
Viewing 1 - 20 of 38 results

It's 6am, the cars outside, full of gas. And i'm not going anywhere. Do glasses count as shades? Let's go. · 10:16am Sep 16th, 2016

Sorry if I ramble, i run long, or a seem to meander in words. About to lay down, and an allergy attack hits. Anyhow, something interesting to talk about, ramble on, much as led zepplin did, and keep singing my song.

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Random Kirin Gif & Talking About Our Passions! · 5:12am May 10th, 2022

Alright so hear this out.

I was talking to a very good friend the other night, someone who just selflessly brings forth love and warmth to the world around them.

When they told me something that touched my heart.

That they shared a passion which was close to their heart with a family member, and that they felt as if the person simply didn't care.

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I've been busy - something I've talked about for so long is finally happening! · 6:00pm Sep 16th, 2020

Ladies and Djentlemen, I have been busy today. Not only did I put on a clean and fresh pair of jeans and instantly get them filthy with fine wood shavings, but I've finally been doing something to occupy my time while simultaneously spending time with my dad for the first time in a long time.

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Somber-Wally Dryad · 12:23am Sep 23rd, 2023

Commissions are currently open for Bevin Brand, former Equestria Girls storyboarder and half of the incredible team behind Empathy for the Devil and its related, equally great stories.

You can probably guess why I'm bringing her up...

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Downvotes Ain't Gonna Stop Me! · 8:07am Dec 11th, 2018

Because if I can't stop myself, how could they?

And so, this chapter of my life is finally fucking finished. It was a really shit journey the entire way... took me a year plus just t'fuckin' complete it. Can't say I'm sad to see it over with, bitch was yelling in my ear nonstop forever now just t'git'er'dun.

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[PASSION PROJECT] ...hehehe... · 1:34am Feb 12th, 2022

This month's "passion project" came right out of the blue in a completely unexpected vector.

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Sneak Peek: TToP - Feedback? · 5:50pm Jul 16th, 2017

Finally, the day had come. After waiting and scheming for what had felt like an eternity, it was time that everyone came together. Each of them played every possible scenario in their heads and some even picked up meditation. It wasn't just mental preparation however. Some of our friends decided to train their bodies as well to get them pumped up for this day.

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Regular News · 10:51am May 3rd, 2020


"regular news" might sound quite mundane, but I think in these troubled times all over we need something standard and normal from time to time.

Allow me to start by saying that, thankfully, I am doing good and continuing to be responsible and cautious. I hope all of you are weathering this storm as well. We'll make it through, I'm certain of it.

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Stuck on "Stuck" · 5:31pm Jul 10th, 2017

Hey guys, NickyD here. So I'm just going to be straight forward with you for a minute.

As you know, "Stuck" has not been updated in a while and there are a couple reasons why.

1) Other projects. I get ideas for one shots ("She Struck a Chord With Me", "Skittles", etc) or YouTube projects and I literally can't work on anything else until those are done. It's a weird thing with me.

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On Short Stories · 5:52pm Jun 8th, 2020

I have a passionate love for short stories and anthologies of said short stories. I check them out from the library. I read them before bedtime. I've got multiple different anthologies on my bookshelf. They're the perfect length to read while still budgeting my time, because I know if I start a good book, I won't stop reading it until it's done. With a short story, however, I can read it all the way through and still go on with my life.

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Nose Bleed 2 (Anthro) · 4:12pm Sep 27th, 2020

*Umbra, upon seeing the bloody streak under Bezier’s nostril, bursts out laughing*

“...What? Why’s it funny?”

“Ahahaha! Oh man, Bez, what have you seen?”

“What have I seen? What’s that supposed to—?” *Her eyes went wide.* “Oh...”

*Now some of the others were snickering.* “Don’t you even—”

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Finding the Time · 3:29am May 30th, 2016


Lashing Out · 4:43pm Dec 6th, 2020

Passion and Umbra smiled as they watched their son comfort their daughter.

Bezier, however, had mixed emotions over the matter. “I... I don’t understand. Paul, I... you said you hated your sister...”

Paul looked over. “I’s just common courtesy, alright?! I can’t hate her right now...she’s scared, and she doesn’t need me to add anymore bullshit to make the situation worse!”

“But... but...”

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Twister II · 8:37pm Nov 21st, 2020

“So Passion and Umbra are playing Twister again?”

“Mhm. They’ve been playing it since they were kids.”

“Look how adorable they look.”

Bezier looked over to the pair; Passion and Umbra were both in twisted poses, but most noticeable thing about it was Passion’s large, plump butt right in Umbra’s face.

She snickered. “Enjoying the view, Umbra?”

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A Very Special Hearts and Hooves Day Preview · 3:26am Feb 10th, 2016


Rant! I just stared writing and this happened... · 7:19pm Nov 25th, 2016

You ever have one of those days where you realize no one you know can or would just hang out with you?

I say that because, at work, I've met a few pretty cool people I'd love to just hang with. Unfortunately, I work the night shift, so our sleep and waking patterns never line up. Then there are people you really want to get to know, but you're sure would be put off by the invitation to just hang about.

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Thank you! · 10:00pm Apr 16th, 2023

For the first time in a long, long time, I've uploaded to FIMFiction, and the amount of support I've received for "Not So Guilty Pleasure" is absolutely mind blowing! Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart! I'm just getting caught up on comments after taking a few hours studying for an entrance exam for a certain agency (I've got a few dream jobs and this is one of them).

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Working computer but I forgot editing stuff is complete garbage · 5:38am Jan 17th, 2018

Compute problems gone which is good. Stupid snarky passion project I've literally spend six weeks on done besides editing.

Finished editing. Hit post.

Found out I forgot transferring 101 pages of a Google Drive document also transfers the formatting which messes up completely on what I use for these stupid flight of fancy blog posts I do.

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September Update · 5:12am Sep 3rd, 2020

There’s really not a whole lot to say for this month. I’m dealing with some personal loss which is making it hard to find motivation so I’ll probably only wind up working on Dreamers for right now. That’s become my favorite story and it’s been my escape from real life stress for a while. I really enjoy writing it out even if it doesn’t get the comment activity I really wish it would get, and I’ll probably shift focus to that for the foreseeable future. I might poke Stardust and New Horizons on

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It Is Your Life · 10:58am Jan 8th, 2018

For the past few years, I have been wondering what it is that I want to do for a career. Not what I want to do with my life, but what I want to do for a career. What is the difference?

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 38 results