I'm posting some of my stories from the /fb/ general on /mlp/ and I'll be writing some other stuff from time to time.
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Denouttaden. Would read again.
hot bi-polar sex I like
Really good fic
I likey. I no exterminate.
Why twice?
4826654 sorry it dident show up on my iPod
Why can't this happen to me?

Five out of five moustaches, and I'm not even done reading
Unfortunately, yes. I'm not a very exciting person.
Sequel plz!?!?
This is a different kind of story that I haven't seen before, I like it
Well, that escalated quickly.
I loved it all it was a good read and some awesome angry sex.
I love this so very much.
God damn........ There is nothing more hawt than two opposites having sex.
I will even help with ideas!~
If I could like this twice I would..
11/10 would read again.
RomanRazor cover art? Nice, nice, niiiiiiiiice.
My thoughts exactly
Well, okay then. I can think of drastically worse ways to spend 12 hours.
4826836 I am genuinely curious what the context of this comment is.
The description.
4828442 He's talking about the last bit of the description I believe.
Unless you mean why he doesn't want to do anything, which is probably because...I got nothing.
Oh, I thought he was replying to a comment. specifically this one:
Comment posted by master18 deleted at 10:39am on the 10th of August, 2014
Trixie may be pretty hot in that story art of yours, but she cannot tempt my heart. Twilight's better anyway.
Better than I expected, and I had high pretty damn high expectations!
Is there any chance of any kind of follow up? I mean I hate asking stuff like that, but this is one of the few times I've finished a fic and wondered "What happens next?"
Regardless, 10/10 very good read :3
This story could use some editing, but aside from that, I found it hilarious.
If there's one thing I can say this fic has that most clopfics don't, it's a sense of energy.
Nor plans for that. Converting my other stories to prose right now and then working on A Spike of Magic. Of course, there does seem to be demand for it, though I hear that more from the fic I'm currently converting, which should be out later today or tomorrow. (I'm awful at deadlines though)
Angry sex...I think I've found a new fic fetish....
Only now, after hours, I realised the title is a pun.
Many people everyone once said that angry sex is best sex, these two made it true.
My dick feels weird.
Good job.
4829452 that means it's working
4829164 Amen
Angry sex is best sex.
Excellent work, pal.
both funny and sexy haha, fav'n this!
I lost my shit completely there. Good job man.

well, as everyone agrees, angry sex is best sex
You sir have definitely done a good job 
This was more amusing than sexy.
I honestly think you could have done a bit better on the actual act itself.
Felt too rushed. But, that isn't to say it didn't fit the theme damn nicely.
~Skeeter The Lurker
4826828 I fell you man
We'll it almost happened once but in a diff way
Who fells that this should be continued
No sex like angry sex.
4831435 m.quickmeme.com/img/ab/ab173014ae70275ae3c255fbdf4bda6d1aef488183fd62f6add879451773be41.jpg
Madgod must go get some....items now....he shall return when he has.....finished with them.....