• Member Since 26th Apr, 2016

Foal Star

Just a Brony who writes fun Fanfiction

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Discord is left to foalsit the Cake Twins and Flurry Heart. Mostly Flurry Heart.

This does not bode well, especially since sugar is involved. A wonderland of sugar!

Written for the May Pairings contest, as I do not remember these two interacting much in the show; though I could be wrong and I accidentally disqualify myself because the friendship is not a unique enough pairing, LOL. I will definitely write a sequel to this one. :heart:

Slightly based on THIS wonderful fic.

*My story has a lot of slapstick/banter-filled action in the first half, slow-paced cuteness in the second.
(Ships included: ZephyrTree, CheesePie, SugarMac.)

The cake palace mentioned in the story is based on Baroness Von Bon-bon from Cuphead and the Gingerbread House is from the fairy tale Hansel & Gretel.
Yes, the ice cream land premise/cover art IS from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. :rainbowlaugh:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Cake Twins and a Baby Pie

Princess Celestia and Luna were turned to foals after Twilight made a deal with Discord. Now she has to watch the two rambunctious foals for a month while trying to also keep their insanse magic from destroying Canterlot! All the while Discord secretly records the entire ordeal for a very special somepony...

Editor: Superpinkbrony12

Cover Artist: Skitter Celestia,Luna

Chapters (8)

Invading an extra-dimensional mad scientist's secret lair? No big deal for the agents of S.M.I.L.E.

But what Lyra and Bon Bon find there might give them some second thoughts.

Entry to the sidewide Science Fiction Contest III.

Expanded from a speedwrite originally written for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting January 2024 Basic Contest.

Chapters (1)

After running across the Crusaders in Manehattan, Rainbow finds out a little secret Scootaloo had been keeping from her.

Pre-reader: Kalen Nighteyes
Editors: Awesomeblaze, mobius160

Chapters (2)

Young Twilight Sparkle has an important question for her most important princess. Princess delivers and receives more then expected in turn.

Chapters (1)

The Book of Lore is an old series of articles for the game Them's Fightin' Herds which are considered quasi-canon unless overridden by the story, as some parts have been.

Otherwise they are a good source of lore and character development for the first six characters and their native culture: but there are no entries for Shanty, Stronghoof, Texas, Nidra or Baihe.

This is my attempt to write a chapter for Shanty using parts of her Character page background from the official site, unpublished lore from devs talking on the Discord, and in-game lines and information.

This is not a crossover story with MLP.

Part of the Fight for Foenum continuity, with the rest of my stories here.

To be fully clear, the writing from her Character page background appears in the first section only and is replicated in its entirety in Author's Notes.

Shanty has a heavy Jamaican dialect, speaking bilingually between English and Jamaican Patois, so I tried to work that into the dialogue for her and other goats: I have no personal experience with that dialect, so please tell me if I handled it incorrectly.

I attempted to mimic the format that the Oleander, Tianhuo, and Pom chapters share with present tense, and the third person internal monologue that every chapter other than Pom's uses.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie comes upon a method to help her arguing friends make up, they just need to see everything from the others viewpoint.

And so Zecora gives Pinkie a potion that will make everything better.

For the Mane Six, the rest of Ponyville... maybe not.

[Surprise, double feature! A second longer story coming your way, I wanted to post this ASAP since it needs commenter aid to progress, I fear that my promised stories will take some time to arrive, but I will make you all more stories I've been itching to make while we wait, enjoy!]

Chapters (8)

Nightmare Moon's takeover was swift. The kingdom, the night and day, the guard, and even over the ponies who wielded the elements against her. Each one under her hoof in some way.
Except one.

Applejack has been leading a resistance group for a couple years but only now is it something needing to be truly squashed.

Nightmare's most loyal right hoof mare Captain Rainbow Dash is assigned to take her little rebellion down, but it doesn't go quite how dash expected. For one, she didn't think she would fall for her enemy.

Surely nothing good can come from heaven and hell uniting?

Lunaverse Appledash
CW: Violence, torture, blood, psychological horror, emotional manipulation, implied death, references to dismemberment.
-Temp cover art, expect art one soon-

Chapters (4)

A griffon with a Cutie Mark? This does not bode well for Equestria. If the Cutie Mark Crusaders have achieved what was previously considered unachievable... it could have tremendous consequences for the future of Equestria.

Chapters (1)

In the first hour of total sensory deprivation, anxiety and paranoia sets in.

After the first two days, hallucinations start to appear.

After the first week, subjects begin to experience total psychosis.

This one has been in sensory limbo for a thousand years. She'll need a lot of help.

And so will I. After all, we're not even the same Maker-damned species.


[Luna x OC] [Starts after S1E02] [Fluffy romance]

Artwork: http://marbleyarns.deviantart.com/art/Luna-Introspection-309849854
LysanderasD, for help on Luna's archaic speech patterns

Chapters (13)