• Published 27th Dec 2023
  • 1,665 Views, 85 Comments

Infectious personalities - Aether Spark

A magic potion causes a week of personality swaps for each of the six, can they make it to the end?

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Refined and classy

Applejack was the first up, not surprising since she’s used to waking up early, she figured she could get ready before the next shift.

As she made her way down the hall she felt the beginning tingles of the change.

“Already? How come ah… have to endure such an uncomfortable sensation…. Every day? Oh dear… am I…ah turnin into Rares!?” Applejack ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

She saw her dirt-matted appearance and began to think of herself as unclean… so unrefined.

“Ah dreaded this…” Applejack winced as the magic began to take hold and she grunted and doubled over holding her head.

“No! Ah don’t wanna be… frou frou… girly… refined… glamorous…. Beautiful!” Applejack cried as her mane and tail began to reform into Rarities elegant style and her cutie mark became three diamonds.

“NO!” Applejack cried before falling over.

When she came too she saw at least four other Rarity-like ponies standing over her… oddly enough she felt at home with them now.

“Oh dear, are you alright?” Rainbow asked.

“Let’s get you off that floor darling,” Pinkie said and Applejack took their hooves.

“I thank you darlings, and I must say your manes are simply enchanting,” Applejack said as she stood and dusted herself off.

“Ah, thank you dear,” Fluttershy said, then they heard hoofsteps and turned to see Rarity entering and smiling at what she saw.

“Well! This is nothing short of a dream come true! Come girls, let us bask in our refinement!” Rarity said.

“Indeed!” They all cheered and they followed Rarity downstairs.

As they made their way into the kitchen, Granny Smith saw them and sighed.

“At least she ain’t doin this of her own free will,” Granny said, not wanting AJ to truly turn into Rarity.

“Oh Granny Smith, you worry too much, I will not change too much from the pony I was… now who wants to get a hooficuuuuure!?” Applejack asked in a very Rarity-like way.

“Yes!” The other Rarity’s cheered and they trotted out in a line.

“AJ’s not stayin like that… right?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Ah hope not,” Big Mac said.

Rarity and the other Rarity’s were in the spa enjoying many of the benefits.

Rainbow was actually letting somepony paint her hooves, Applejack was letting somepony fashion her mane, and Pinkie was making polite and calm conversation with Rarity over various topics.

“This is a dream come true,” Rarity said as Bulk massaged her.

“Agreed,” Fluttershy sighed happily.

“Quite indeed, say Rarity, what do you say after we all get our manes braided we can head to the Boutique for a little artisanat de vêtements?” Twilight asked as she got a massage as well.

“Oh how delightful!” Rarity cheered, today was going to be a good day.

“I am so there,” Rainbow said.

“Yay verily!” Pinkie cheered.

As they entered the Boutique they all scattered and gathered supplies.

“Now! I trust I don’t have to inform you all on how to do this?” Rarity asked with a knowing look.

“Oh darling, need you even ask?” Applejack said.

“Then let us make a new fashion line with the combination of six minds!” Rarity cheered.

Over the course of the day the six mares toiled at the sewing machines and needlework.

They were making almost more beautiful dresses than they knew what to do with.

“How’s this? Too gauche?” Rarity asked Pinkie about the fabric she was using.

“It’s marvelous,” Pinkie replied.

“Simply magnifique,” Fluttershy chimed in.

“Thank you,” Rarity said.

“I beg your pardon, but does this hat match this dress?” Rainbow asked wearing a fur hat with a brown dress.

“Mmmmh… I say no,” Twilight said with an astute nod.

“Goodness, then I best switch hats,” Rainbow laughed with Twilight.

After they were done the Boutique was positively bursting with clothing and they were then carrying out the clothes in piles.

“I’ve wanted to do this for so long, build a hundred dresses and then donate them to those in need of my fashion taste,” Rarity said.

“Ahem,” The others said.

“Uh… our fashion taste!” Rarity corrected.

They then delivered the dresses to the donation center and dropped them off.

“Wow, I never saw that many dresses before… um… which charity?” The clerk asked.

“Any and all, I would be remiss if I were to leave a single mare or stallion without an outfit to wear,” Rarity said.

“Wow, that’s generous,” The stallion said and the six mares left the store.

“This day has been simply splendid dears, thank you,” Rarity said.

“Not a worry dear,” Rainbow replied.

“Now what?” Pinkie asked.

“I’m thinking…. Gem hunting!” Rarity said.

“Then tally ho!” They cheered.

They were in the gem caves an hour later and they were mining for various gems.

“With all these extra hooves on deck getting a gem supply will be a cinch!” Rarity said before pulling a particularly big ruby out of the ground.

“Ooooh! That’s a pretty and big one dear,” Fluttershy said.

“Best examine it to make sure there are no faults,” Rarity said and they immediately surrounded it and began skimming it for any faults they needed to correct.

“Looks surprisingly clean,” Pinkie said.

“Then this will be a success!” Rarity said.

“As much as I’d like to continue this scavenger hunt, I fear we should get moving before night time, I don’t wish to pass out here,” Twilight cautioned.

“Sounds like a plan,” Rarity said and they went home.

As they entered the Boutique they all went downstairs and collapsed on the bed.

“Oh my… this has been quite a day, I got alot done thanks to you all,” Rarity said.

“And I now understand what it means to be a classy mare, win-win,” Rainbow said.

“Indeed, well, let us get ready for tomorrow,” Rarity said and they all drifted off.

Author's Note:

I like to think that deep down they enjoyed it.

Remaining ones: :yay::twilightoops: