• Member Since 8th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 17th, 2016


Profile picture belongs to NCMares

Comments ( 287 )

I originally came here cuz I assumed it involved the game, but I'll read anyway since it seems interesting.

the new mastermind is either going to be discord or a pony we least suspect.

Cheese sandwich is gonna play as well as Fleet foot. Yes a new sequel and I can't wait to see how this goes :pinkiehappy: But I was expecting a new protagonist honestly but lets see how this goes with Pinkie pie again.

Omg YES! It'll just as amazing and mind boggling as the first one :D

Holy shit Twilight is back!:pinkiegasp: So the players have been sets and lets see who is the first to die and the first to be the criminal of this. I say filthy rich is gonna start the killing.

I'm thinking that the twilight in the manor was mostly a clone that was corrupted by sombra's horn and was blasted with the spell twilight used on the pinkie pie clones.

“Pinkie, please open up… It’s me… Twilight.”

:pinkiegasp: How... The hell? This shall be interesting!

Can't wait for the next chapter!

(Edit: I think Maud will be the first to go.)

4617744 I'm willing to bet she will be the last one to die before the final act starts.

I figure Maud's either going first or last, but aside from the victim's identity, I say that the first pony's gonna get stabbed on that alter: callin' it right now!

I really don't like the fact that the princesses and Discord have pictures on the wheel. It makes me think at least one of them is going to die.

4619209 Well that is what happen in this game. Just hope that the ponies who are worried about them survive long enough. :applecry:

Say, how come there's no character wheel this time round? It was great for keeping track of everyone.

4626175 Thanks for reminding me. For the last story I only put the wheel in at the end of each trial, I forgot I had planned to put them in after every part this time around.

4626194 I'm just wondering why celestia, cadence, luna, and discord are on the wheel?

4626711 I wouldn't want to leave them out, that would be most insensitive of me :pinkiecrazy:

GODDAMMNIT! I thought for sure that Filthy rich will be the first but I guess not.

Also time to quote this!

“It’s just a bag,” he shouted down.
“Is there anything in it?” Pinkie asked.
“Yeah there’s something,” he called, crouching down and opening it up. “It looks like…”

His voice died and his normally upbeat, cheery face went pale as he looked inside the bag. Pinkie closed her eyes and sighed as the voice began echoing around her.

I've got myself three theories, although I'm more-or-less sure on two of them than the other one.

The first theory would be pointing out the obvious, that Applejack may have done it. However, I don't have very much pride in this theory, due to one; Applejack's too honest and too 'hard' to really get away with murdering, and two; when she apologizes, she means it. You know, honesty, that kind of thing.

The second theory would be Derpy, despite how silly it seems. She has reason (you know, calling her stupid, and all that?) but I don't THINK she has the smarts to bag a body and at least (attempt) to hide it.

The third theory, and this is my most stable one, would have to be Fleetfoot. He has reason (being a grumpy guy who wants to get out of this bad situation no matter what) and he has the personality needed to try. Along with the fact he's been too afraid of Pinkie to spite her, but not afraid enough to talk and do stuff behind her back, and he's shown to have the smarts AND strength to bring a body up the ladder (by flying) and the smarts to hide it fairly well.

Overall, I'm more likely to believe that it's either Fleetfoot or Applejack, although I'm leaning towards Fleetfoot.

Sorry about all the spoiler markings, just wanna be safe.

4627065 Don't know about AJ since in the show she can lie. Party of one anybody? you'll never know who you can trust in these games :pinkiecrazy:

4627240 Eh, it's somewhat hard to say.
You know, AJ had a hard time in Party of One, and it obviously wasn't enough to trick Pinkie for long, and I imagine it might be harder to do since she's all detective-y now. Who knows, though?
Regardless, I'm loving the story and I can't wait to see how it turns out.

4627923 Ya and with a fun ride here, I'm trying to predict who will be the final 5 of this game that will go up against the head master himself.

4627927 I'll be watching!
Have fun while you're doing it, too.

Ok the trail is almost up and I can't wait to see who gets the ax :pinkiecrazy:

I'm gonna say it's Cheese sandwich, no reason, just hoping for my luck to work again.

4637519 I'm thinking he will be ether case 4 or one of the five. But just thinking of him getting killed or as the killer is just sad :pinkiesad2:

can't wait to see the trial when will it be up?

I have a feeling it's either Derpy (I'm very sorry), Applejack (again, sorry!) or Fleetfoot. (Her being an ass and all, I just wanted to put her here)

Then again, just hunches!

I say Applejack. Wasn't she the only one who knew about the coal bags beside Shining Armor?

Damn it! I knew it had to be a pony that is fast and I really thought it was Rainbow dash. I know the next time I will try to get it right!

Sweet, maybe I should become a detective... or a murderer, since I suppose I know what clues to avoid dropping.

BTW, you might wanna edit the execution segment. It's no big deal to have a few minor errors here and there throughout the story, but the executions have gotta be flawless. The ones I noticed were forgetting the 'suit' in flight suit and using 'facing' instead of 'face.'

Comment posted by Davaba19 deleted Jul 6th, 2014

then this music plays at the end of the chapter

4651290 If you and me ever get stuck in this game, I'm staying in my room no matter what if you are thinking of that. :twilightoops:

4651349 Showing all the 8 bit of the ponies and shows a picture of Pinkie pie with Filthy rich standing behind her and Spit fire flying above smiling.

Is Trixie The mastermind?

I'm callin it the mastermind is Celestia!

Cheese....Cheese.....? Come on stop playing around.:fluttercry:

They looked up at her as she closed the distance, their faces pale. As she got close she could make out the bloody, pulverised mess of a body splattered all over the patio.

However even amidst all the blood and gore, she could make out the multi-coloured tuxedo.


4663400 That's an interesting idea, but I get the feeling that if Trixie was the Mastermind then she'd include herself as a participant. Given her personality, she'd never leave that 16th slot open if she could be the one filling it.

A member of the mane 6 will die.

Should the princesses not be released the world will die. Nice job fucking it up mastermind.

Did Shining kill Cheese while he was drunk because I feel like that would be a bit plausible

Actually, S.Armor wasn't drunk. He was drugged. My guess is that someone else drunk it. Possibly Cheese.

As for who is the Mastermind, there is a lot of possibilities. From them being Trixie to them being everyone who is encased in stone. Right now there is too little info to make a guess.

4665097 you know I wouldn't put pass that. I mean he lost her sister and I know he has candance but I'm not sure.

Anyone else get a notification about the epilouge being published?

4670320 :twilightblush: Yeah about that, you know how the 'edit' button and the 'publish' button are right next to one another... you didn't see anything right?

4671906 Nah it would require the password.

no cheese! why did you choose it! who did it! :fluttercry::fluttershyouch::fluttershbad::applecry::ajsleepy::raritydespair::raritycry::pinkiegasp::twilightoops: who did this die!! :flutterrage::twilightangry2::rainbowhuh:

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