• Published 26th Mar 2012
  • 2,040 Views, 43 Comments

A Not-So-Fairytale Romance - Anonymous Pegasus

Ditzy Doo askes Prince White Knight out on a date as a dare. What will happen?!

  • ...

First Kiss

Ditzy clutched the pillow to her chest, hyperventilating, her eyes wide, heart racing, throbbing and beating somewhere in the back of her throat, the pressure becoming permeable behind her skull as she stared at the fabric her face was pressed into. Despite the hard thudding of her heart so loud in her ears, she could hear everything that was happening. Her senses were hyper-alert.

Prince? A Prince?!

White Knight was one of the Prince’s of the royal family, and she hadn’t even known?! She had asked him on a date! And now, here she was, in what was obviously his royal castle, of all things, on his guest bed!


“Ditzy? Ditzy?” a voice was asking.

Ditzy’s head shot up as consciousness gripped her, and her eyes blinked wide and scared for a moment, her mis-matched gaze coming to rest on White Knight.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his expression one of mild concern. “Should I seek the nurse?”

The pegasus blinked once, slowly, registering that she was in a very, very uncomfortable position, and then sat bolt-upright, her wings springing upwards in a flight reflex as she backpedaled to the edge of the bed, staring at him with wide eyes. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she realised that she must have fainted, right there on the bed. It was still dark outside, so it couldn’t have been a very long time since she had passed out.

“What’s the matter?” White Knight asked, sounding much more concerned now, at her odd behavior.

Ditzy gave a flustered shake of her head, waving a hoof at him. “Younevertoldmeyouwereaprince!” she squeaked out in a stream of syllables, her breathing rapid and shallow, wings quivering as though to propel her outside through one of the windows.

White Knight raised a brow slowly, his head canting just a little bit to one side, blinking at her once. “....And?” he asked.

“That’s something a girl might want to know!” she protested.

The unicorn peered at her for a long moment, his head tilting back to the other side, brow still raised. “Do you feel inclined to notify every pony you meet that you are a pegasus?” he asked.

Ditzy blinked at that, fumbling over her words for a moment. “It’s not the same thing!”

“Indeed," he responded dryly. “But it is the same principle-” Ditzy shuddered as she heard principle; “insofar that I need not notify anypony I meet because there are very few who do not know I am a prince. I apologize for not realising that you did not know."

“”W-well....you should!” Ditzy said with a firm nod, not quite sure how to respond to such a reasonable explanation, lowering her head and peering up at him. “It changes things," she said in a small voice, shaking her head.

“Changes things?” White Knight asked, arching a brow slowly. “Please, explicate."

Ditzy waved a hoof at him meekly for a moment. “You’re a prince," she said, frowning deeply. “You shouldn’t even be talking to me. I’m just a clumsy pegasus who can’t hold a job," she finished, shaking her head once. “I have nothing to offer to a Prince."

White knight canted his head slightly at her, and then shook it slowly, his expression chiding. He stepped up onto the bed, and then shifted to sit in front of her, lifting a hoof to soothingly rub at her mane. “Ditzy," he said, slipping his hoof in under her chin to force her to meet his gaze.

The pegasus winced just a little bit, her ears pinning backwards and wings quivering slightly in flight-or-fight reflex, her expression sad.

“You have nothing to offer me that I do not already have," he said bluntly.

Ditzy winced even more at that, shirking away slightly, but the unicorn pulled her around to face him properly again.

“You have nothing to offer me that I do not already have, except yourself," he finished, staring into her eyes, even though he could only correctly meet one of them as the other was slowly rolling to the side.

“But I’m nobody..." Ditzy said quietly.

White Knight gave a nod, and a faint smile, rubbing his nose against her own sweetly for a moment. “Indeed you are. But neither am I," he said rather calmly.

“But you’re a prince..," she protested weakly.

“Indeed I am. But does that make me somebody? A Prince’s value is dependent on the observers preconceptions about their title," he stated rather calmly.

Ditzy thought over what he said for a moment. “You’re right...I guess...but you’re still out of my league. Well, well out of my league. I can’t even look into your eyes properly," she said with a defeatist sigh.

White Knight shook his head slowly. “It is fortunate then, that I retain the ability to choose my prospective partners for myself," he said with a faint smile.

The pegasus blinked up at him, her ears still lowered. “But...why would you choose me? I’m just a clumsy pegasus with broken eyes," she said forlornly. “And you’re a Prince. You should be courting a high-class unicorn mare who knows your world and understands you," she pointed out.

The unicorn gave a nod. “Indeed. That is perhaps correct. But I grow weary of the upper-class mares."

“So you thought you’d stoop as low as you possibly can?” she accused.

White Knight shook his head slowly. “No. That was not my intent," he stated.

“Then why?” she asked, glaring up at him after a moment. “Why me? When you could choose from any mare you want?”

The Unicorn paused a moment, as though trying to weigh his words and form a correct response to her question. “When I saw you flee into the bushes..," he trailed off, pondering a moment. “I don’t know," he admitted. “The Unicorns who attempt to win my favour are all quite sure of themselves. They guard their emotions behind impassive faces. They are impenetrable," he explained, lifting her head with a hoof again, to peer into her eyes. “Seeing you crying in the bushes due to my actions touched me in ways that the Unicorns cannot. You are not like them. You are vulnerable and delicate, even if you are ‘lower class’. You are more a lady than any of them will ever be; and perhaps it is merely my protective instinct that you awoke...But I know that you intrigue me. And I wish to explore these feelings,"

Ditzy blinked up at him, her ears splaying backwards and wings giving a little bit of a quiver as he spoke, feeling her cheeks flush faintly at his words. “Y-you really think I’m more of a lady than them?” she asked nervously.

White knight nodded slowly. “Indeed. You are not as high-class as they are. You are utterly alien to what they are and what they represent; but it is those differences that underline what you have, that they do not," he explained, gently stroking along her chin with his hoof in a soothing, affectionate manner.

"So crazy eyes make me a lady?" she asked sarcastically.

The unicorn snuffed a laugh. "If you wish to look at it that way, then yes, they do," he said with a short nod.

Ditzy looked up at him for a long moment, her wings slowly relaxing, her ears pinning back slightly. "...Thank you, White Knight," she murmured, feeling her cheeks flush again. "You're...very sweet," she admitted.

"I am not sweet. I am merely truthful," he said with a nod, leaning forwards to nuzzle his nose against her own gently for a moment. "I was on my way to see if you would enjoy a nightcap with me when I saw you lying unconscious in a position that could not possibly be comfortable for a creature with bone structure."

The pegasus nodded, feeling her cheeks warm even further. "I...I uhm...k-kind of fainted," she muttered, chagrined.

"Fainted?" White Knight asked, his tone conveying surprise.

Ditzy nodded after a moment. "W-when I heard you were a prince," she added.

The unicorn nodded at that. "Indeed. I did not realise it would be such a shock to you," he admitted. "The offer still stands though, since I woke you from your blissful slumber," he offered with a faint smile.

She raised her brow, lifting her head and peering up at him again. "What did you have in mind? The last glass of wine I had didn't go so well. My head is still buzzing," she said, shaking her head for a moment.

"I will have a servant bring up a pitcher of punch," he offered with a raised brow.

"Well....I suppose it couldn't hurt. Are we just going to drink it here?" she queried.

White Knight shook his head slowly. "I was intending on inviting you up to my personal quarters for the duration of our drink," he explained.

"...I guess that'd be fine," Ditzy said, feeling her heart racing a little bit. His private chambers? What would they need to go there for?!

The unicorn lifted a hoof; "No ulterior motives, I promise," he said with a faint smile.

Ditzy gave a weak smile in response to that, slipping off the bed and nodding at him. "Then...lead the way."

White Knight smiled faintly at that, waving a hoof for her to follow, and then turning about, stepping off the bed and pushing through the door, turning right down a long hallway. She followed him every step of the way, keeping close, her wings slightly unfurled and pressed to her side as though for comfort.

He led her through a series of turns, this way and that, and then up a long spiral staircase, to what she instantly assumed were his private quarters. There was purple felt everywhere, with a bed covered in blue silk and what appeared to be blue satin sheets. The walls were sparsely decorated, a poster of the Wonderbolts pinned to one wall, and a painting of a mountain valley and stream on another. A pair of large white doors inset with glass panes led out to a balcony that must have had an awesome view.

She had barely looked around when a Butler shuffled in, placed down a pitcher of punch, and then crept back out again.

“It’s...nice," Ditzy said, her eyes wide, staring at the opulent surroundings.

“Indeed it is," he said with a slight nod and a smile, waving a hoof towards the balcony. “I trust that as a Pegasus, you won’t have a problem with heights?” he asked.

Ditzy shook her head slowly, and minced over to the big double doors, pushing them open and stepping up to the balcony railing, peering out over the edge.

The party was still in full-swing below them, if the description could even be used for the kind of party that was going on down there; ponies moved back and forth, and the gardens were alight with lanterns held by the various party-goers walking back and forth, seeming to be only fireflies at this distance.

Further off in the distance was just pure darkness, with the occasional yellow glow of a window denoting a small cottage built amongst the trees. Even further afield, Ponyville was faintly visible as a muted collection of glowing orbs that were the lights of windows.

The stars above were faintly visible, as their eyes still hadn’t adjusted properly.

White Knight’s horn glowed faintly as stepped up besides her, and the lanterns in his room all shielded, cutting off all light except from that of the lanterns far below.

“It’s quite a view," he said, pouring them drinks in the darkness, the faint glow of his magic casting an odd purple haze over their faces.

“Yeah, it is rather nice," she said, peering down at the party below, and then out towards Ponyville.

“I bet you get much nicer views all the time from up in the clouds," he pointed out.

“Well...kind of. But...I’ve never been looking out over a view with a Prince before," she said with an earnest nod.

“Still hung up on the Prince thing, huh?” he asked.

Ditzy nodded once more. “Indeed," she said, before wrinkling her nose and pawing at her muzzle for a moment. “Now you’ve got me saying it!” she protested.

“Indeed," White Knight responded, his tone completely blank, though a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

She rolled her eyes and hoofed him in the shoulder playfully a moment, before accepting her wine-glass full of punch and sipping at it delicately, peering out across the dark lands, no more than layered shades of darkness placed over one another.

“Look up now," he suggested, raising a hoof towards the sky.

Ditzy blinked and peered upwards, her eyes widening at the sheer amount of stars she could now see. There were hundreds of thousands of them, sprinkled across the sky. She gasped faintly, blinking up at them slowly. Of course, to her, it was even more breathtaking, as her eyes, unwilling to look at the exact same spot at the same time, gave her two different images of the same amount of stars.

“Impressive, huh?” he asked with a slight grin.

“Yes!” she responded with a nod.

“Don’t much take the time to star-gaze, I’ll wager?” he asked.

Ditzy nodded at that. “Whenever I look up at the stars, there’s always so few..." she admitted.

He nodded in response. “That’s because of light pollution. You need to get way out away from lights to be able to see all the stars...or way up high, like we are now," he said with a grin. “Just so long as you don’t look down at the lights."

“You have this every night?” she asked, staring at him for a long moment, regarding his silhouette.

He gave a helpless shrug in response. “Anyone can have a view of the stars. I just have it a lot easier," he pointed out, turning towards her and smiling faintly. “So, you never did tell me...how did you get your cutie mark? I’ve never seen bubbles as a cutie mark before."

Ditzy blinked at him, her ears pinning back slightly at his question, surprised that he would take interest in that. “Uhm...well...it’s kind of a silly story," she said, embarrassed.

“I’m not going anywhere," the Unicorn said, raising a brow at her and tilting his head. “You don’t have to tell me if you’re uncomfortable."

“It’s not that," she protested, frowning deeply for a moment. “It’s just...I’m not even really sure what it is myself," she said with a soft sigh.

“How do you mean?” he queried.

“Well...I was looking at muffins," she said, nodding once. “Looking at muffins, and crumbs," she continued, lifting a hoof. “Really...a muffin is just lots, and lots, and lots of crumbs. Right? A mountain is just lots and lots and lots of grains of dirt, yeah?” she asked, looking to him for confirmation.

“In a way, I guess so," White Knight said with a reasonable nod.

“Well....If a muffin is just crumbs. Couldn’t we just be made of something like that?” she asked, raising a brow.

The Unicorn blinked at her slowly, his head tilting to the side, before he shook it firmly. “I do not see how that is possible. We do not crumble," he stated.

“No, we don’t crumble. But neither do Apples, or anything else like that," she said with an earnest nod. “So I thought to myself...that maybe it was all just really, really, really tiny crumbs that we’re all made of. And suddenly...I had bubbles as a cutie mark," she said with a faint sigh and a shake of her head.

“That...idea has some merit. I cannot pretend to be able to comprehend it," he admitted.

“You think it’s a stupid idea," Ditzy accused, turning away to stare out over the land again.

“No. I do not," he countered, stepping over next to her again, pulling her head around to face him, and peering into her eyes in the darkness. “I think you are a very smart, very adorable Pegasus," he said with a warm smile.

She felt herself flushing hard at that, her ears pinning back and a low, happy humm leaving her throat. He thought she was adorable? She was suddenly aware of how close he was, their noses almost touching, and she felt her cheeks flush with warmth, while her heart began to beat faster.

“I-I k-kinda wish this were alcoholic," she muttered, putting her glass down with a shaking hoof.

“Why is that?” he asked curiously.

“B-because I want to kiss you b-but I-I’m not b-brave enough to..," she whimpered, her ears splaying back flat against her skull, starting to turn her head away in a shy motion.

White Knight smiled faintly, raising a brow. “Then why don’t you? You do not need false courage," he encouraged.

“W-what?” she asked, flushing further, lowering her head a little bit.

“Kiss me," he ordered bluntly.

Ditzy wasn’t aware of moving at all, but suddenly, her hoofs were holding him just behind the jaw, and their lips were pressed together in a warm, firm kiss. Her eyes clenched closed in embarrassment, and her wings sprung out from their normal position, her heart racing and breathing increasing in speed to a shallow panting as she felt him actually lean into the kiss! He wanted to kiss her!

She wanted to squeal and hide under her hooves, but she couldn’t, oh no, she was kissing a Prince, and he wanted to kiss her. It was perfect!

After several long moments, Ditzy pulled back for air, her cheeks burning with a pink flush, taking a step backwards as she panted breathlessly. “T-that was n-nice," she whimpered.

White Knight nodded slowly, ever-composed. “Indeed. We should do it again," he stated.

“L-like r-right now?” she stuttered.

The Unicorn smiled faintly, sitting down on his haunches and motioning for her to come closer. “I would enjoy that."

Ditzy minced over closer to him, and then threw her hoofs around his neck, kissing him eagerly, her heart thudding hard in her chest, smiling into the kiss.


She didn’t know where the time had gone. But suddenly, she was feeling tired. There was a pleasant blurring of her thoughts, and a warm, fuzzy feeling just flooding her chest, even though her lips were numb and her tongue was mildly sore from the intense making out session she’d just had with White knight.

Even now, she was leaning against him happily, gazing out silently over the view with him, just enjoying the sensation of his larger form against her own.

“I think I should sleep..," she said with a heavy yawn, rubbing a hoof against her eyes.

“Indeed. It grows late," the unicorn said with a slight nod, stroking a hoof gently through her mane. “Why don’t you use my bed for the night?” he offered.

Instantly, she was wide-awake again, her wings springing up as she felt the strong urge to leap off the balcony and hide somewhere dark. “Y-your bed?!” she squeaked.

White Knight nodded slowly. “Indeed. I shall sleep on the couch," he said, motioning with a hoof towards the couch along the wall opposite the bed. It was larger and more comfortable than the bed she had been on earlier, by the looks of it.

“W-well....I-I dunno..," she stammered, ears pinning back helplessly.

“I will keep to that end of the room, promise," he said, lifting a hoof to his chest in a motion of sincerity.

After several long moments of thought, and creeping weariness, Ditzy gave a nod. “I...suppose," she said, peering at him sideways. “S-so long as it’s not any trouble...?”

“None at all," the Unicorn said with a smile, motioning towards the bed as he stepped back through the door. “Would you prefer the balcony door closed, or open?” he asked.

“I don’t mind either way," she said, mincing past him towards the large bed, pausing at the edge and then shaking her head. “N-no. Actually. I’ll take the couch!” she said, bounding over towards the couch and leaping onto it before he could.

White Knight stared at her for a long moment, raising a brow. After a moment, he seemed to make his mind up about something, and stepped over to the couch. Ditzy squared her stance, ready to fight for her decision.

“You won’t get me off of here," she said, stamping a hoof.

The Unicorn grinned a little, and then leaned in to kiss her with a low, happy sound, making her quiver and then melt helplessly under his advances.

“You are adorable," he said simply, before turning about and stepping over to his bed, curling up on it and closing his eyes to sleep.

Ditzy watched him for a long moment, before doing the same on the couch, flexing her wings for a moment, and peeking one eye open to watch him sleep for a few minutes. She was sleeping on a Prince’s couch, and he had kissed her, and he liked her! And to think, that morning, she had just been jobless and unhappy. And now? Well!

Smiling faintly to herself, she closed her eye, resting her head on her forelegs to sleep. For once, she was content with how her life was going.

Comments ( 32 )

...Wait wait wait. So basically Derpy/Ditzy's cutie marks are actually a depiction of atoms or subatomic particles? :rainbowderp:

I've got to say, I definitely haven't heard that take on it before.

Still cute stuff. : D

Looks like Ditzy's night turned out better than she hoped

This is adorable in every way possible and I'm not ashamed t admit that.

I can't help but smile while reading this, its a reall 'aaawwwwww'y' story
The White Knight is quite the sir :moustache:
They say that genius borders on insanity, while dityz aint insane she does think 'outside the box'

White Knight is indeed a gentlestallions. We need more like him.
And Ditzy thought up the concept of atoms...That's our Ditzy.:derpytongue2:

dude, i love it! Ditzy is pretty much everyones favourite, and this is just brillient!

389466 she might is actually a genius but she cannot voice it right.

Also, update this! :P

This is utterly adorable. Possibly even dawwww-able. And I do like the idea that Ditzy's cutie mark is related to molecular science, that's a new one.

First it is nopony not nobody ,and secend somepony not somebody what is a body any way:rainbowhuh::duck:

Well I am rather intrigued by this story and disappointed that it has not seen a single update thus far. I need more dear Brony. Good luck.


Dis gun be Gooooooooood!!!

Tell me about it! Actually I think it's more exciting that Derpy has such a completely ambiguous cutie mark. It allows writers to come up with ideas such as these! Or I have no idea where but I once saw one explain she was so scatterbrained that she didn't remember being saved by a seapony once in her infancy before she could fly :derpyderp2:, and she had it before anypony else in history, and the teasing was due to jealousy. (It was a nice inversion of the CMC's problem) Then she found her old saviour by the beach and finally learned about her cutie mark's origin. I looked for it on here but it didn't seem to be here and I don't remember the name. :raritycry:

Anonymous Pegasus now that you finished Transcend you MUST return to this, even if it doesn't have the same impact it and is kind of a stereotypical love story is such a nice change of pace from the derpyhate pileup!

White Knight was one of the Prince’s of the royal family, and she hadn’t even known?! She had asked him on a date! And now, here she was, in what was obviously his royal castle, of all things, on his guest bed!
also there should be no apostrophe in this one.

564936 I wrote a 45,000 word Chrysalis fiction that was featured? :pinkiecrazy:

I'm writing the second part of it, too. I haven't forgotten this story, though!

You don't remember? Well, okay, maybe you didn't see it because you were too busy writing but it was totally there.
LoL I JUST found this. Mostly onyl because I've now finished all the chrysalis fics so far and am going back over my favourite authors works. :lol:
It WAS out of action for 2 weeks prior though so that's why I was like "O GOD WHY" just as I saw it was getting to the good part. :rainbowlaugh:
don't mind me, I did the same thing when Fox canceled.....er.....Actually I can think of like 15 shows they did that to me on :rainbowderp:
Damn you Fox!
The first one always hurts the most though... Space: Above and Beyond, I'll always remember the potential you had. :raritycry:

725445 yeah, your picture link? Didn't work.

725489 Well was it a good picture, or a bad picture?

"Shit's so fancy I need a second Monocle"

So good, I guess?

I love this story so much D'aaawww :fluttercry: And there needs to be another update so i can see where this is going cuz i got a feeling we are going to find out where dinky came from :pinkiehappy:

Wow, he is like Fancy Pants times 10.:pinkiegasp:

Wow, This is really good. :derpytongue2:

btw Cover image's manestile is wrong:derpytongue2:

This is beautiful, and I am really enjoying the happiness of Derpy. When will ther.e be more? I am really enjoying it:pinkiehappy:.

2081591 Sorry to break it to you, but it's cancelled. :pinkiesad2:

I will rewrite this entirely in future, make it better and more understandable, and most importantly: complete!

2081640 I hope that day comes soon, because the idea, from what I read, was very beautiful and enjoyable. Good luck with the re-write when you get to it, and I hope to get a chance to read it.:pinkiesmile:


Prince for Derpy, Right on! I hope you're still considering the idea.

There's something wrong about that Derpy but i don't know that it is.



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