
Viewing 1 - 20 of 727 results

Me · 9:31pm May 22nd, 2023

I don't really have much to say except, I'll do my best to release a chapter at least once a month, I will not promise any length but i hope it will be at least 1000 words each chapter, and as of writing this I don't even know if you guys will like my story(s) as I haven't even got my first one approved.

Report Swiftplural · 68 views · #First

FIRST. · 2:49am May 13th, 2016

Yep, could have put something intelligent into that title, but of course had to put first. Welcome to my account. First thing to address is my OC. Ya, ya I know she's an alicorn, but my OC my rules!

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Report SolarStreak · 227 views · #first

First post · 2:37am Feb 3rd, 2018

it is officially, from this point and forward, i am a content creator and not only the content insatiable Black hole of fanfictions, i am finally writing!

Report Luxter77 · 244 views · #First

Here. · 7:17pm Aug 29th, 2016

I made this account on a whim, as a way to improve my writing. I want to do ridiculous things one day, but I have to start somewhere.

Just a few notes about me.
From South Africa.
Not much to tell, really. Never done anything big.

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Report Will · 238 views · #first

First Blog! · 7:25am Nov 3rd, 2017

Hello everypony!

I am Yutah123, and I'm starting a blog thing to do when I feel like it. Basically, I will post a new blog when I feel like it, and only when I feel like. Also, I'm not a dedicated writer, so I may not write correctly (although I am a perfectionist, so I don't think you'll find much mistakes). So to sum it all up, I won't be writing regularly, and I won't be writing like a pro. That being said, let's get on with it.


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Report Yutah123 · 623 views · #first blog #first #1st blog

Wow my first post! · 12:01am Dec 17th, 2017

Wow. This is actually the first time I've ever done a post, and also the first time I've actually commited to a story.

*Cough* you should *cough* read it *cough*

Anyway... This is a post, and I wanna be loved so love me

Report SkittlesJr · 311 views · #First post #first #post #story #wow

A little bit about N1ght_Strider and Autumn Hill · 6:37am Dec 27th, 2020

dear viewers,
"Hey N1ght_Strider, you don't have any viewers!"
"Shut up Autumn Hill!"
*fighting in the background*
Anyways, to anypony in the future who sees this, I just wanted to introduce myself. 
My name is N1ght_Strider, I keep my name weird so that I can use it as my gamer tag. Been a Brony since 2017 and have been working on my stories since the beginning.
"Then why haven't you released them." Autumn Hill taunted.

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New to this I hope to progress · 1:25am Jun 11th, 2015

I can not express that I am happy to see some likes, comments, and opinions about my current story. I am thinking of making Emerl take care of one or more of the character as a foal. Anyway, I am wondering if anyone still wants to be my editor or at least help make the story better. One of the main reasons I wrote this is to expression ideas and improve my writing.

Report xavex · 540 views · #first time

Going to be posting my first story soon! · 3:04am Jul 16th, 2017

So, I am taking a crack at a MLP: FiM story here. The title right now is "On Lightning's Wings" and it's a crossover with the novel Tom Clancy's Endwar. I got the idea for the story after reading Blue Angel by V-Pony and went "Huh, now their's an interesting idea. Might be kind of easy to do a similar story."

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Report Seawolf · 374 views · #First story

First Blog Post Ever! · 8:41pm Jun 6th, 2018

Hey, so I've never done a blog post before. This is a whole new thing, so bear with me.

Some things about me
I am a 22-year-old guy.

I prefer cartoons to live-action shows.

My favorite cartoon is Total Drama, and has been since 2007. I've grown up through middle school, high school, and college with that show.

My favorite food is spaghetti and meatballs. I'm all about the pasta, sauce, and garlic.

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And it begins · 6:09am Nov 25th, 2017

So I'm here now.
Yay, I guess? Been meaning to create a profile on here for ages, but if anyone found out about it IRL, I mean it's be the end of me.
But would it though? Sure they'd know 'I'm a brony. I like a show made for little girls.' But in all honesty here, if they can't cope, or at least ignore (not like I'm rubbing it in their faces; I generally try to keep it on the down-low) then screw 'em.

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Report Cosmic_joke · 253 views · #First post

Submitted my First story · 9:09pm Aug 21st, 2015

Got rejected cause it wasn't left aligned, opps. Well I think I fixed it hope it gets published soon so people can read it. Look forward to The Alter Accords everyone, its been bugging my brain for a while now so putting it down for everyone to read how my mind works. Go ahead and critic it when it comes out and judge if its good or not, I know my brain judges me all the time isnt that right brain?

No comment.

See, all of the judgement.


Untold · 4:09am Jun 23rd, 2021

"I failed. One too many times... Please help me! They are going to------"

"SHUT UP ALREADY!! Why are you still holding on?!"

"You made Golden cry... You-you gave her, us, such fa-false hope..."

"I-I-I-I thought th-ey would...


"Th-t-they didn't... I-I-i'm so... "

*Sigh* "I guess, its time to go back into the loop..."

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Report Connect-the-Pie · 161 views · #First Run

So, I went to rehearsal at the studio with the band I was talking to.... · 7:44pm Jul 28th, 2020

It was ace!

I had to go to the city of Hull, a place I would avoid at any cost for how scummy and risky it is, particularly in the area I went to. I was pretty scared and nervous to be walking around with a bunch of my gear and one of my nicer guitars strapped to my back. The people in that city wouldn't hesitate to stab you in the back or cut the clothes from off your back, and I have a bit of a personal grudge with Hull, so it didn't sit right with me.

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Today is April first and I decided to go on a permanent hiatus · 6:50pm Apr 1st, 2019

All those hentai tentacle fanfics that I wrote... Well, enjoy them, that's all you'll ever get from me.

I'm a free dragon now. Now watch me spread my wings and fly away!

Wait, where are my wings?

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Report Bad Dragon · 338 views · #April first

Starting off on FimFiction... · 5:40am Aug 25th, 2020

I may have just joined days ago, I'm still navigating my way around the site, right now I'm trying to start off with a little fan fiction in which is called Malignant Feelings about one of my favorite villains and my ponysona getting into a romantic/adventure story. I'm also sure that I might need some help to get used to the site at some point when I get lost ^^'


Greetings! · 1:13am Feb 6th, 2020

Welcome to my profile!

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Report Grey Owl · 218 views · #first post

First Story · 8:58pm Aug 27th, 2019

... As the title states.
Published my first story, thought I'd make use of this blog. :yay:

Welp, that'll be it. Can't wait to read/write about colorful ponies!
Here's hoping this journey is a pleasant one!


Welcome to my blog! · 8:44pm Sep 24th, 2015

Welcome, mares and gentlecolts! This is my first blog entry, so I reckon I'll tell you what it's about. Basically, I'll be doing reviews for S5, top ten lists, and occasionally a post about Fluttercord :heart:. So, I hope you'll tune in to my blog. Oh, and don't worry, my first fanfic for this site will be up before the week is out!

Report Fluttercord4win · 244 views · #First post

My first story · 7:35am Nov 2nd, 2015

Well it's done and approved yay. :yay: Now all i have to do is see if the people like i hope so. if not ill keep trying. LuckieBrony OUT! :heart:

Report LuckieBrony · 259 views · #first fic
Viewing 1 - 20 of 727 results