I am a new fanfic writer I will write mostly on luna · 6:56pm Jul 27th, 2020
I posted Equestria Forever at midnight on 9/11 last year.
That is my first trip to the featured box. Thank you all very much for your interest and support, and especially thank you to Megapone, my spouse, and the various others who put up with my hacking at this until it was acceptable. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the story, and more to come!
hey guise dis is vultrazs dragon but don tel any1 bcuz he doesnt no im usen d computah. somtiems he locks himslef in da bedroom wid his tablet n meks wired noizes while movin around in da bed alot on a pillo wid a pone drawin on it. my oner is wierdd but anywheys dats not importan. my owner hits me n somtiems tels me i shud lissen 2 moar smart music den dragon music. since smart ppl lissen 2 classicle music i wnt on da U2b 2 lissen 2 classicle music an I found dis sweet by a guy named holst,
Just watched the Season 5 Finale. Positively, beautifully savage.
Definitely would have been an extraordinary ending to the show as a whole. Makes me wonder what they've got in store for the sixth (and likely final) season. I'm guessing Starlight Glimmer will live in her village again and show up for a few more episodes, and the series finale will no doubt pull in every major character.
Shovel Knight is getting an Amiibo! And he might actually be Smash Bros. DLC!!
I'm absolutely gobsmacked!!
I never thought I'd make the Featured board.
All I can say is Cheers! 💞💞💞
Also I got 2 followers on Tumblr and now I'm scared because people expect stuff of me.
I just hit 1500 followers. I shall let Twilight speak for me.
Seriously though? Thank you all so much. I'm happy to be a writer that you all appreciate so much. I vow to keep working and to keep getting better.
Thank you!
Yep, finished the newest chapter^^ Currently being looked over by the team, you can expect it to drop... sometime within the next week?
Again, sorry for the long wait, I really wish I could update those stories of mine at a quicker pace
Oh, my gosh, guys. I actually did it.
After almost a year of work and 110k words, Blonde Moments is complete. I'm literally almost in tears.
I never thought I'd be able to complete a project like this. Whether it be time, energy, work, whatever... I just never thought I had it in me to finish a story of this size. But I did it.
Wow, was not expecting my newest story to get so popular and have so many comments in just two days! Who knows, it might just reach Once a Time Lord in fame!
(Speaking of that, I do wish more people would view Once a Time Lord's mini-sequel...)
So anyone who is interested to know the whereabouts of Cutie Fixation and my other stories, they'll be coming. But right now, I'm closing in on finals week for first semester of my senior year of high school and I don't know if/when I'll have time to write another chapter.
100. One hundred of you crazies are following me right now in a totally non-creepy fashion. Actually, as I write this, 112. Don't you all have anything better to do? Better stories by better authors to read?
The Storm Metal Gun, The prototype gun system was rated at 16,000 rounds per second or 1,000,000 rounds per minute. The gun system was developed by an Australian weapons company by the same name. and Holds the Record For Fastest Firing Weapon in the World...
...I had something awesome to say but it has left my mind...