• Published 30th May 2013
  • 1,569 Views, 61 Comments

Applejack of the Green Lanterns: Rage in Equestria - Thatguywiththemane

Applejack continues to fight of interplanetary threats, including the Red Lanterns

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Comments ( 17 )

Good Luck. I'm really interested in seeing where this goes.

I'm wishing you luck! :ajsmug:

Understandably, these things take some time. Hope you hang around maybe doing a one-shot or two while you collect your thoughts. Sometimes writing completely different stories may help with other projects. Just don't get to the point where you bite off more than you can chew. :twilightsmile:

Stories like this are worth the wait. Good Luck!

Good luck. Is it just the sequel, or are you going to re-write the original as well?

Heh ive been enjoying the story looking forward to the rewrite. :ajsmug:

I would like to know this as well. :rainbowderp:

I'll be waiting in the pits of insanity for you to return improved.

Here is to hoping you find your creative muse soon. I'm looking forward to more Applejack of the Green Lanterns. :ajsmug:

Ooo! You should keep up with the current story, but have Twilight trying to make superhero aliases for her friends according to their skills! :D

Twilight = Zatanna
Pinkie Pie = Mare Do Well (with the Batman augmentations)
Rarity = Wonder Woman
Rainbow Dash = Flash
Fluttershy = ..... uhh..... hm... that's a toughie....

Hm, Applejack the Green Lantern, Big Mac the possible Red Lantern, Twilight the Violet Lantern? A Diamond Dog (or a dragon, maybe even Spike) as an Orange Lantern, Rainbow Dash as a possible Blue Lantern, Gilda the Yellow Lantern, and I guess Fluttershy as the Indigo Lantern? I don't know, but that's my prediction on how the positions for each spectrum will be filled out.

Fluttershy fits better as a Star Sapphire to me.
She doesn't feel compassionate for her animals and friends; she loves them in different ways, and will do anything she can to protect them.

And her yell at the Gala wasn't out of anger or rage; it was out of scorn.
Namely, she'd been rejected by the animals at the Gala, and thus, she was one scorned mare.

Update it! I beg you! :flutterrage::fluttercry:

It's been years... And I was loving this too! :raritycry:

Yeah, you should go ahead and relabel this as canceled.

If you need to borrow an OC, let me know via PM.

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