• Member Since 13th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Hey folks. JusSonic here, finally sending fics here. While I was worried about coming here for some time now, I decided to give this place a shot...as long as you be fair, 'kay?


Alternative version of "Too Many Pinkie Pies". If a lot of Pinkie Pies were bad enough, how much more chaos could lots of Twilight Sparkles, Raritys, Rainbow Dashes, Fluttershys, Applejacks, and Pinkie Pies could cause?

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 3 )

So already the writing was bland and rather dull and then you lost me at Ben, Nyx, ect.

Also dat Applejack. What in the hay is that accent!

If Luigi found the mirror pool, there'd be something like this happening.

you had clones and you didn't do a star wars refrence

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