18 Carrot Needs Your Help! · 9:48am Feb 24th, 2017
Hi, folks. I don't exactly blog a lot on here, but there's a pony artist who hit a rough spot and needs help!
The artist for 18 Carrot (who also has done several pony-pics for me, such as a rendition of Pinkie's crayon drawing of how she imagined Gus would have turned out, or Princess Celestia writing Daring Doo fanfic) has an emergency GoFundMe campaign in progress, as they have had an absolutely miserable perfect storm hit - forced to move immediately due to landlord selling the house, fun with various bits of bureaucracy, and more.
I'm not going to multi-post this or spam anyone, but they could really use the help. If you've got some spare bits rattling around (or if you've had an idea for something fun to do with ponies), please give that link a look! If not, sorry for the interruption.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled ponies.