• Published 27th Sep 2013
  • 3,707 Views, 27 Comments

Royal Decree - Starswirls Beard

Rainbow has crashed into the library one too many times without consequences and Twilight has had enough.

  • ...

Seriously RD?

Twilight Sparkle squinted as she carefully lifted the beaker full of murky liquid. The next step was critical, she needed to add only one drop into the other placed on the bunsen burner or things would go south. This was precision work, she had to get this just right in order to send her findings to Princess Celestia. Her magical aura was steady as it held the beaker poised to tip.


That was curious. One moment the librarian was standing in front of her alchemy lab, the next she was on her back staring at the ceiling. As the dust settled, she still wasn’t really able to process what she was seeing. Instead of exploding as she predicted, her solution had imploded, drawing the books and decorations off the shelves to the middle of the room. Sitting up and making sure nothing was broken, Twilight surveyed the damage. Her alchemy table balanced precariously on two legs, the other snapped off and was covered by books. The rest of the room looked barren as shelving and other bits of debris scattered everywhere. There was only one pony who could have made this happen.

“What the hay Rainbow Dash!”

The largest heap of books shook and shivered as the rainbow maned pegasus pushed her way out from underneath.

“Geez Twi, I’m fine too. Thanks for asking by the way.”

“You’re fine? You’re fine? Look at my library! More important, look at my experiment! Do you know how long it took me to get the control just right? My notes are probably obliterated.”

“I’m sorry okay? I’ll help you clean up or something.” Tossing her mane out of her eyes, finally Rainbow was able to get a better look at the damage. Ponyfeathers, this was way more than she had initially thought it would be. She really shouldn’t have tried to squeeze in that fifteenth barrel roll.

Twilight was fuming. She had galloped straight past angry and was furious. “No, no no no no no. This isn’t the first time you’ve done this,” she advanced on the other mare, wings flaring. “This isn’t even the tenth time you’ve done this! It ends, now.”

Pressed nose to nose with Twilight, there was no room to escape. Furious purple eyes bore into magenta.

SPIKE!” The scrabbling of claws across the upstairs was her response and before long a scaly head peeked from around the corner.

“Yikes! What happened? I heard the blast but you said not to disturb y—”

“Take a letter Spike.” Parchment and quill seemed to come from nowhere as the small dragon prepared himself. Whatever she was about to say next was probably going to be bad.

Rainbow began to sweat while pinned to the bookcase. Twilight was usually good natured about the whole ‘crashing into the library’ thing, but this seemed to be taking it overboard.

“Chillax Twi, I said I’d clean it up or replace it or whatever.”

“No! You don’t get to do that. I told everypony I was researching something very important. Do you want to know what you just destroyed? Ever since I went to that other world I’ve been fascinated. They have machines that ponies like us could only dream about! They had even found a way to fit the entire contents of a library into a box. So I figured I’d start by finding a new way to reinforce the metals we have here to make building more efficient, and you just smashed up what could revolutionize construction.”

Oh horseapples.

“So no more. I’m done with it.” Turning around to face Spike, she began dictating.

“I, Her Majesty Princess Twilight Sparkle, do hereby decree that Rainbow Beatrice Dash is banned from flying within fifty feet of the Golden Oaks Library. If she is caught breaking this royal decree, she will be banned from flying within the limits of Ponyville Township. She will be escorted under guard to enforce the aforementioned ban. If she continues to disrespect this decree, the crown will have no choice but to ask its ally Discord to remove her wings for an amount of time to be determined. This decree is in effect this day, the year of our Princesses 3013, A.C.

“Take that to town hall and put in Mayor Mare’s hooves, Spike.” The baby dragon nodded and bolted out the door, moving as fast as his small body could carry him.

“C’mon Twi, I said I was sorry! Did you have to use my middle name, that was uncool to the max! That thing’s not real is it?” Concern painted her features. She had to fly right over the library to get to and from the weather office. This would add an extra fifteen minutes to her journey both ways to swing around.

“The last time Spike was away on royal business he trained as a notary public. He’s the same as having a personal court scribe. It’s funny, that was my first royal decree, too.” Turning her back to her friend, she began floating books into place.

“Is there any way I can make it up to you? I don’t want to have to fly around the library.”

“You don’t want to walk? Well too bad, you should have thought of that before crashing in here.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. She had screwed up royally, there was no way Twi was going to forgive her for this. If only she hadn’t tried to do another stupid barrel roll. No, she couldn’t think like that. This was one of her best friends and she had ruined something important to her. She had to show some loyalty and make it right.


An exasperated sigh. “Yes Rainbow?”

“Look, I messed up big time. I get it, okay? I’m really sorry. Let me make it up to you.”

Spinning around Twilight took a deep breath and let it out just as Cadence showed her. “How?”

“I have some tickets to the next Wonderbolts show in Cloudsdale. I know it’s not really your thing, but if you want you can have ‘em. You don’t even have to take me.”

Twilight had to admit, her interest was piqued. “Are you sure? The Cloudsdale show is supposed to be the best of the year.” Rainbow let out a shocked gasp. “I do listen when you talk, you know.”

“I really want to make this right and this is something that I care about a lot. I want you to take ‘em. And, y’know, I’m sorry.”

Twilight cast her glance aside for a moment before making up her mind. “Fine, I’ll tell the mayor to cancel sending my decree through on two conditions.”

“Oh?” RD couldn’t help but let a note of hopefulness enter her voice.

“One is that we go to that show together and the other is that you absolutely promise to start practicing outside of town more often. Deal?”

With a grin that spread to the other mare, Rainbow leapt for joy, doing a small circle around the room. “Yes!”

“Good, now grab a broom and start sweeping.”

Author's Note:

Just a little bit of friendshippy fluff, I'll be adding an optional clop chapter soon. This is the first of my submissions for the one-shotober contest.

Comments ( 27 )

Incomplete but added to one-shotober?

I didn't even notice I had left it marked as incomplete! Thanks, fixing it now.

Glad you liked it!

Heh. Been seeing a lot of authors forget to tag their fics as complete. No problem. I wish you good luck towards all of your one-shotober endeavors my friend! May we complete our glorious challenge together. :twilightsmile:

Haven't read it yet, but I'm upvoting just for the cover image... :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

I thought her middle name was Danger... xD

I gotta say, I LOVED those eyes when they showed up in that one episode (Can't remember which one it is anymore, but damn, I had to rewind and pause it just so I could get my laughter out) so seeing them in this cover image made me laugh again. That was a very good choice.

This is cute and quick, and I expect for One-Shotober that's going to be a trend. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Part of me wants to try it, but the other part of me is like "Pfffft I'll fail so hard it's not worth bothering."

Unfortunately, I do have to be that guy and point something out...

“I, Her Majesty Princess Twilight Sparkle, do hereby decree that Rainbow Beatrice Dash is banned from flying within fifty feet of the Golden Oaks Library.


She had to fly right over the library to get to and from the weather office. This would add an extra fifteen minutes to her journey both ways to swing around.

Or, you know, she could fly, like, 35 feet to her left, and add like 3 seconds to the journey... :duck:

I thought of that, but RD strikes me as the type that would want to do things in the most direct manner possible. I felt as though she'd defend her future laziness no matter what, especially since it's confirmed she waits until the last possible moment to get to work.

3264806 I mean, yeah, I get why she would think even that was too much, but it wouldn't add fifteen minutes to her journey. :applejackconfused:

Were you just going for Rainbow having a hyperbolic internal monologue? I guess that's fine if that's what it was supposed to be, but since neither character has the dedicated POV here, the narration didn't seem that close to the character's brain, so I didn't get that vibe. So maybe I just read it wrong.

I was trying to get the sense of RD exaggerating but I'm not so sure I did a good job with it. To a normal pony it would probably only add a minute to her route, but to somepony as fast as she is it would seem like forever.

3264861 It's not like you did it wrong, I just read it as narration instead of internal monologue the first time, but I reread the part now, and I think it's pretty obvious it was indeed supposed to be internal monologue, I just missed that. Probably because I'm about to pass out so I wasn't reading that carefully.

"Rainbow Beatrice Dash" made me grin foolishly. :pinkiehappy:

Cute story. I'm totally stealing the Beatrice thing. :rainbowlaugh:

ol beatrice. i'm used to hearing that. it's my little sister's name. XDDD :rainbowlaugh:

but i usually call her luna . anyways, cute story


Thank you all, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

And everything started because of a barrel roll? Did Peppy have some kind of telepaty that Rainbow Dash can hear or something?

Rainbow: *does barrel roll*
Rainbow: *does barrel roll again*
Rainbow: *does a barrel roll an crash into the library*

Finally, a nice Slice of Life story. :twilightsmile: No Clop or Dark themes added. Seems like Slice of Life short stories are becoming less and less lately. Kinda nice to find this one.:rainbowdetermined2:

RD didn't press Z or R twice and crashed :rainbowdetermined2:


I'm glad you liked it! I normally find myself writing clop but I just couldn't get the idea of Twilight messing with Rainbow using her new status out of my head and had to put it down. These two have so much potential for lighthearted shenanigans and I think writers often overlook that.

So avoiding the library + 50 feet leads to a 15 minute delay for the fastest flier in Equestria?

Twilight's library is huge, y'all.


:rainbowhuh: "Fifty feet? It may as well be a million!"

That's just a bit of Rainbow dramatics, I don' t think she'd want to change her course for anypony. Or even worse, just walk around. That's for ground-bound ponies!

3270697 Either that or Twilight is actually some kind of Rainbow Magnet:trollestia:

3264796>>3264806 Or... she could just fly more than fifty feet above the height of the library... Flying, it moves in three dimensions.:moustache:

...Rainbow Beatrice Dash...

Oh, pfffffffft!!!!! Oh, WOW! Diamond Tiara* has a cooler middle name than you. Congrats!


How about she puts a force field up? I mean if her brother can do it, she should be able to like 3 or 4 fold as an Alicorn. I mean like she did in the newspaper episode, what ever it was called.


I know its meant as comedy, and I know it’s just Twilight overreacting to something but…the last part of her royal decree, or even the second part, I just… She’s threatening to cripple Rainbow Dash with Discord's help, and pretty much put her out of a job since she wouldn't be allowed to fly in Ponyville and Rainbow just rolls with it before begging in apology.

And that just… ugh.

Greetings. I hope you don't mind but I did a reading of your story which can be found below. I hope you enjoy.

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