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best post · 3:49pm Aug 12th, 2018


My Little Pony: Motherhood Is Magic · 10:06am Nov 14th, 2018

Dear Reader,

I want to thank you all for taking the time to read my stories. You all really make everything worthwhile for me. And, while I love you all dearly, there are two people in particular that I need to take a moment to thank.

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You Raise Me Up: To The People Who Matter Most To Me · 12:56am Jan 1st, 2019

"When I am down, and, oh, my soul, so weary

My little ones are the greatest. There is no doubt in my mind about that.

When troubles come, and my heart burdened be

They make every day special, even the bad ones.

Then, I am still and wait here in the silence

They are my family. Blood doesn't matter here. Family is made of the people who build you, and those whom you love and love you.

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I've Had It With People Not Respecting My Boundaries · 6:52am Mar 24th, 2019

If I am not ready to do something, I am not going to do it. That's it. People need to respect that instead of trying to keep pushing me to change my mind. Odds are, I have already tried to push that boundary myself, but found I could not. So stop. Stop trying to change me, stop trying to force me to be something I am not, and stop trying to impose what you want, like it matters more than my self respect. Fucking show some fucking courtesy for the feelings of others and respect where they are at

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The Clouds That Stopped The Rainbow: A Journey Through Grief · 7:53am Nov 19th, 2018

“It has been said time heals all wounds. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind protecting it’s sanity covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it’s never gone.” –Rose Kennedy

Hey guys. Thanks for reading this.

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About warnings: consider yourself warned. · 7:37pm Dec 20th, 2017

So, as you all probably noticed, aside from links turning blue, we now have a set of brand new trigger warnings to choose from. As someone who always warns his readers about such dangers lurking in fanfics as high concentration of potatoes, peanuts, or even sodium levels not recommended by any dietetician, I couldn't miss an occasion to state my opinion on them.

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Homefront: A Series Milestone · 6:24am Apr 6th, 2019

Wow you guys!

Homefront makes the entire "The Dragon's Secret" series I've been working on the longest series of stories (in number of sequels and interconnected fics) that I have ever done! I am really proud of this story and the milestone it hit for me!

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Sleep, Pretty Darling: A Look Into The Relationships We Build · 3:57am Nov 30th, 2018

Hello oh lovely readers. Thanks for stopping by to read this!

Sleep, Pretty Darling has been very fun for me. I had this fic planned ever since The Mom 6's (TM6) chapters involving The Wonderbolts. I honestly did not see Spitfire becoming the Mama she did, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, but it happened. It did. And I'm honestly so glad it did.

This story to me was centered around the following quote:

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The Mom 6: A Love Letter To The Bond Between Mother And Child · 9:03am Nov 13th, 2018

Hello all! Thanks for taking the time to read this!

The Mom 6 has been SUCH a fun story for me to write. I love me some baby Dashie. I mean, come on, just look at that face!

SO PRECIOUS. UGH. (And before anybody asks, no, that is not the diaper I picture her in in the story. It's just an example.)

But anyways, I'm getting off track here.

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Pinkie Pie Pacified: A Look Into Self Discovery · 12:56am Nov 8th, 2018

Hello dear readers! It's always a pleasure writing for you all again.

Pinkie Pie Pacified is a slightly different story for me than my usual ABDL fimfic. Usually the stories I write of the ABDL genre are more about the mommy's journey of self discovery, much like my own journey was. Pinkie, as per usual, mixed things up a bit.

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A Letter For Moms Who Have Discovered Age Play · 6:13am Mar 11th, 2019

So I wrote this letter a few months ago for an event for the organization ABDL Truth, and I wanted to share it in case any ABDL's on this site are going through their parents finding out about that part of themselves, or maybe for any Mom's on here who have found out about this. An explanatory letter about this sort of thing and how it works. And maybe for ABDL's on here something to share with their parents should they feel like telling them about this. I hope that it helps someone out there

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New Years · 11:51pm Dec 31st, 2017

So I've posted my last chapter for 2017 today. You got another chapter of Replicated Wanderer and more likely than not probably another chapter of Locksmith coming out either tomorrow or Tuesday unless I finish it tonight XD

Well all I can say is that I found something fitting for Replicated Wanderer.

Make sure you watch. You won't be disappointed :twilightsmile:

Also Happy New Years to all.


A Dragon's Secret: Insight Into Struggle · 10:32am Mar 4th, 2019

This is kind of a rant post and a story explainer all in one, so prepare yourselves, folks.

I write ABDL fics constantly, and I am used to bad reviews. But when someone calls the fic or the lifestyle a joke, it really gets under my skin. Because I know several of those people in real life, and I know how much they struggle, so it's pretty damn hard not to take something like that personally.

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Obligatory 1/4 blog · 7:46pm Apr 1st, 2015

Two guys meet on the April fools day, and the first guy says, "Your shoes are untied."

The other guy looks down, and sees his shoelaces are neatly tied. He pauses for a moment, his face now pale. "B-behind you! A d-dinosaur!"

The first guy laughs and waves his hand. "There are no such things as dinosaurs!"

And then the dinosaur ate them both.

Best April Fools ever.


70+ New Character Tags and I don't know what to do with them · 8:57am Jan 11th, 2017

haha any suggestions?

Report Chaotic Note · 443 views · #shit post

Still Alive · 5:10am Feb 3rd, 2017

Okay so I obviously don't write anymore, but I do draw. I'll put the links down for my tumblr blogs below since I have now plans of ever returning here as an author. lmao.

Tumblr Ask Blog

Tumblr Art Blog

Report MetricCaboose · 444 views · #mod post

The Prayer · 7:03am Sep 18th, 2019

I wake up sometimes in the middle of the night
Can’t hardly catch my breath and my chest feels tight
I ask God every day why this is happening
And I hope with all my might that this is all a dream

I live in delusions every day of my life
But It’s better than admitting to myself that things are not alright
I put a smile on my face to try and hide the pain
But every now and then the tears come down my face like rain

I tell you things will be alright again

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All's Quiet on the Fiction Front · 8:15pm Apr 10th, 2020

Not sure if everyone's essential, or if no one wants to write in their overabundance of free time. Human behavior is weird.

Report Bobbles · 764 views · #first post

Mommy- A Look Into My Heart · 3:08pm Oct 24th, 2018

Wow guys! My story "Mommy" has only been up a few hours and it's already gotten so many likes, comments, and favorites! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying it so far!

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Music Promo Post #5: Deathconsciousness. · 4:59am Aug 19th, 2015

Greetings! Time for another music post!

The album is Deathconsciousness, by Have A Nice Life. (I will say that I dislike this name. I've always hated that phrase.)

This will be a bit different in tone from the stuff I've posted thus far, but it's good nonetheless. Special thanks to Regidar, who introduced me to this band, and album.

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