• Member Since 19th Aug, 2020
  • offline last seen Jul 11th, 2022

Sterling Star The Witch

I adore any kind of literature, most times I like to read or write fanfictions but also a narrator on YouTube!

Blog Posts

  • 187 weeks
    Merry Christmas to Everyone

    Knowing that I haven't been active here on FIMFiction ^^' Merry Christmas!

    0 comments · 113 views
  • 198 weeks

    I am still navigating around the site, although I am working on other projects, many other projects and even if I'm not here very often, my life is very busy nowadays, there will times that I am working on stories but it's nothing related for MLP:FIM sadly, hoping you guys understand! Will still be around most times! See you guys next time!

    0 comments · 119 views
  • 204 weeks
    Starting off on FimFiction...

    I may have just joined days ago, I'm still navigating my way around the site, right now I'm trying to start off with a little fan fiction in which is called Malignant Feelings about one of my favorite villains and my ponysona getting into a romantic/adventure story. I'm also sure that I might need some help to get used to the site at some point when I get lost ^^'

    14 comments · 200 views

Merry Christmas to Everyone · 5:43pm Dec 25th, 2020

Knowing that I haven't been active here on FIMFiction ^^' Merry Christmas!

Comments ( 5 )
  • Viewing 1 - 5 of 5

Hey there! Welcome to Fimfiction!

Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!

Welcome to Fimfic.

Welcome, My Friend!

Hello and welcome to fimfiction

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