• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 3,852 Views, 132 Comments

To Be Magical - Lux

Sweetie Belle wants to learn magic, and who better to teach her than Twilight Sparkle.

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Chapter 12 – Reconcile

Sweetie awoke after what felt like an eternity asleep. Immediately when she opened her eyes she knew that she was not at home, at school, or even Rarity’s house. The bed she was laying on and the room she was in was very strange, almost unsettling. As the unicorn tried to sit up, she noticed how she felt very weak, like the energy had been drained from her body. There was also a dull pain in her head, as if she suffered from a headache like before when she couldn’t do any spells.

Finally managing to sit up using her pillows and back of the bed as support, it was clear that she was in what looked like some hospital room. She wondered how she got here or why. The more she tried to think, the more her brain seemed to be shrouded in a fog, unable to make sense of anything.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. In stepped Rarity who seeing that her sister was awake quickly galloped over and gave her a hug.

“Oh Sweetie Belle! I’m so glad you’re ok. I’ve been worried sick since you were in the hospital.”

“What happened? The last thing I remember was going to school and … oh my gosh! The spell! Is everypony ok? Am I ok?”
“Calm down Sweetie,” Rarity said as the filly fretted, “Everypony is ok. Twilight used a Fail Safe Spell to cancel out the one you used. It fixed everything but you lost consciousness. I quickly brought you here right after. The doctor said that you just overused your magic which is why you feel so weak. So, you’re going to have to stay overnight and not do magic for a day or so, just to be sure but I’m certain you’ll be back to normal as soon as possible.”

The white mare’s face turned from happiness that her sister was ok, to one of confusion.

“Why did you attempt such an advanced spell Sweetie?”

“That’s something I’d like to know,” a familiar voice spoke. Sweetie didn’t take long to realize that it was Princess Twilight Sparkle who was also coming to visit her. As she stepped into the room, the filly could see that Twilight’s face bore a myriad of emotions from concern to anger, to even confusion. Sweetie Belle just wished she could teleport away from this place, free from what she knew would be the inevitable criticism and scolding from her sister and teacher. She knew though that she couldn’t run anymore. She lied enough and trying to escape from this would damage things even further. It was time to face the music.

“Oh Twilight,” Rarity said seeing her friend, “The doctor said that Sweetie Belle is going to be ok. She just has to rest and not do magic for a little. Isn't it wonderful?”

“So I heard from the doctor. But now I need to talk to Sweetie Belle.”

“Oh, well if you want me to step out of the room I can.”

“No, Rarity, I think you should be here for this,” Twilight said before turning to Sweetie Belle, “Now Sweetie Belle, I’m not going to get mad, even though I have every right to do so. I just want the truth. No more lies, Sweetie Belle. Why did you attempt such a spell that I told you not to do from a book I told you not to even read?”

Sweetie looked at Twilight’s face, then her sister who seemed equally interested in what the filly had to say, then back to Twilight. She could feel the sadness welling up inside her, reaching their breaking point until finally spilling over.

“Ok,” she exclaimed, “After I learned magic that day from you Twilight, I wanted to show my class that I wasn’t some dumb blank flank that couldn’t do magic anymore. So I showed them a couple of things with my telekinesis and they were all happy and it felt good, really good. But then Diamond Tiara told me that every unicorn can levitate things and if I wanted to be popular I’d have to do something even more amazing. I just did want to be bullied anymore, and I liked that ponies liked me, so I went to the library and too the Book of Advanced Spells. I then saw the Power Augmentation Spell and decided that it could make my spells better. I didn’t know how bad it was going to be. I’m really, really sorry! I’m sorry for lying and using that spell. I just wanted to be magical and have others see that I am!”

With that the emotions inside her boiled over as the filly broke down into tears. Now there were no more lies, but the damage was done already. Now the filly could only wait and see what would happen next.

“Sweetie,” Rarity said, “Do you really feel that way about your classmates, that they wouldn’t like you unless you did some big magic?”

“I guess so,” Sweetie said through her crying, “Oh, I don’t know what to think?”

“How did your class treat you before you started learning from Twilight?” Rarity said calmly.

“Ok I guess. They only laughed at me when Diamond made fun of me.”

“See? They do like you Sweetie. You don’t need magic to prove how good you are, because they see that already. And as for what Diamond Tiara said, well, she was setting you up hoping that you’d fail. When I get my hooves on that little brat I’ll…”

“Rarity, I’ll talk to Diamond after this., don’t worry,” she said to her upset friend before turning to Sweetie Belle, “Sweetie, remember what I told you about magic during our lesson?”

“That to cast a spell you need the intent, energy, and passion?”

“Yes, and what else?”

“That with great power comes great responsibility?”

“Exactly! You remember Trixie, right?”

“Wasn’t she that boasting pony who thought she was better that anypony else?”

“Well, she was so unsure about how others would think of her magic that she tried to prove herself by putting on a big show and putting down others. Being magical means not using it to boast, especially when using a spell that is harmful.

Remember when Trixie tried to tame that Ursa Minor?”

“That was scary,” Sweetie said recalling how the creature terrorized the town.

“Right, she did this to prove to everypony how great and powerful she was but at the cost of risking the lives of other ponies.”

“Guess I’m like Trixie then,” Sweetie said looking away.

“Sweetie, you aren’t Trixie, and even Trixie learned not to be so boastful with her magic. I know you were excited to show your class what you can do, but magic is more than a show. The best ponies use their talents while being humble about it. But you know what upsets me as much as the fact that you cast that spell?”

“What?” the white filly asked.

“That you broke your promise to not read any spell book other than the ones I told you to. I know rules may seem boring, but they’re for your own good. I knew if you tried to use an advanced spell and succeeded you weren’t ready to control it. You’re luck you or anypony else weren’t hurt. Your actions have consequences Sweetie Belle, and not just magic. Being magical is not just to have the ability to use magic but to know when to and not to do so and knowing how your magic will impact youself and others.”

“Guess I really messed things up then,” Sweetie said.

“Well you will have to answer for your actions, especially with Cheerilee and your other classmates, but you are lucky that this is the only thing you can do. So Sweetie, will you not lie to me, Rarity, your parents, or anypony else again and will you listen to what others have to say even if you’re not happy about it?”

“Yes,” Sweetie said feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders, “Guess this means no more magic studies with you then.”
“Well since you apologized and promised to tell the truth and listen, I Princess Twilight Sparkle do decree that you Sweetie Belle will be my permanent student.”

“You mean it?” Sweetie Belle said surprised.

“Yes, you want to learn more right?”


“Well once you’ve recovered we’ll talk about when we can meet next. Now I think that there are some friends that want to see you.”

The door suddenly burst open as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo appeared, galloping to their friend’s bed and giving the white unicorn a hug.

“How are you feelin’ Sweetie,” Apple Bloom said.

“I’m great girls. How about the others in class? What are they saying?”

“They thought that spell you did was amazing,” Scootaloo said, “They’re all waiting for you to come back to school as soon as you can. You’re going to do something neat like that again, right?”

“I think I’m going to stick to the basics for now,” Sweetie said looking over at Rarity and Twilight who smiled, “But I’m glad to see you two. I think everything’s going to be alright.”

The three embraced as Twilight and Rarity looked on, happy that Sweetie Belle learned her lessons and that things turned out right in the end. There was no doubt that Sweetie Belle was on her way to learning what it meant to be magical.


"But daddy," Diamond whined in her bathroom, looking at the bathroom that had a foul smelling green liquid mixed in with the water.

"Diamond, this bath is for your own good. I know that this isn't the best smelling stuff, but it's the only thing that I could find that could treat having fleas. Honestly I never heard of a pony that had fleas before."

"Where did you get this stuff from anyway?"

"From Fluttershy. She said it works well on her pets when they have fleas."

With that Diamond Tiara made a high pitched whining noise as she reluctantly took her flea bath.

Then End!
Thanks for Reading!

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading all!

Comments ( 11 )

Diamond Tiara deserved so much more then just a flea bath for what she did. :trixieshiftleft:


Well, Twilight hasn't had a talk with her yet... TO THE MOON! :twilightangry2:

3493140 More like "1 Million Years Dungeon!" :trollestia:

I'm glad to see that Sweetie Belle's punishment is less severe than I thought. And she'll still be Twilight's student! :twilightsmile:

Aw... Cute hugs! :scootangel:

Bath time, D.T.! :rainbowlaugh:

DT got off to easy.
really should have been more punishment.

Twilight will be soooo mad once she sees DT again :twilightangry2:, poor SB was in the hospital :unsuresweetie: but she's Twilight's pupil! :twilightsmile:
it can be a little dificult going from the student to the teacher since one is often still seeking guidance during that period and having other seek guidance from you can be pretty scary, this particular universe is pretty interesting and if you ever write more about it i'd love to read it :heart:


7 days until the Season 4 of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

If Sweetie actually learned the lesson on how to ignore peer pressure then she got off pretty easy ... heck she managed to impress her school mates in the process! Win Win! :scootangel:
as for DT?
.. There is an old story that applies to her...
A scorpion will always be a scorpion, it can not change its nature. It can only be what it is.
DT is a scorpion and that is not a bad thing. The world is big enough for all life (even scorpions). Ponies just have to be aware of what she is so they can avoid being stung. :trixieshiftright:

"Remember when Trixie tried to tame that Ursa Minor?”

Point of order from an unrepentant Trixie sympathizer - Trixie never tried to tame it. When Snips & Snails lead it back to Ponyville, she was put on the spot and had to back up her claims, so she tried to drive it off with her magic. It's up to the individual viewer whether her efforts were an attempt to play the hero and protect the town, or just trying to save face for herself. Personally, I think it was a bit of both.

Diamond Tiara is just a bratty kid. It just never occurs to her that her actions actually hurt others or that this should matter. Children often have trouble with empathy that way. She'll likely grow out of 90% of her attitude by the time she and the CMC are the Mane Six's age, and probably not even think that she ever caused them that much trouble.

l funny ending love it!

a decent story could use a proof reader though, caught a few spelling errors, and once or twice you called Twi a unicorn, instead of an Alicorn. Also all Sweetie does on her first lesson before taking a break is move a feather? Just seems a bit odd to me is all, might work better if Twi had her doing some mental exercise and some breathing techniques one at a time then put it all together to move the feather. Just my opinion, and what I'd like to see though.

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