• Member Since 30th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Monday


I really like ponies. Also Discord, a whole bunch. ;P


*leaving this here* · 8:54am Feb 3rd, 2023

This will probably not reach a lot of people but I thought I'd post it since preorders are now available.

Maybe you want to read this book


Report Ckat_Myla · 126 views · #Book

Happy 10th anniversary aPS · 3:11am Sep 27th, 2021

Enjoy this commemorative Tiktok I made and this amazing commission redraw of the cover by EvokStudios on Twitter.

The Tiktok

Perhaps next year for its 10th birthday on this site I juuuuust might post something new πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‹

Report Ckat_Myla · 277 views ·

See ya'll on 9/25 · 2:08am Sep 14th, 2021


Not sure what you'll be getting but it's a special day

Report Ckat_Myla · 195 views ·

My Other Writing Spaces · 4:14am Apr 23rd, 2021

My new writing spacesπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Wattpad (original and fanfic)

AO3 (fanfic)

This should probably be my last blog post for a while. Yup, I still lurk around here every now and then. If ya'll are still interested in my further works, the above links will take you to my AO3 and my Wattpad.

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Report Ckat_Myla · 233 views · #Ao3 #wattpad

So I dropped a new fic · 4:18am Aug 26th, 2019

Don't know if I want to continue it, especially as it's been so long since I actually wrote it and I'm not even really active in the fandoms of either things the story pertains to anymore.

Plus it does feel a little off-brand for me. I think I'll see how it's received and then either continue or delete it after maybe a week.

Check it out if you want (Rated T)


Report Ckat_Myla · 283 views ·

Overdue post about Chimesy · 5:36pm Jul 23rd, 2018

... and an overdue thanks to him for the kind and also constructive words.

For those not in the know, Midnight Chimes was nice enough to make a whole review video about aPS wherin he brought up some very good points about my series and my writing as a whole (or at least what he's read of it. Kinda worried about if/when he gets to DiH).

I'm only sorry I haven't been able to make a post about these vids until now.

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The end, and the begining · 7:01am Mar 10th, 2018


Song for ch. 12 · 3:17am Mar 8th, 2018

I made a little WIP video for the song I wrote from Twilight's POV in the penultimate chapter.Enjoy if you'd like.

Also be sure to have a look at my previous blog post. I'd really like some input on it if you can. :)

Have an awesome day and look forward to my series finale dropping soon.



What I would do differently · 6:09am Mar 7th, 2018

Well, seeing as this entire little series of mine has taken a good amount of time for me to actually finish (nearly seven years, what!?) I think I can say with a good amount of confidence that I have improved as a writer since that ship-feels-fueled night back in 2011 just after Return of Harmony part II aired, when I wrote the first scene that would become part of the first chapter of aPS.

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Endings are hard · 9:19am Mar 5th, 2018

(At 2:55, or watch the whole thing if you want)

I think about that line a lot, especially these days. :P

So, I was planning on going to Everfree this year for my "last hurrah" after finishing DiH, but it's looking like either Bronycon or Fillycon now. That doesn't means the ending is getting pushed back, just my little pony party.

Keep on the lookout for the final chapters, and keep on me to post them (!)
