• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 2,842 Views, 29 Comments

Twilight's Dream - Redbook

Twilight is now a alicorn, Celestia busy with the crying of the nobles. Luna fills a missing role and feelings for the new alicorn grows.

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Chapter Two

The sun was just rising over the horizon and the young alicorn was laying across one of the few couches in the library. She didn’t get much sleep the night before, some of the events from her dream talk with Princess Luna was still playing in her head. Not really wanting to sleep most the day away, Twilight chose to spend the early morning reading a book she had been wanting to read for some time now, but never having the time.

It was these rare moments where it was just her and a good book. It put her in mind of her fillyhood. After the past few weeks of traveling and visiting town after town, so moments like this was the best thing in the world. Next to her visits to the dream world with Luna.

Letting out a little yawn, Twilight thought that she just take a nap in a bit. Spike wasn’t due to be back home till later in the evening, that give her enough time to take a nap and a chance to try her hoof a making dinner for them both. Twilight thought it was time for her to give Spike a break from doing all the work.

Twilight looked up from her book to look for a clock to see what time it was. She was glad said that it was just now turning noon, that means she could take a nice afternoon nap and then she would be well rested. Using her magic, she pulled a light blanket from a near by closet. Twilight moved the book she was reading to the side and snuggled under the blanket.

Her dreams was visit free from Luna, they didn’t always meet every time Twilight want to sleep. This dream a simple dream of a day when she was a filly, it was the day she moved into the castle with Princess Celestia. It was one of the greatest and most scary days of her whole fillyhood. It wasn’t everyday that a young filly get a chance to live along side with the princess or even being her personal student.

The dream didn’t last long, there was somepony knocking at the door. Not really bothering to user her magic to move the blanket off her, just letting it slide off into the floor. The knocking sounded impatient, not wishing to leave the pony waiting too long Twilight didn’t even bother looking at the near by clock.

Twilight open the door as she walked towards it. “Hello and welcome to the Great Oak Library. How can I….” She stopped as she found that it was not a pony knocking at the door, but a unhappy Spike.

“About time, Twilight. I was waiting out here for like forever.” The little dragon had his arms cross and tapping one foot.

“I thought you wouldn’t be back till later in the day. I just took a little nap not that long ago.” Twilight felt kind of lost now, it couldn’t be that late already. Looking back into the room and find one of the few clocks in the main room. To her horror it read 6:36 P.M.

Spike sighs and walks past her and makes his way to the kitchen. “I have a feeling you haven’t had a bit to eat to day. So go back to whatever keep you from the door while I make us something to eat.”

“Don’t Spike I wanted to make dinner this time. You have been my assistant for so long and I feel like you have earn a break from cooking for a bit.” She didn’t want to admit that she was sleeping. Twilight couldn’t figure out why her nap went from something short to a few hours.

“You can help. Last time I let you cook anything, the whole castle almost got burned to the ground.” Spike was giving her the look that said ‘Don’t even think about saying that didn’t happen.’ And Twilight knew he was right, so she just nods.

Spike leads back and started to get things ready to cook. Twilight thought that she could cook something, she had read a lot of books on cooking. Spike still believe that Twilight couldn’t cook and that she was the first unicorn to burn water. And most would be in agreement with Spike.

Seeing as Spike knew his way around the kitchen, she just took his orders on getting dinner cook. Twilight let out a giggle as she seen a smile on his face as she was helping him cook for the the first time in a while.

“So, Spike. How does it feel to be cooking with a princess?” She asked as she passed over some hay so that he could make some fresh hay fries. This was something that Spike had gotten good at making. He doesn’t even fry them anymore, he bakes them in the oven and they come out so good that Twilight was drooling just thinking about them.

It wasn’t long before they had a good looking meal ready to take to the table and eat. It was a simple meal that even she couldn’t mess up too much. It was just a daisy sandwich with a side of freshly baked hay fries.

Everything was going good, that was till Twilight heard sounds coming from outside. There was a flickering light there as well. Both looked at each other and then got up to check things out. Coming out of the front door of the library, the found that a large group of ponies had form and they were carrying torches. There was a light smell of alcohol in the air.

As soon as the group seen Twilight come out, one called out. “There she is! The fake princess!” Cheers followed after one person called out, Twilight pulled walked backwards and Spike jumping in front of her.

“Yeah, those wings are fake!” A few horns in the large crow lit up and she could feel her wings being pulled away from her body. Twilight’s mind race trying to understand what was going on. She knew that there were a few ponies that didn’t like her becoming a princess, but this many?

One of the ponies in the crowd moved up and eyed Spike with one drunken eye. “Ah, the little pretty princess has a bodyguard now does she. And look it, it’s a little dragon. Boys I think I might just wet myself now.” The draken stallion pokes Spikes chest and grins. “What is the little baby going to do?”

Twilight’s body froze as the group moved closer to her and Spike. Spike didn’t seem fazed by the poking, he just sighed and grabbed the hoof in mid poke. “I am going to ask nicely for you to stop poking me and take you and your friends away from her. Me and my sister was trying to eat dinner before you guys ruddly started making noise out here.”

The stallion that was poking just throw his head back and laughed at Spike. “Oy, look at this boys. The little guy has some balls on him.” The stallion slowly rose his hoof and then has hard as he could punches Spike, sending him flying into the door next to Twilight. Spike layed there for what felt like forever for Twilight.

Spike slowly got up and brush dust off his body. The stallion that punched him laughed again and charged at Spike, he was little tipsy as he ran. Spike just stood there and the stallion landed a hard blow to the side of Spike’s face. Again sending him flying across the ground. Twilight want to help him, but her body wouldn’t listen to her. It just stayed in place. She couldn’t understand why Spike was taking such a beating from this drunk pony for.

Getting up again, but that didn’t last long as the stallion came charging in again and started to beat Spike back to the ground. Once Twilight saw blood, her mind want blank and a primal cry came rushing out. The next thing she remembers is sitting in the main room of the library crying as Spike and her friends where holding her in a group hug.

“It’s okay, Sugarcube. It’s all over with now.” Twilight nods and slowly takes stock of things around her. Now that she got better look of Spike, he was bandaged up and had a small smile on his face. Trying her best to get back on her hooves was a little hard, that was when she notice how much her body truly hurts.

“Thank you, girls. I think I better just go to bed for while.” They nod as Twilight took a few steps forward and about fell over till Rainbow Dash came rushing over to keep her from falling. Soon Apple Jack joined in to walked Twilight back to her room. Once there, she thanked them and she snuggled under her covers as she casted a sleep spell on herself.

She again was back in the same place. Twilight took a seat in a chair she cause to be there, now the only thing to do was wait for Luna to show up. It wasn’t long before the mare of the night showed up.

“Twilight it is so nice to see you again. I hope your day off has been a good one.” Luna smiled as she moved next to her and warps a wing around her. Twilight just looked down, not really wanting to tell Luna what happen. Fearing that Luna would do something crazy if she found out.

“Things could have gone better Princess. It’s nothing to worry about.” Luna look at her and sighs. She could tell when Twilight wasn’t telling the truth, minds in the dream world were open to her. She never pry into the thoughts of others, but she learn how to tell truth from lies.

“Twilight, I know something is the matter. You never had to use a sleep spell to get to sleep. So please tell me truth.” Twilight didn’t have the will to lie to Luna any more than she had so far. So she told Luna everything that happen today. When Twilight got near the end, Luna pulled her closer and give her a little nuzzle. “It’s okay, Twilight.” And Twilight began to cry.

“Please hold me, Princess Luna.” Twilight’s plea was but a whisper.

“I will hold you for as long tho needs it.” Luna and Twilight didn’t move for what felt like hours. Soon Luna let go and got up. Twilight looked up with tear stain face. “Twilight I think it’s time for you to wake up.”

“Okay, Princess.” Luna smiled and give Twilight a kiss on the horn. Twilight blushed as she reentered the waking world.

Not wishing to be back from the dream world, she slowly open her eyes to see that all her friends had fallen asleep around her bad, even Spike was nearby cuddling up next to Rarity. Twilight felt so lucky to have friends like them by her side.

Author's Note:

Sorry for any mistakes. I just need to do some editing. But anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Comments ( 19 )

so, let me see if I got this right. Angry mob comes for Twilight:twilightoops:, Angry mob beats up Spike, :twilightangry2:then she kills them all?

It was a drunken angry mob. And Spike was trying to act cool. And I can't say if they all died or just got the living crud beaten out of them.

3374022 just curious, now write the next chapter :twilightsheepish:

I will don't worry, I have a to-do list. :twilightblush: I think I might be an egghead. :twilightoops:


I doubt she killed them. I think even her friends would have been pretty off put around her if she had just killed a whole group of ponies. More than likely in my mind at least I imagine a burst of magic, like a force push, forcing them back around 500 or so feet. Definetly enough to make them remember who their dealing with and run with their tails between their legs.

This is what I like to see, seeing what the reader thinks happens in moments like these. Thank you.


Kaloo, kalay, haroo, hurray!

I feel all good and stuff.

3375233 I was hoping more for her beating the crap out of them but that works too.

Hmm this story dose have some potential.
But you really need to get a editor and or a pre reader cause there are quite a few mistakes.
Like some of the sentences not making much sense like they where worded in some odd way.
Or some words where missing or placed in the wrong place of the sentence.
Other then that i'm looking forward to the next chapter keep it up.

This story has potential but you really need an editor/proof reader the grammar and spelling errors are making the story hard to read and follow the events.

:twilightsmile: Good so far, can't wait for what happens next. Keep up the good work :heart:

Me and my army approves and support this story:pinkiehappy:

A good fic, you just need to update it more. The pacing is a tad awkward at times, but overall it is pretty good.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

3445125 so is this story dead...or what?

I am working on chapter three along with non mlp writing. It has been slow. I'm really sorry.

6126880 lol dont be, as long as its not dead

6126880 so long as progress is made you should never feel sorry for having a busy schedule

6126880 how has the progress been coming?

I would like to see some more chapters of this story.

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