
Viewing 1 - 20 of 271 results

Artist for cover art · 6:51pm Jul 4th, 2018

Hey guys, as the title suggests I'm looking for an artist to do a cover art for Bad Company and perhaps some other stories down the line. If you are one or know of an artist who takes commissions for this type of thing please let them know/send me a pm with your rates and I'll give a basic rundown of what I'm looking for. In shorter detail, what I'm looking for is something that could fit this quote from the story.

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Artist links · 11:16am Dec 4th, 2022

Hi there. I'm an artist based in Ukraine and recently I started posting my pony artworks on the Internet. I would really appreciate any kind of support <3 Also, I want to connect with fellow ukrainian bronies more.

YCH: @Creida
IG: @creida_pony

Most recent art piece:

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18 Carrot Needs Your Help! · 9:48am Feb 24th, 2017

Hi, folks. I don't exactly blog a lot on here, but there's a pony artist who hit a rough spot and needs help!

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Report SpinelStride · 438 views · #artist

So many awesome artists · 7:11pm Jun 8th, 2019

Okay, I honestly didn't expect to ever get any art of my work. Let alone by artists just randomly asking for things to draw. Yet I found two, and they're both awesome. Thanks you two, you're awesome and deserve to be paid for this.
I have an from Grim_Grin Who did amazing work. And a new picture from Foudubulbe

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So time for my ego to shine! · 6:55pm Mar 5th, 2016

Just a quick thought as I plan out the next chapter of this shipping story. With Sunray finally a year old, Aria finding her man, and Rarinata getting married. I find myself longing the ability to draw. I have tryed my very best to make vivid images of what this version of the girls all look like.

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Report Summer Wish · 351 views · #Artist #fanart

Could Anyone Help Me Out? · 10:19pm Sep 29th, 2019

I was wondering if anyone out there would be okay with doing me a favor. I'm sure many of my followers out there are familiar with my story "You Call That A Costume?" by now. Anyway, I thought it would be good to spread word about it and get a lot more attention if it had a cover art. Therefore, I'm wondering if somebody would be willing to draw one for my story.

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Report Eddy13 · 371 views · #Artist Wanted

I watched A New Generation... · 2:32pm Sep 28th, 2021

...and all I have to say is: Tennis Ball Pone is my favourite.


Looking for Artists · 4:06am Jun 21st, 2018

I am currently looking for artists willing to draw something for me. Now before you all go crazy please be aware, I am a college student. I have little money and the money that I do have I have to spent on food, unless I want to start eating my clothes for survival, which I don't. So if you choose to it would be out of the kindness of your heart. The only thing I can really offer for anyone is I'm good at coming up with non cringe compilation worthy backstories for OCs if you have one that

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Report Topponer11 · 238 views · #Artist Art

looking for a cover artist · 1:24am Feb 22nd, 2016

Hey guys, I'm hard at work on the new chapter of stranded, but I'm looking for someone to do a piece of cover art for it. I have no regulation on what it has to look like, other than it of course being in color. If you want to be commissioned to do so, that's perfectly fine, just message me and we'll discuss price. However, if you want to do it for free, that's also perfectly acceptable for obvious reasons XD.

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Need Some Help · 6:22pm Aug 23rd, 2020

Hey Guys, I know it's been a while, but I promise that I've been working a lot on my stories, but I feel like something is missing on a few of them. That is why, I'm asking for one of my fans to contact me about making some cover art for my stories, the first is Little Dragon Day Care, the second is Every Journey. I want to finally get them some art and with school starting again, I'm trying to focus on that, seeing as this is my second to last semester. Please PM me if you're interested, in

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Report TAD2 · 358 views · #Call of the Artist

Just have to say something real quick... · 5:45pm Dec 31st, 2020

For everyone who has supported me and been my friend in the community, I thank all of you and hope that 2021 brings you joy, peace, kindness, hope, friendship and love. This year has been very difficult for all of us. Pretty sure the main big thing that's happened during the course of 2020 is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has changed our lives for the last 10-ish months.

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Looking to Commission some Art · 6:24am Dec 26th, 2016

So, I'm looking to commission some digital art. PM me if you're an artist and interested (it's hard to find good artists as a seeker)!


How is everyone doing? · 11:36am Dec 14th, 2021

It's been a while since we last talked...

Artist: Taneysha

If you don't all hear from me this month, then I wish you a very Merry Christmas and I hope 2022 will be a good year for everyone!

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Thinking about hiring an artist to make me a digital banner for my YT main page. Anybody have experience? · 10:21pm Dec 21st, 2020

I've been thinking about it a little and it occurred to me that I've never bothered to make anything to establish my channel as FireRain. Even though I dumped using that name brand on here, it's what I'm most known as so that means it's cemented onto me for definitely. SO that brings me to my point:

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Jay Eaton's tumblr · 5:01pm Sep 17th, 2019

Found by Julian ... who likes biology...and related (or not very related) fields ....

Report Andrew-R · 168 views · #artist #loss

Serious Signal Boost · 9:31pm Dec 11th, 2018

Hey Folks,

I apologize for using the DaD tag, but I want to get this out to as many people as possible.

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First Blog, Greetings to All · 3:56am Aug 7th, 2016

Welcome to my new account, my name is GPizano, long time fanfiction reader, artist, and possible writer in the future.

I have read many stories on here and many were quite enjoyable, it's wonderful to see so many talented writers.

And to those who perchance need a bit of art done to go with such wonderful stories, my services are up for hire. You can follow the link below to see more samples of my art outside of my FiMFiction avatar.

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Report Gpizano · 289 views · #art #artist #cover art

Promotion · 4:03pm Mar 28th, 2018

Okay, anyone heard the name KrazyEzzy? Well, if not, let me tell you, she's a great artist and does some reasonably priced commissions, and does adoptable OCs. Here's some examples of her work for you.

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Cloud of Treachery/Art Info · 3:25pm Mar 26th, 2018

The Cloud of Treachery AKA The Thundering Mist

Origin: One of the six side effects of the creation of the Elements of Harmony.

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Avatar art is in need · 12:57am Aug 26th, 2015

Please, if you are an artist, and are generous enough to do an avatar for me, you will get all of my huggles, and I mean all of them!:heart:

Report Color Nova · 218 views · #Art #artist #mlp #avatar
Viewing 1 - 20 of 271 results