Total Words: 53,175
Estimated Reading: 3 hours
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Twilight had always been a diligent researcher. She would routinely pour over every book she had at her disposal in preparation for every royal assignment. Except, sometimes books can only teach one so much. With this heretical idea in mind, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash decide to take it upon themselves to make sure Twilight keeps her wings clean, and doesn't embarrass herself in the sky.
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Pinkie Pie has an existential crisis while painting her room. This self-parody is dedicated to Professor Piggy, who once told me that I could write a story about Pinkie watching paint dry and weave it into an incredible psychological journey. Let's see if he was right.
Dramatic reading by MicTheMicrophoneZero.
Cover art by chaosdrop.
Twilight Sparkle's imagination as a child was unbelievable, probably due to all those books. Which also make up the amazing Fort Book, Twilightopia's first stronghold against the country of Armor! With the help of Captain Smartypants and Private Cadence, General Twilight defends her fort against her brother's advancing army of one!
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Inspired by the cover picture.
Twilight Velvet, acclaimed author and proud mother of two, has been given a new task by her publisher. But her first assignment as editor for a fresh, young writer may prove to be more than she bargained for, as it turns out the submission isn't as fictional as she thought.
A chance encounter that will lead to the team-up of two dream authors, the creation of the most beloved adventure series in Equestrian literature and the beginning of a life-long friendship.
Everfree Northwest 2015 Pre-Con Contest 2nd Place Winner! Thank you so much, everyone!
Big thanks to Daedelean for proof-reading.
Cover Art is a composite of artworks by Dreamcastworks and Ambris. (Note: This is NOT an anthro story. I just liked these pictures as a cover.)
Phony. Villain.
That was what they called Trixie Lulamoon nowadays.
Word of her most recent infamous actions in Ponyville had spread quickly to all four corners of Equestria, and now wherever Trixie went, she was constantly reminded of what she had done.
She hoped that she could somehow regain everypony's respect, to show them that her actions in Ponyville weren't her own and that she could change for the better.
Nopony believed her.
Trixie quickly discovered for herself that capturing the admiration of ponies was nigh impossible now. Nopony wanted to give her another chance. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find any solace in these dark times.
After many, many failed attempts to regain her status in show business, she soon begins to doubt her capabilities as a magician. She even thinks about giving up the profession forever, until an interesting pony helps her remember why she became a magician in the first place, and how all is not yet lost.
Cover art by me, Mossbender!
My submission to the Everfree Northwest 2015 Pre-Con Contest. Enjoy!
Step 1: Take a tuft of cloud.
Step 2: A bright rainbow's glow.
Step 3: Stir with a pegasus feather. Fast, not slow.
Step 4: Watch the whole world burn.
With season five looming on the horizon, it's time to introduce a new alicorn princess. Princess Celestia and her sister begin the onerous task of interviewing the most promising candidates for the job. Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, Princess Twilight Sparkle makes preparations for her own titanic undertaking, a duty thrust upon her with her ascension to the throne. A quest that will undoubtedly change the face of Equestria forever.