "ayylmao going on the road, meeting new people and resting at camp with Trixie's strange unwanted sexual advances"

Perhaps some more events, deviating from the norm could be in place for next chapter, along with this, perhaps our hero acquiring new armor or weapons for a change of pacing.

All in all, aside from what I dislike, it's pretty good shit so far moite.
smut when

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