• Published 15th Oct 2013
  • 3,620 Views, 99 Comments

There The Bones Lie - Flint Sparks

Spike, an immortal dragon, faces the eternal prison of death as his soul remains in his bones. The only comfort is the mare who visits him each and every day...

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Only the beginning...

The snow was cold, cold like the day before and day before that. It was always cold here. Perhaps it was the mountain where I lay, or the eternally raging storm? Regardless, I have lost the exact day as I lie here, the date lost in time. It had been too long. My bones, weary and freezing, lay where I rest. I could not move, could not see, could not breathe, but only perceive. It was a curse of an existence.

Immortality has its price.

I vaguely remember my last day walking on the lands I used to call home. My days had been peaceful, until a nearby kingdom declared war on my home. I do not recall the conflict, nor the names, but I remember the last battle. The battle who’s tide was turned by my own claws, and won by the brave ponies who had fought beside me. Why I died, however, is lost to time.

My memories are foggy not due to time itself, but rather the fortitude of my mind. When I was first imprisoned in this earthly cage, I was nothing but a miasma of emotion. Floating in oblivion, I could only scream and rage internally, hoping to break out free. There was no chance of understanding or coming into terms of my death while I was nothing but a caged beast. Used to my primal strength, the feeling of helplessness did nothing but stir terror into my already raging soul.

During my bout of insanity, the part of me that was still cognitive felt the years slip past. Eventually, after my soul’s storm had calmed, I began to regain consciousness. Now that I had my rationality returned, I could examine my predicament and find a solution. I began to focus on regaining my memories.

My mind, formerly powerful and sharp, had become cluttered and dusty in my absence. Recalling memories long forgotten was like reaching into a dark room and hoping for the best. However, I had kept my indomitable will, even in insanity, and persevered throughout the years. Near the beginning I regained my knowledge of meditation and used it to strengthen my mind, hoping to solve the puzzle of my prison.

Brief flashes of my past flickered through my mind as the first century passed. I recalled diamonds, rainbows, and the taste of a cupcake of my younger years. It is only now that I realize those were the peaceful days of when I was an innocent, naive hatchling with my little ponies. Now I was mighty, powerful, and terrifying. Or at least, I was. Now I was a mere pile of rubble, the ruins of something that once shook the world to its very core.

I cannot remember exactly how long it had been since I first lied on the cold, hard snow for the last time, but I knew at least an millenium had passed before today. Even for an immortal who’s heartbeat lasted longer than the normal pony, a millenium was a long time. A very long time. Words cannot express the raging turmoil that boiled within my soul, even if I had quelled the worst of it.

A strange sensation bloomed after the onslaught of time ravaged on. An interesting sensation to lighten my imprisonment. I began to… see.

Color was fascinating, even if I was surrounded by white. A thousand years of blindness, and suddenly my mind had torn away the fog. Words cannot… I missed it. Sight. It was a blessing I had taken for granted when I was alive, and now it had been returned. If I was able, tears would have been shed. It was… beautiful.

Beautiful. A word I have not thought of for a thousand years. It brought back images of blurred shades of white and blue; magic and fabrics clouded my memories whenever I whispered that word internally. In my mind’s eye, I could see her. The pony I had once loved. The pony who never returned my heart to me.

A memory of her betrayal was engraved into my soul as I unearthed it. When she had married that stallion… the dragon within me awoke. I raged against the heavens and grew, grew until I could storm my way through the city and tear apart the church. I remember her tearful eyes as I prepared to engulf the gathering in hellish flames. It was only the voice of somepony special that had awoken me to my sense, saving the lives of my friends.

What remained was the consequences of my actions. My emotions, my instinct, my heart fire had engulfed my very essence and irreversibly turned me into a beast. Greed was something to overcome, but my metamorphosis that day was permanent. One can turn their back on greed, but the truth will always follow you. I became a monster, and had remained so since.

Since then, nopony would approach me. They feared me, even the ones who had once called me their friends. Their fear was lessened by the wise words of the lavender one, and since then they would finally speak to me. Our words were brief and to the point. Having to live in a cave took its toll on my psych, leaving me even more bestial. Bestial to the point where only one mare could safely approach me. Even in my draconic mindscape, her words penetrated the veil and commanded me. Only her orders I would follow, and follow them I would.

Until her last words ordered me to my final resting place, for which I now lay.

Even now, I think of her. Back in the day of which I resided in my hoard-filled cave, she visited me. Every day would be blessed with her appearance. Why she trecked to my residence, I could not remember. At first it was for excuses for ‘dragon-pony relations’ or to borrow a trinket from my hoard, but I saw past the ruse. Eventually she dropped the persona completely and came for small talk, just to see how I fared. If it had been any other pony, I would have given them a warning before scarfing down a new snack. Her presence I allowed. I looked forward to her visits to the point where I wouldn’t leave my cave in fear of missing her.

She visited me every day until the day she ordered me to die.

Even then, she never stopped coming.

After I regained my perception, I took note of my surroundings. Despite several feet of snow spanning in every direction, not a single flake landed on my bones. Underneath was plain rock. Every day the winged pony would come, wave her shining horn, open her muzzle and speak inaudible words, and fly off. I did not recognize her immediately, but as my vision became clearer so did my memories.

Today was different, to say the least. The lavender pony, who’s name I cannot recall, was late. The ward she casted every day had begun to fade in her absence, allowing a single snowflake to fall upon myself. My bones would have shook with pleasure as I felt the freezing sensation. I felt the cold from a distance, but this sensation was something entirely different. The pony’s heart was in the right place, but I would have preferred isolation.

In the distance I could hear the muffled sound of wings flapping. My perception had begun to take in sounds lately, but the clarity and meanings were lost. Contemplating the thought, I could only watch as the pony landed on the snow with polished grace. She shook her ethereal mane free of the snow and straightened her posture before approaching me.

“S~~~~” she whispered, lowering her head. Internally, I sighed. For once, I wish I could hear her. She sighed vapor into the chilled air and touched her horn to my skull. An odd sensation ran through my deceased body. “Spike.”

My mind flared up in shock as I took in her word. Spike. That had been my name before… Memories flashed through my mind. Griffins. Spears. Black miasma. I had been slain by-

“Spike…” the mare whispered as she turned her head. I felt a strange, bristling sensation. What the ponies called ‘nuzzling.’ Familiar, and nice. “I missed you.”

I missed you too, I thought, an old emotion stirring in my heart. It was unlike the usual rage or hurt I felt every day in my pathetic existence. As if she heard me, the pony stirred in confusion and stepped back. She calmed down and continued.

“It’s been over a thousand years, old friend. I miss you, even now. Sometimes I wonder if you can hear me. Do you remember me? It’s me, same old Twilight. I did it, Spike. I finally did it.” The mare choked, tears starting to flow. With a dignified stomp, she swallowed and regained her composure.

“I still remember the day Celestia left us. Do you remember? You were still small when it happened, small enough to cry in my hooves as we shared the tears. Not a day passed without a thought about why she moved on, but now I understand. Before I continue, I want to let you know that this will be the last time we meet on this plane. Someday I hope to see you again, on the other side. I promised to you that I would visit every day, and even past death I held onto that promise, the promise you would never leave me.

Do you remember when I hatched you? Of course not, you were just a baby… I remember; you were absolutely adorable sucking on your tail like you used to. I remember growing up with you by my side, my number one assistant. You used to whine about doing your chores and working, yet for some reason you always sought to help everypony in anyway possible. Don’t think I didn’t notice, you little rascal.”

Twilight paused to chuckle, her years showing. Immortality had preserved her beauty, but wrinkles had begun to shown. Her mane was made of magic itself, her legs and muzzle had elongated, and she was taller than I remembered, but she was still beautiful. Beautiful, a word I had only used for two ponies, could only barely start to describe Twilight. I remember her intelligence and wisdom, her dreams and ambitions, her worries and fears. I remembered almost everything, but threads hung out of my mind’s grasp.

“It was a fright when you grew once more, the day that Ra-er, she married. You had swallowed your feelings when the engagement was announced, but not even I noticed the inner turmoil you harbored. For that, I’m sorry. I should have noticed. I should have saved you.” Twilight bowed her head in regret. I wish she wouldn’t blame herself; it was nopony’s fault but my own. Regardless, she continued.

“You were young, but growing in the beginning of our life together. Once the kingdom was handed to me, you became my knight. My paladin. Before your heartbreak, you were the one I could trust above anypony else. I only wish I had noticed before… Sometimes I lay in bed at night and wonder what would have happened if I had just talked to you. Even if I were to be hurt in return, I wonder if things could have changed.

You were becoming a gentledrake before you… lost yourself to the dragon. You grew to my height before long, surprising everypony! Who knew gems from the Crystal Empire would have caused such a growth spurt?! You became such a goof afterwards, constantly bumping into objects and breaking vases. The maids called you a pain and chased you with brooms. It was funny, if you don't mind me saying so. Some of the castle staff even found you cute, scales and all.” Twilight looked away for a moment, to my confusion. What was she getting at?

She returned her gaze to me. “I suppose I might be honest. Even I, the Princess of Magic, found myself fancying you as your muscles and skills with the sword developed and your manners evolved from simple belches and burps. It surprised me to no end how charming you could be. Perhaps I was blind after you left childhood, but it still leaves me a nervous wreck to not have realized it in time.” She took in a deep breath and held it. I thought she was going to turn purple for a moment, then realized how silly that would be.

“Why, Spike? Why her?!” Twilight yelled, causing me to internally wince. Tears cascaded from her eyes, turning into tiny crystals as the mountain chill froze them. She didn’t…

“I loved you, Spike! There, I said it! Are you happy?!” She choked on her tears, sobbing. “Ten years after I came to rule did I finally realize it. But no, you continued to pine after that mare who simply did. Not. CARE!” She panted, shaking. Her wings extended and the feathers bristled in anger.

“I’m sorry,” she said, bowing her head to me. I tried to contain my emotions, as to not cloud my new hearing. It was a lot to take in, but it was my only chance to hear the parting words of my best friend. I… I had no words to say about this.

“That was cruel, speaking of Rarity like that. I’m sorry.” The name summoned a newborn rage, but my determination to hear Twilight out extinguished it. A love lost was nothing to a dead dragon.

“Then you- well, I’d rather not say it. You became, well, this.” She waved to my skeletal remains. “A full-grown dragon, a primal beast of his race. Not even Fluttershy could tame you, yet you remained loyal to me. Why? I never knew. Perhaps it was my punishment; watching the dragon I loved turn into a beast at my beck and call. Punishment for not saving him when I had the chance. I should have noticed, Spike. I should have noticed. Apparently watching my best friend, and one love, turn into a mindless beast wasn’t punishment enough. After the great war was declared, I was forced to watch as the dark spell meant to kill me strike you instead. Maybe you remembered our days together. Maybe you still cared. I wish it had been me instead. It tears my heart to remember holding onto your ash-ridden head and whispering words of comfort. It was then I asked you to never leave me, as long as I came to see you at the rise of each noon. Part of it was my anguish to see the life in you extinguished, another part believed you would watch over me if I did. I guess you can see which part won.”

Twilight began to pace around me as she changed her topic.

“Ten years ago, I had the honor of turning a new pony into a princess, one to take my place. She’s a nice girl, somepony sweet. You would have loved her; she takes after Applejack, if you can believe that! And now that she’s ready to take charge, I left her my kingdom.”

She sighed, wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Before I leave this world, Spike, I want to say goodbye.” She whipped around and trotted back in front, facing me. She took a moment to place her horn on my bones once more. I felt, and I’m sure she did as well, our magic resonate once more. Twilight lifted her head and stared directly at me. Without wavering, she said her final words. “Goodbye Spike. This is the end.”

With a tear, her magic flared and she was swallowed by the magenta light.

And now I was alone. Completely, and utterly alone.

Comments ( 98 )

You might want to recheck your title.

You've got one too many words in the the title. See what I did there?

Yes, but my internet connection screwed up and I'm trying to change it... :facehoof:

Heartbreaking. I do wonder about the time it took for Twilight to find her replacement, and I would love to see teen (?) Spike's adventures before Rarity's wedding.

This is one of my first attempts at sad, but that sounds like a tragedy in the making. :fluttercry: I'll consider writing it... :twilightsheepish: Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. :twilightsmile:


3351639 Twi is gonna be pissed on the other side to find out she abandoned him there. I fear for the poor grim reaper.

3351677 Rainbow Death is in for an ear full I assure you! Still this story is sad. Good but damn. I need to just block the sad tag. It digs into my own work when I'm sniffling at all these nicely written cryfests.

Oh you. :rainbowkiss:

I had an alternate ending, but didn't post it. Would that make you happy? :duck:

3351700 Nah, I leave it to the authors to do whats best for their work. I can complain and moan all I want but to put it simply. Your work is your own. I like it as is and you shouldn't change it to fit someone else's vision.

Oh so you did go with that ending, cool beans! :pinkiehappy:

* wipes tear away * That was beautiful.....

inb4 You get featured, I hate you! STOP BEING A BETTER WRITER THAN ME!:fluttercry:

The chapter... 'Only the begining'
*Looks down*
Why you lie? :trollestia::pinkiesad2:

Why is the chapter titled "Only The Beginning"? Does that mean a possible follow up?

Don't worry, I don't think I'll get featured. :applejackunsure: Oh and only five away from you...
3352467 3352460
This is a standalone story, but that doesn't mean I won't revisit it. I'm doing One-Shotober, so I have to move on for now. Once I'm done in a couple weeks, I might continue something along the lines of this. :duck:
What do you want to see? The past, or the future of Spike?

you made all the baby dragons cry!
Its a great tearjerker.
Twilight should have taken him with her like she always did, but that is a personal opinion.
Don't change a thing. :yay:

poor Spike, poor Twilight... :fluttercry:

:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::pinkiesad2: sorry spike we all loved u but I will visit u i'm immortal as well and it hurts too

wow. good work.

Being stuck in one's own dead body would be hell on earth.

Thus the curse of immortality. :raritydespair:


There is only one word i could utter for this... epic.

This made me cry... And not the manly dramatic tears either.

3353381 I'd like to write a story with this general idea. Is it ok with you?

Being stuck in your dead body? :rainbowhuh:

Just making sure.

And nice work on this one. Lots of feels.

3354171 Yes. I have one planned with Celestia. :twilightoops:

This story is really deep, however it is also inspiring for people to live their lives as the best that they can. To use the time that they have.

I am amazed with your writing, how you described it, and the feelings of them both along the way.

Great story, really loved it.

You could do that, but it will only use the general idea. In this story, it's implied alicorns simply 'disappear.'

Urgh, Flint, you have stabbed me in the heart with feels... is this the dark spell twilight spoke of? Shall I too now lie dead for millennia, only feeling the pain of sadness from this story?

I can do that, I guess.


Love the story, you continue to amaze.

A little piece music that helped me really enjoy this story.

3351643 He might end up following after her, if it is that her very presence was the thing that actually held him to the world.

Though that really was irking that spike still pined after rarity even after she shattered his heart with the marriage to another, he should have noticed Twilight. but I guess he was still too clouded by his draconic instincts to realize the world around him properly.:applejackunsure:

3356368 Tunnel vision is a bitch.

Oh, that was gorgeous. I yearn for the entirety of the story, but I know that I would only be let down. In this case less really is more. It's better to let my own mind fill in the gaps; that is the glory of a one-shot; and this is a glorious one-shot.

3357881 Your thoughts on this whole thing? I kinda like the horrid soul rending it ends on.

3357888 I find it intriguing, also i see it as a case ad point that sparity really is a bad ship. Cadence really has a hard time trying top help love blossom in all of the right places.:facehoof:

anyway It was interesting and I found analyzing it to be somewhat delightful.:twilightsmile:

3357901 I just had a fun read. I don't see Rarity as meaning anything bad by it. She probably thought of it as a crush and tried, in her own slightly selfserving way, to get Spike over it. Twi being Twi would drop what she saw as huge hints but everyone else would be clueless about. And then the saddness...

Looks like you two learned the lesson, among many. :twilightsmile: Enjoy life to the fullest, don't dwell on the past, and always look to the future while keeping your head in the present.

Thank you very much for reading this. I didn't know it would turn out so well. :pinkiesad2:

3357911 my lesson is to enjoy life and not let the past cloud your future but help give it clarity.:twilightsmile:

This was good but something about the ending felt abrupt and knock me out of the real sad teary feeling I was getting

It was either that or a deus ex machina. I did my best. I'm doing One-Shotober, so that means thirty-one short stories by the end of October. I'm sorry you didn't like it :raritydespair:

I really did like the story I thumbs it up just the "goodbye" *poof-gone* felt abrupt to me

I had a different ending, but it felt contrived. Better to keep it simple :duck:

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