
Viewing 61 - 80 of 80 results

Quick update! · 12:39am Sep 11th, 2023

Hey there, everypony! I wanted to give you all a quick update on my stories. Firstly, I apologize for the delay in adding a new chapter. My work schedule has been quite hectic recently, but I haven't forgotten about my beloved story and its amazing readers.

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Hey, Argyle/Alphabittle got featured! · 5:59am Sep 13th, 2022

Is it because the interaction is skewed by the anti-gay downvoters? Maybe! But I'll take it!! :rainbowlaugh: Thank you everyone who liked or commented! :heart: It's 'only' the SFW version of featured, but like I said, I was giving up on this story doing well! So this is very nice for me!



First Follower Appreciation Day, Apparently... · 9:24pm May 4th, 2015

So, according to a couple of things I saw in my feed, today is supposedly "First Follower Appreciation Day," where you thank your first follower for pushing that "Watch" button.

I'd like to give a heartfelt shout-out to UniqueSKD for choosing to follow me way back when I was still fresh to Fimfiction. When I asked him why he followed me, this is what he told me (it can be found about 70 pages back on his userpage):

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The Story is Complete, But... · 6:06pm Oct 26th, 2022

Elements Change the Dark Hearts was a story project that started off as a small set of chapters to act as a one off for a boss enemy for my (then) favorite game of all time. It was early in my hobby as a writer, and it wasn't very well thought out outside of the initial concept, but as I wrote more chapters, I began to have more thoughts about it. What if it wasn't just Bael and Fluttershy that had this strange encounter? What if the other Elements ended up bonding with other "Dark Hearts".

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The Man, The Artist, The Inspiration... and other news. · 8:44pm Jan 13th, 2016


Sunset Shimmer Appreciation Post Mk. 2 · 5:38am Jun 8th, 2015

You know the drill. Large amount of second absolutely the first best waifu incoming.

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I Came Up With An Idea Yesterday · 10:30pm May 26th, 2016

And then I started writing it down, and realized that I had no idea how to resolve the conflict in a way that won't feel forced.


150 Followers! · 2:47am Mar 31st, 2019

I'm very glad to say I hit 150 followers today!

The stories I write, I write for me, but I always hope that someone else will like them, maybe relate to them in some way. I write what I do because it brings me joy and makes me happy, but to know others love it too is such a huge bonus. It makes me feel like all of my hard work is worth it. I appreciate that a lot.

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Random Ramblings CCXXXI · 7:44pm Feb 22nd, 2018

A South Park quote, but an apt one that's related to why I'm writing a second blogpost within a 24-hour period, something y'all know I almost never do. It's because there WAS something else on my mind last night, but I got distracted. I'd like your comments on this please, if you'll read on.

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I love Aella ;-; · 3:56am Mar 2nd, 2022

As I go on writing and fleshing out her character she just makes me so happy! Cute and quirky and soft just wdagjsv;asg. Is it normal to like your characters this much? I have so much fun writing her, seeing her learn about and interact with the world. How she grows, it just makes me so happy. Joyful even. It's been such a fun project so far, and I'm so excited to keep pushing forward! There's so much more to come, and I've hardly even gotten into the thick of it yet. I appreciate everyone

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100 Stories! · 8:08am Aug 26th, 2019

100 stories! :pinkiehappy:

Wow. This really such an incredible feeling. One hundred tales for me to tell, and plenty more who enjoyed them.

Thank you guys. It's such an honor to post my work for you all to read, and it means so much to me when you tell me you enjoy it. It really makes all my efforts feel worth it. By no means has this journey been an easy one, but if I hadn't taken it, I wouldn't have met some of my best friends.

I have a long list of thank you's to make.

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It's my birthday! And I've got a present for you... · 6:15pm Aug 6th, 2017

Yep, it's my birthday! 🍰 (Oh, who am I kidding with that cake emoji... 🍸)
First off, the next chapter of The Iron Horse is going up today, in the early evening! And after that, there are just TWO chapters left!

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Commission Info: Fics and Art · 7:11am Sep 21st, 2019

Commission Info Time! my ko-fi page and a link to my patreon
send me a reference pic or a written description of your OC and i'll draw them
$5 for a scanned pencil drawing/per character (better quality, this is a phone camera pic)

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Two Audio Readings (Truthfully & Think Pink) · 8:22pm Feb 25th, 2023

There is a reason I haven't done a New Years-type of blog. Hopefully, more on that will follow eventually. Anyway, there are two audio readings I would like to share with y'all. Thank you to Lotus Moon and Obabscribbler for taking the time to make these. Oh, and a reminder that a complete list of audio readings, fan art, and reviews can be found on my page.

Think Pink (Probably)'s newer version, by Lotus Moon

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Mini Re-Reviews: "Family Appreciation Day" - Season 2 Episode 12 · 10:51pm Feb 28th, 2020

GRANNY SMITH: "Eh, what were we hugging for here again, Apple Bloom?"
APPLE BLOOM: "Don't ya remember, Granny Smith? I had a crisis of faith and didn't want to bring you to school, so I pretended to be sick, tried to speed up the harvest, controlled you while you were asleep, and faked a message from Uncle Apple Strudel!"

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Competition and Writing Nonsense · 2:38am Feb 13th, 2016


"The Last Crusade" Review: Cutie Mark Crusader Appreciation Day! · 1:17am Jun 16th, 2019

So, now we know Scootaloo's parents. After years of theorizing that Scootaloo is an orphan until Lauren Faust said she has parents in 2016 and after a few more years of theorizing why her parents are never around, we have finally seen them. And, wow, do I hate them!

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Confound those ponies! They drive me to drink coffee! · 12:05pm May 31st, 2017


Lover of the Moon · 3:22pm Sep 29th, 2021

TLover of the Moon
It's been a thousand years since everypony disappeared, and I feel a change in the air. Some secrets aren't meant to be kept forever, and my beloved Princess's are no exception.
Silent Whisper · 5.1k words  ·  113  5 · 1.1k views

It's here! Now we've got both sides of the story. I plan to update one fic per week, alternating between the two. It's time to get excited! Note that both fics can be read on their own, but if you want the full story, you're more than welcome to read both as each chapter's released.

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I Did Ten Situps Before Posting This Blog, 'Cause My Back Did a Fart Noise When Hitting the Ground and It Made Me Giggle · 1:59am Sep 11th, 2016

No, for real -- the title ain't lying. If I arc my back a little when touching the ground after a situp and then let it down slowly, my shirt creates a weird bubble of air and it makes the fartest noise I've heard in my life. It was hilarious.

Shut up. It's 4 am and I can't sleep. I just heard that due to some bureaucratic mishap I don't have a house near my university yet so I'll be forced to skip the first couple days. Let me enjoy my back farts in peace.

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 80 results