• Member Since 30th Jul, 2012


I really like ponies. Also Discord, a whole bunch. ;P

Discord 3 stories
Found 3 stories in 34ms

Total Words: 5,893
Estimated Reading: 23 minutes



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After watching many, many videos of Discord villain songs, and seeing that they're just the Oogie-Boogie song barely wordswapped, one particular fanficcer decided to mix things up a bit.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Twilight Sparkle Story

The story of Twilight Sparkle and her harrowing journey to Fluttershy's cottage, as narrated by the extraordinarily clever and handsome Discord.

Chapters (1)

How would a being like Discord want to be remembered after he's gone? Well, if you're curious, he did actually write a will. To the surprise of nobody, its contents are bizarre and mildly disturbing.

Part of the Borderworld.

Now with audio readings by NDLMongoose and MelancholyIguana.

Chapters (1)