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  • 369 weeks
    Triple Threat - what could have been

    My basic opinion of 'Triple Threat' is that it was a pretty good Ember episode shoved inside of a crummy Spike episode.

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    18 Carrot Needs Your Help!

    Hi, folks. I don't exactly blog a lot on here, but there's a pony artist who hit a rough spot and needs help!

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  • 483 weeks
    Slice of Life: Immediate thoughts

    I spent the entire episode unable to stop seeing the angry frogs that make up Cranky and Matilda's muzzles. Seriously, just look at the lighter-colored bit at the nose and it's an angry frog.


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    Whoo! Front-paged!

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Slice of Life: Immediate thoughts · 6:45pm Jun 13th, 2015

I spent the entire episode unable to stop seeing the angry frogs that make up Cranky and Matilda's muzzles. Seriously, just look at the lighter-colored bit at the nose and it's an angry frog.


Noogies on Pinkie, and I guess this wasn't one of the sort of monsters Fluttershy can just Stare down.

Octavia has Earth-pony strength and a heckuva strong bow, if she was able to turn the entire thing with the bow and one leg. Also a heck of a strong grip on that bow, somehow.

Button Mash landed on Vinyl's turntable and started doing Ponyspin for a bit. Not even one complete revolution, though.

Hugh Jelly's return, but he never made the Jelly face.

Berry Punch was beaming and hanging onto her keg almost the entire time, while most everyone else on the Wubmobile was showing panic-faces. She was at least sloshed enough to not think about the possible consequences.

When they were getting launched from the Wubmobile into town hall for the wedding, Mr. Cake was in the lead, and he looked like he was having a moment of pure bliss. It is now my headcanon that his latent pegasus genes mean he found something deeply satisfying in flying, if only for a moment.

The presence of a single Changeling presumably confirms that: They're not a hive-mind (so they can be individuals), Cranky encountered one on his travels and knew him as a Changeling so Changelings were not total unknowns prior to the invasion, and some of them are allowed to travel in Equestria without being surrounded by guards or anything. So I'm going to take that in favor of the idea that there are multiple Changeling Queens, and at least one of the hives has non-hostile relations with Equestria.

Steven Magnet learned a lesson on Generosity from Rarity. He's also pretty good at Honesty, telling it to Matilda straight, and he (a sea monster) came quite a ways out onto land to support his friend, showing his Loyalty. He could maybe use a bit of work on Kindness to keep from spazzing out Matilda; it's sometimes tricky to balance Honesty and Kindness. Also, that was NOT Steven Magnet who had been made into Discord's couch. Probably. You can never rule things out entirely with Discord.

And then the Doctor. I will accept that Doctor Hooves is an alternate version of the Doctor rather than the Doctor visiting Equestria; since Equestria has no TARDIS available, he was trying to make one, but got derailed by the presence of a magic spell that does the same thing. But he still has that long lifespan - 'Centuries, really.' Also, he is very close to Derpy and he's also definitely friends with Rose. Pretty much all of the Doctor's relationship-related stuff came out just as fandom has decreed.

Celestia demanded complete deniability about the monster-hunting agency. So it is now canon that Celestia is willing to lie and throw ponies under the bus if needed, rather than just give Twilight jobs to do at great personal risk. So, she does have her darker, more political side. No wonder Luna had Honesty against Discord, back in the day. Princesses bickering and trying to keep anyone from noticing is another great display of image-consciousness from them. Celestia is so incredibly relieved to not have to be the sole source of inspiration and leadership for the entire country now, and she's finally been loosening up and letting the mask down more to show who she really is underneath.

I was really, really hoping that it was going to turn out to be Cheese Sandwich showing up and giving his own voiceover to Gummy, rather than having those really be Gummy's thoughts. I think he works better with no explanations or insight at all, but that cat's out of the bag now.

The flower ponies didn't need a whole lot of confirmation, but their joke-character status now confirmed. Though Rose seemed to not be quite so dramatic when it was her and the Doctor.

A big golden cane with a gem at the end? Not really surprised that someone picked the Twilicane up and has been keeping it as a souvenir. It's probably pretty valuable.

One frame of horse masks during the crash and the stuffed shark in the street that the Wubmobile bounced over near the beginning. Yeah, nods to the fandom about the whole thing being crammed with The Silly.

Report SpinelStride · 605 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

I was really, really hoping that it was going to turn out to be Cheese Sandwich showing up and giving his own voiceover to Gummy, rather than having those really be Gummy's thoughts.

Oh, yeah, that would have been funny...

Didn't even consider that it might be some other pony talking out of frame.

I haven't read anything on this post yet. I just started watching the episode and I CAN"T UN-SEE IT! There are frogs on their faces!

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The memetic infection proceeds apace...

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