• Member Since 19th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 14th, 2020


A simple writer with complicated taste.


After watching many, many videos of Discord villain songs, and seeing that they're just the Oogie-Boogie song barely wordswapped, one particular fanficcer decided to mix things up a bit.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

Ha an amusing breakfast story Huzza.
Thanks mate for something fun to read for the morn.

This song. I am pleased by it. :rainbowdetermined2:

BRAVO! Haha. Awesome. That's classic.

...I can so hear John DeLancie singing that...and it almost scares me. Good job though! :moustache:

wow. that gave me chills it was so detailed. loved it

Why would the Sun need toilet paper? I mean, wouldn't it just burn up?

LOL, it's one of Discord's gags, it's not supposed to make sense!

710158 *grins stupidly* OK!:pinkiehappy:

As soon as the song started, my brain inserted 1940s swing music in the background.
Just read the story with that in the background, and imagine more intense toms.

I didn't even read the top comment, and I recognized it as "I Wanna Be Just Like You". :twilightsheepish:

I tip my hat to you sir.

Fife, surely you ARE Discord? The imagination in this fic is so incredible, I'm convinced that you must be the King of Chaos himself. Nice choice of tune, by the way. Swingin' and fun, just like Discord. Man, what an awesome villain.


When you're as high on life as me, everything becomes a two-headed owl!

Comment posted by BaronCorrupt deleted Jan 31st, 2013

Someone should really make him a LEGIT villain song,and take influence from Anastasia and Lion King.

Can I get a hell yes? :rainbowdetermined2:

Why I'm flattered! But I'm partial to "your only second rate" from the return of Jafar

CHAOS IS INSANITY AND DESTRUCTION NOT THIS PRISSY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage:

1400657 look up Discord on Youtube by Eurobeat Brony, awesome villain song methinks

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