• Published 27th May 2013
  • 2,991 Views, 18 Comments

The Mysterious Ms. L - Cheer

There is a magician volunteering at the school house. Rainbow Dash investigates and finds something surprising. She, Rarity and Applejack confront Ms. L

  • ...

The Mysterious Ms. L

It was midafternoon as a hard at work alabaster unicorn paused her work.

Rarity looked at the clock. ‘3:05. Sweetie should be here soon.’

As soon as she had said that the carousel door burst open. Already prepared for it, the door hit a pillow used as a doorstop and Rarity used her magic to softly shut it once again.

“Hey Rarity!” Sweetie Belle said loudly.

Long since used to her younger sister’s volume control issues, Rarity hardly even cringed. “Hello Sweetie, how was your day?”

Throwing her things to the floor she hopped towards her big sister. “It was cool! There was a magician that came in at recess.”

Rarity looked on in interest as the small school rarely had ponies come in for the fillies and colts entertainment. “Oh? Do tell.”

“Well, she was quiet. Kinda like Fluttershy.” Sweetie Belle started, earning a nod from Rarity. “Cheerilee said she asked if she could show us some of her magic.”

“Really? Did you learn anything?”

“Nope.” Sweetie replied with a smile.

Rarity cocked her head in confusion. “You didn’t learn anything from her?”

“Nope. She didn’t use her horn at all! It was awesome!” Rarity sat for a moment musing on what she had heard. “Hey.” Sweetie began quieter than before, “Can I help you before we go see mom and dad?”

A look of slight panic came over Rarity’s face as she thought of a new way to gracefully turn her sister down. As she looked upon her sister however, scuffing the ground slightly with a resigned look on her face Rarity’s look of panic turned into a soft smile. “Of course. Do be a dear and grab me that sheet of fabric. We can work on one of my smaller orders together.”

The look of unbridled surprise and joy on her sisters’ face brought a small chuckle out of Rarity as the set of sisters went to work.

“Was this your card?”

“Well ah’ll be. How’d ya do that Apple Bloom?” Applejack asked her younger sister, surprised at such a new skill.

“Ah learned it at school.” The filly explained with a smile, knowing how well she surprised her sister.

“Yeah? Who taught ya? Probably Scootaloo, eh?” the elder farm mare asked as she sunk farther into the couch she sat upon.

“A mare came in during recess to show us magic. Ah think even Silver Spoon was interested.”

Applejack frowned a little bit as she remembered the last magician she had dealt with. “Yeah? Didja catch her name?”

Apple Bloom’s face scrunched up as she tried to think. “Uhm. Ah think it started with an ‘L’. Ah think so at least. She only said it once.”

Before Applejack could think too much on it the dinner bell rang. “There’s Granny. C’mon Bloom. It’s our turn ta set the table.”

“Magic is awesome!” Shouted the small orange filly as she walked with her rainbow maned sister figure.

“Yeah I guess magic is pretty handy sometimes.” Rainbow Dash replied, shrugging. “But, I’d rather have these puppies,” she said pointing at her wings, “Than some horn any day.”

“Nuh-uh. Not that magic.” Retorted the excitable filly, earning a raised eyebrow from her elder. “Ms. Lu- Lulu…Ms. L said that ‘real magic’ is too amazing for only unicorns to be able to do.”

“That doesn’t make any sense though. Only unicorns can do magic.” Rainbow Dash replied, beginning to get confused.

“Yeah, she said that unicorns can do ‘unicorn magic’ but anypony can do ‘real magic’ if they believe and try hard enough. That’s what’s so magic about it!”

“Heh. Sounds like what they told us back in flight school. But, enough about magic. We've got a lot of exercises to do today.” Rainbow explained with a smirk, knowing the response she would get already.

“Alright! Let’s go!” The filly yelled as she ran ahead, wings beating quickly.

Three mares, one orange, one alabaster and one cyan sat at a side table of a quiet restaurant.

“So didja girls hear about that magician that’s been showing up at the school? Lil’ Apple Bloom is comin’ home with a new trick each day.” Applejack asked

“Oh, yes. Sweetie did mention her a few times.” Rarity answered before taking a dainty sip from her cup.

“Yeah. Scoots told me some of the stuff she said about ‘real magic’.” Rainbow explained using air quotes “A lot of what she told me sounded like what they kept telling us in flight school. ‘Believe in yourself and you can do it’ and all that.”

Applejack gave a small nod. “Ah tried ta go meet her once actually.”

“Oh? What was she like?” Rarity asked, with another small sip.

“That’s the problem. Ah missed her. Apparently she leaves as soon as recess is over.”

“Wait. Doesn’t she even pick up her pay?” Rainbow asked, receiving a shake of the head from Rarity.

“Sweetie said she’s a volunteer.” Rarity answered.

“Yeah. AB said that she seemed ta just love being around ‘em.”

“Huh.” Rainbow said as worry began to form in her thoughts.

’If she’s some freaky filly fiddler I’ll take her down. Otherwise…meh. I’ll think of something.’ Thought Rainbow Dash as she hid in a tree not too far from the school house, waiting for the, in her mind at least, suspicious mare to leave.

Rainbow was about the count the leaves on her branch for a third time when she heard the school door open and the voices of small fillies and colt.

“Bye Ms. L!”

“See ya tomorrow!”

“Have a good day!”

The mare who left the building could be easily described as the very opposite of attention grabbing. With a dull blue coat and similarly dull grey mane she could easily blend into a crowd of crystal ponies before they had defeated King Sombra.

Rainbow Dash prepared to approach the mare when she noticed something strange. She was heading away from town.

Rainbow followed her for about an hour. The mare seemed intent on staying outside of the town itself. Skirting it all the way around until she reached White Tail Woods. Rainbow Dash’s curiosity only grew as she followed her through the thick trees. After a short time Rainbow had taken to following on hoof since the vegetation had grown too thick to fly above and still follow her.

’Where are you going?’ She thought as she rounded another bend leading to a small clearing. ’No bucking way.’ She thought as she looked at what she could only guess was the mare’s home. The sight of her home however, made Rainbow’s blood boil. She would recognize that cart anywhere.

’I gotta tell the girls.’ She thought as she quickly made her way back out of the woods.

“Alright. Are ya gonna tell us what this is all about RD?” Applejack asked pointedly. “Ah got work ta do.” She pointed out, to which Rarity nodded.

“Indeed. As do I. Now if you would be so kind as to tell us why you called us all the way to the woods?”

“Alright, alright.” Rainbow took a deep breath before saying, perhaps louder than nessicery. “Ms. L is The Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Looks of doubt were written all over the other two mares’ faces as Applejack spoke. “Now that’s just plumb ridiculous.”

Nodding Rarity put in her two bits. “I must agree. From what Sweetie has told me the two are nothing alike.”

Rainbow Dash gave a groan. “But it’s true! I followed her earlier-“ Rainbow Dash began as Applejack interrupted.

“Ya’ll followed her? Now why would ya go and do somethin’ sneaky soundin’ like that?”

“Ugh. Because I was worried about her being some sort of filly fiddler or something.” Looks passed over the other mare’s faces that showed they had not thought of that particular possibility. “I was following her and she never went into town –“ Rainbow began to explain as she was once again cut off by Applejack again.

“But these here woods are clear on the other side of town from the school.”

“I know right?! She walked around the whole town to here! Then when I followed her inside the woods we came to this little clearing and guess what I found there.” She waited for a moment until it became clear that either, they were slow thinkers or she would not receive an answer. “Ugh. Trixie’s cart was there! She walked right into it! It has to be her!”

“Well-“ Rarity began. “It could be a coincidence. She could have bought one of her old carts or something of the sort.

Rainbow gave her an incredulous look. “Really? A magician living in one of her carts who disguises herself in town?” Rarity opened her mouth to respond but closed it as she realized that Rainbow Dash did in fact have a good point. “See? Now come on! We gotta go deal with her.” Before Rainbow could shoot off she was yanked back by a tug of her tail. Not even having to look back to know that it was Applejack who did it she waited for the farmers’ inevitable reasoning.

“Now wait a darn minute there. Ah’m not gonna lie and say ah’m not curious but, we’re not gonna go deal with her.” She said using hoof quotes, “From what ah’ve heard she’s been nothin’ but kind. I wanna figure out why she’s doin’ all this too but we’re not gonna go lookin’ for a fight, you hear me?” Applejack stated earning a groan from the Rainbow maned pegasus.

“Indeed. Not only is it barbaric but I still think that it could be a different pony.” The fashonista explained.

“Oh come on! How could it not be her?” Rainbow Dash yelled out towards the unicorn.

“Because if Trixie was nothing else, she was a loud mouth. Correct?” Rarity pointed out, earning nods from the other two. “Well Sweetie described this ‘Ms. L’ as like Fluttershy. This would mean, at the very least, that she is quiet. Now does that sound like ‘The Great and Powerful Trixie’ at all?” she questioned, earning another groan from the pegasus.

“Mhm. Apple Bloom told me she only said her name once too. But, if ah remember right Trixie almost only ever referred to herself by name.” Applejack pointed out.

Rainbow Dash finally seemed to get the idea and sighed in resignation. “Fine. It might not be her. But she could still be some freaky fiddler!” Rainbow explained, not willing to give up on every theory she had.

Rarity nodded, understanding the worry the pegasus had. “We understand Rainbow, darling. That is why we will go have a calm and collected conversation with the mare.” Rainbow dash rolled her eyes but made no rebuttal.

Seeing as they had calmed down their gung-ho friend they began to follow Rainbow Dash to the clearing she had found.

As they stood in front of the cart they couldn’t help but notice its condition. It wasn’t quite in pristine condition but it was clear that somepony put plenty of care into its condition.

“That’s Trixie’s cart alright.” Applejack stated, looking straight at the hanging image of Trixie’s cutie mark.

“Indeed.” Rarity agreed before looking straight at their pegasus friend. “Now, let us do the talking, will you darling?” Before she had even finished talking Rainbow was already at the cart door, knocking furiously.

“Come out! We know you’re in there Trixie!” Rainbow shouted, earning groans from both of her friends as they quickly made their way to the door and pulled their friend down.

The top half of the cart door slowly swung inward slightly, the interior too dark to see, before a groan was heard and it promptly slammed shut again. This only managed to enrage the pegasus more as she shot off and broke the door in. All that was heard was the sound of crashing and a scream.

Quickly nodding to each other, Applejack and Rarity rushed inside the trailer. The sight inside caused the two to cringe. Off to the side Rainbow Dash was shaking her head to get her bearings back. Broken wood and glass was strewn about from a broken vanity, with the unconscious body of a pony easily recognized as Trixie inside the wreckage, small cuts bleeding slightly.

Applejack shook her head and made her way over to Rainbow. “What the hay were ya thinkin’!”

Finally regaining her bearings Rainbow frowned as she retorted. “Why are you yelling at me?! I was right! It was Trixie!” She defended, pointing at the unconscious mare that was currently being pulled from what was once a vanity by Rarity.

“It doesn’t matter if it was Discord! Look at this place!” Applejack yelled as she waved a hoof over the room. “This is still her home!” Rainbow began to look a little guilty as she looked around, wincing as she saw the blood Rarity cleaned from the numerous small cuts.

“But-“ Rainbow began as her pride made a last attempt to justify her actions.

“But nothin’. You just broke into her home. Ya’ll didn’t even know if it was her and ya busted in without thinking!”

Rainbow was unable to think of anything to say in her defense that would justify her actions. “I’m sorry.” She said quietly.

“Not me ya gotta apologize to.” Applejack stated, looking straight at her thickheaded friend.

Before anything more could be said, a groan was heard from the bed, where Rarity was watching over the unconscious magician. “I think she’s waking up!” Rarity called. The other two made their way over, Rainbow Dash sticking to the pack with her ears splayed back.

“Ugh. What happened to Trixie?” The magician asked eyes scrunched up in pain. Once she opened her eyes however, every muscle in her face became devoted to creating a frown. “Oh. It’s you all.” She sat up on her bed and scanned the room, her frown never leaving her face. “Heroes Trixie’s flank.” She muttered. The simple statement brought even more guilt the Rainbow maned pegasus.

“…m sorry.” Rainbow mumbled. Causing the magician’s frown to deepen.

“Speak up. Trixie has heard butterflies louder than you.” Trixie spat with venom in her voice, causing Rainbow to flinch.

“I said I’m sorry.” Rainbow said, louder this time. Trixie’s face took on a kind look.

“Oh it’s fine. After all you apologized.” Trixie stated, her kind voice surprising all three of the ponies in the room.

“R-really?” Rainbow asked, her ears beginning to perk back up.

“Of course not!” Trixie screamed, her face contorting with anger, any semblance of kindness gone in an instant. “How does it feel? Hm? Congratulations! You trespassed into the big bad mares’ home destroyed her personal property, and injured her. Good job bird brain!” With each statement Rainbow Dash looked as though she were taking a physical hit. “Aren’t you supposed to be heroes or something?” the last statement caused Rainbow to back away, her head low to the floor. Seeing Rainbow look so down Applejack decided to step in.

“Look, she said she’s sorry and she’ll pay to fix your things. Let’s just all calm down.”

“Just because Trixie is angry does not mean she isn’t calm.” Trixie explained, now glaring at the farmer. Feeling a hoof on her shoulder Applejack looked to see Rarity stepping into the fray. Knowing her friends ability to speak with others while keeping her calm Applejack nodded and made her way over to Rainbow Dash.

“We are dreadfully sorry for what Rainbow did to you and your home. She doesn’t think things through too terribly well at times.”

“So Trixie noticed.” She said with a sneer and another glare fixed towards the prone pegasus. “Trixie would like to get to the matter at hand though. What do you all want with Trixie? She was already preparing to leave when she was assaulted.” This caught the attention of all three of the other ponies but only Rarity voiced her thoughts.


“Yes. Leave. You all found Trixie so she would rather leave before the lynch mob shows up. Trixie isn’t exactly liked in this town.”

Rarity’s eyes went wide at the idea that they had shown up only to throw her out of town, or worse. “No, no, no, no. I’m afraid you’ve gotten the wrong idea.” Rarity quickly exclaimed, earning a deadpan look from Trixie. With a small nervous chuckle she continued speaking. “Yes, well. I’m aware that it’s an easy thing to think after all this but we actually came to speak to you about Ms. L.” After Rarity explained their presence Trixie’s eyes went wide.

“Trixie has no idea what you’re talking about.” Trixie quickly exclaimed.

“We already know it’s you Sugarcube.” Applejack said as she and a still down trodden Rainbow Dash made their way over. Rainbow here followed you from the school house.” Applejack explained.

With a sigh Trixie slumped a bit. “Fine you caught Trixie. What about it? Wait. Why would the pegasus follow Trixie?”

“She was worried that Ms. L might be a filly fiddler.” Applejack explained.

Trixie’s eyes went wide and began to shift back and forth. “A filly- what now?”

Applejack narrowed her eyes slightly as she repeated herself. “A filly fiddler.”

Trixie relaxed as the word was repeated. “Oh. Wait. Oh. Oh, no. No! That’s horrible! Trixie would never harm the little ones!” Trixie shouted, appalled that anypony would think she was capable of such a thing.

Applejack had kept a close eye on Trixie throughout her entire outburst and after a couple moments her gaze softened. “Ah know ya wouldn’t Sugarcube. We were just worried is all. Wanted ta meet this ‘Ms. L’ pony but, well. That didn’t go too well, now did it?” Applejack said with a nervous laugh. Rarity cleared her throat as she prepared to speak.

“No, it didn’t but putting this all behind us for the moment, I have to admit that I am quite curious about what made you decide to volunteer at a school under a false identity.”

Trixie gave a sigh as she made to speak. “Well Trixie supposes she should explain. But first Trixie is curious as to how you heard of what she was doing.”

Applejack was the first to speak up. “Well mah lil sister, Apple Bloom, told me about ya.”

“Ah. I remember her. That little filly has a lot of talent in her hooves. She picks up on Trixie’s magic very quickly. Nowhere near as quickly as Trixie did of course.” Trixie explained, her face showing a mix of pride and self-confidence.

“Yes, Sweetie Belle has spoken of you a few times as well.”

“The little white unicorn?” Trixie asked. Receiving a nod she continued. “She doesn’t have much skill for doing stage magic but she nearly saw through how Trixie did them. She’s got quite an eye for detail when she focuses.” Trixie explained, earning a surprised look from Rarity.

Rainbow Dash made a small move to speak before she was cut off by Trixie. “Let Trixie guess. Scootaloo is your younger sister?” Rainbow was about to clarify things until her face took on a soft smile.

“Yeah. Yeah she is.”

“Trixie could tell. You have the same attitude.” Trixie said, her voice soft, though she made a small giggle at the similarities between the two. “Anyway. It was after the alicorn amulet fiasco.” Trixie began, spitting out the name of the powerful relic. “Trixie went on doing her shows. She ran into a town or two that weren’t exactly fans of having someone as great as Trixie in their town. But Trixie made out like before. Most papers clarified that the amulet had corrupted her, so few ponies held it against her.” She explained, earning nods from the ponies.

“But the more Trixie performed the more…empty it felt. Trixie reveled in the applause and cheers but, it just didn’t stay. The images of ponies cheering for her faded as soon as she left the stage.” Straightening up her sitting position a little she continued. “Trixie decided to take a break.

“Trixie was lying in her cart, trying to think of what she could do instead of wowing the crowds, when a small knock came at her door. It was a filly who had seen her earlier show. She had come to ask how to do one of Trixie’s tricks. At first Trixie thought about turning her down, telling her that ‘magicians never reveal their secrets but,-”

Trixie’s face became overcome by a gentle smile as she continued. “-something made me say yes. I took her in and showed her how to do it. It was a simple card trick but, the look on her face when she finally did it right…Unlike the crowds, her face stayed in my mind for days as I traveled around without a destination.”

Rarity decided to ignore the change in speaking perspective in hopes that the mare herself wouldn’t notice, and asked the question that they were all wondering. “So what made you come here? Don’t take me wrong but, I doubt that Ponyville is very high on towns you favor.”

“Hm? Oh yes. This just happened to be the town nearest when I decided on what I was going to do. The disguise of Ms. Lulamoon was so that I could still teach them while keeping any possibly angry ponies away.” Trixie paused for a moment before her lips dropped to a neutral line. “We all know how well that worked for Trixie.” Rainbow winced at the mix of the irritation in Trixie’s voice and change back to third pony. “Anyway, Trixie decided to volunteer at the school, teaching the little ones ‘real magic’. The more she saw them smile, the more complete Trixie felt. She is still the Great and Powerful Trixie, make no mistake. She is a showmare through and through but, their smiles made me feel the way I haven’t since I first started my show as a filly.” Trixie explained, her lips having returned to their previous gentle smile, her eyes not looking at any of the now smiling mares.

Rarity was the first to speak up after what they had heard. “I think I can speak for all of us when I say that I have no issues with what you have been doing. In fact I would be happy if you would keep doing it. Celestia knows that Sweetie needs to learn how to focus more, and if she enjoys it, all the better.”

Trixie had a skeptical look on her face. “You mean you forgive Trixie? You’re fine with what she is doing?”

“Forgive?” Rainbow began, earning a worried look from her friends. “Hay, I owe you now. It’s all good.”

Letting go of the breath she had been holding Applejack was the next to speak. “Lookin’ back, getting’ hogtied on stage musta been pretty funny lookin’. ‘Sides. It was part of your show. I got no real reason to hold a grudge over it.”

Rarity was a bit pensive about answering. “Well, you did turn my beautiful mane an ugly shade of green-“

“One of Trixie’s best friends has that color mane!” Trixie exclaimed, cutting her off.

“And I’m sure it looks wonderful on them.” Rarity continued as though she had expected the interruption the whole time. “But it looked dreadful on me. Not to mention the toy rat tails were a bit much.” Rarity paused for a moment, the neutral look on Trixie’s face never betraying any trepidation she may be feeling. “But, if you allow me to use you as a model once I shall be willing to sweep it under the rug, as it t’were.”

Trixie let out a large breath before she spoke. “Trixie thanks you.”

Applejack started stretching. “Well, we best be getting’ out of your mane. Ah’m sure ya’ll be wantin’ ta get some shuteye. Me and Bloom will get workin’ on replacing your desk there. With Rainbow paying of course.” Applejack said, receiving a small punch to the shoulder from the smirking pegasus. “Don’t ya’ll be afraid to come down to the farm every now and then. I’m sure Granny would be fine with settin’ up another spot for dinner one of these days.” With a wave the three friends made their way from the trailer, smiles on their faces and an even larger one on the face of the pony standing in the doorway.

Author's Note:

Right-o. This would not get outta my head till I threw it down. So yeah...Here ya go I suppose. Going to bed now.

Comments ( 18 )

I immediately thought of Super Paper Mario
>Ms. L


Aaaah, that's why the name sounded familiar to me! Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

Also, nice story :3 Always nice to see these four settle their past differences and become friends (and ny sharing the blame equally, not just from Trixie taking all the blame herself) :twilightsmile:


That's awesome to hear from someone who writes as much Trixie as you seem to.

Nice to see ponies act like grown ups for a change.

"Trixie would never harm the little ones"

At least, not without a massive personal hatred of the kids in question and a crazy-making amulet.


Well we never actually "See" her hurt any kids. Just whips the air above them. Cracking the whip and what not.


She forcibly merged them into some sort of horrible conjoined gestalt and worked them pretty harshly.

Not too bad, here. It was rather nice and almost original to see those three admitting any sort of wrongdoing in that episode. You did a rather good Trixie here, too.

2640018 They're the foals that brung an Ursa to Ponyville, that destroyed her home and reveal her as a fraud. If they were older, I would have expected her to do worst to them.
As for this story, I like it. Keep it up.


I am responding to a claimed tautology. Whether or not you think the reasons are justified are irrelevant. I have a tendency to point out, often humorously though sometimes critically, when characters or viewers make claims of how someone would never do X, despite evidence that they not only would do X, but have done X, and may very well be the only example of X having been done, or at least X done by a main character.

The admin of the great and not obsessive trixie signs off on this being a part of my group.

also love how everyone seemed in character

also Miss. L sounds like missile

No, I was expecting the Spanish Inquisition.


I liked this, but I think Trixie forgave them too fast.
Breaking and Entering plus Assault needs more than granny setting another place at the table, the promise RD will pay for damages. And those three saying they don't mind if she stays.
Maybe a ch 2 where RD is slow roasted? :trixieshiftright:

But as was already mentioned, it was nice to see them all behave like actual adults, and everyone admit their part of the blame.

Very sweet and fun but still unimpressed at the idea that the main 6 should do anything other than apologize. They were the ones heckling and interrupting her show which was her livelihood. Other than that quibble this was really solid, I loved her compliments for the fillies too:pinkiesmile:

A wonderful little read there. This has been sitting on my self for far too long, I'm glad I finally got around to reading it. Terribly underrated as well, I hope you pick up more likes in the future.

Pretty in character for the most part, though "lynch mob" and "filly-fiddler" don't sound like anything anyone would say in the MLP universe, nor would they exist. Though that was probably just to make the dialogue more engaging, very enjoyable read.

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