Pinkie Pie has thrown countless parties for other ponies throughout her life. On Hearth's Warming Eve, she ponders a question: Would they throw a party for her too? Or was she just the funny mare who brought them entertainment?
It took so long for them to even say hello. Continuous conversation grew slowly, and a real relationship required sorrow as soil. Growth came as time went by. But now it's good- perhaps even better than good. Maybe even something sweet.
Will the future know about us or will we be forgotten and erased from history? Twilight couldn't allow this to happen. And so, she devises a masterplan to preserve the friendships of all ponies and creatures for Equestria's new generations.
The Pie Family visits Sweet Apple Acres on Hearth's Warming Eve for the very first time! And Pinkie Pie will make it the best holiday both families ever had, no matter how much holiday madness, family drama or unexpected guests she'll be up against!
Limestone Pie and Flash Sentry find unexpected love and unimaginable loudness as they navigate a path through social anxiety, heavy guitars, and the occasional love triangle.
Cheese Sandwich babysits and plans a very small and very important party. Some unexpected guests appear. His in-laws. And they are not in a party mood.
In an AU where Pinkie barely misses the Rainboom, neither she nor Cheese Sandwich are party ponies. However, Cheese ends up working at the Pie family rock farm.
Back when Pinkie Pie was still a filly, Maud joined her first party. After much retrospection, Maud came to a better understanding of both her and her sister.