• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 25th, 2014


I am a smart and creative individual.

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Comments ( 147 )
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Hey uhh... Inky... should you come across this by incident, I just wanna know... did I do something wrong? Is there some unimaginable way I fucked up? Just uhh... on the odd chance that you find this... I'm here to talk about whatever it is that happened... granted I haven't edited for you in a while, and that's my fuck up. Hell, I tried sending you that OC Picture I promised a while back, but it's like none of my shit got to you. Ah well... just keep rocking on! :pinkiesad2:

Hey uhh... Inky... should you come across this by incident, I just wanna know... did I do something wrong? Is there some unimaginable way I fucked up? Just uhh... on the odd chance that you find this... I'm here to talk about whatever it is that happened... granted I haven't edited for you in a while, and that's my fuck up. Hell, I tried sending you that OC Picture you requested a while back, but it's like none of my shit got to you. Ah well... just keep rocking on! :pinkiesad2:

This is the ghost of Christmas future saying MERRY CHRISTMAS!

1434616 Nope, I am just Swordslash2899 from the future.

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I'll be going (not forever) · 2:49am Sep 20th, 2014

It seems as though high school is here, so I must focus more on my school work than anything else, I might comment a little surfing the weekends but it will be a while before I can get back to my 100% brony schedule. To any brony reading this I am sorry about this.
Love and tolerate, Ink Sword (OC name)

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