• Published 27th Dec 2023
  • 1,659 Views, 85 Comments

Infectious personalities - Aether Spark

A magic potion causes a week of personality swaps for each of the six, can they make it to the end?

  • ...

Bein awesome for a day

Fluttershy was the first to wake up the following morning.

“Ooooh… my body is sore…” Fluttershy said as she got up and trotted down the hallway and she entered the bathroom and splashed water on her face.

The others were still asleep but they began to grunt and groan as they felt changes to their bodies and minds were occurring.

Their manes became jagged, and their cutie marks became rainbow lightning bolts.

Fluttershy groaned as she looked in the mirror and saw how tired she was, but there was also the fact that she was hurting all over, including in her mind.

“Ooooh…. My head… is… it happening again?... who am I becoming?!” Fluttershy demanded as she felt new images entering her head…

Images of sports, of flying fast, of being awesome and loyal to her friends.

“R-Rainbow?... Do it!…. I want to be… like her!” Fluttershy cried out falling against the counter and she looked in the mirror and her eyes became rose-colored briefly before her mane suddenly rearranged itself to be jagged and messy and her cutie mark became a rainbow lightning bolt.

With a final yell, her mind changed and she fell to the ground.

After a few seconds, she stood tall and proud and looked at the mirror with a proud grin.

“Brave like Rainbow, a dream come true,” Fluttershy cockily said before sneaking back to the room and she unhesitatingly grabbed a megaphone off the shelf and she yelled into it.

“Wakey wakey!” Fluttershy called into the megaphone making the sleeping ponies jump into the air with a startled yelp.

Cept Pinkie who just grunted.

“Five more minutes mom…” Pinkie grumbled.

“The hay was that for?” Applejack demanded.

“Yeah, totally not cool,” Rarity said.

“Nearly gave me a heart attack…” Twilight said looking miffed.

“Whoa…” Rainbow looked around at her disgruntled fellow element bearers, who were talking and acting like her.

“Hey, we got a day full of activity and I’m not going to let you all laze the day away,” Fluttershy casually said with an arrogant smirk.

“Even Shy is acting like me… which reminds me,” Rainbow said getting an idea and she turned to Rarity “So Rares, how’s it feel to be on the receiving end of your own words? Huh?” Rainbow snarked.

“Oh do shut up! I am still Rarity and I will show you I can still be refined even if I have the desire to soar through the air at mane-ruining speeds,” Rarity said.

“Small problem,” RD said pointing at her back, she glanced back and frowned.

“I have a feeling as though I have been crippled even though I never had wings to begin with,” Rarity huffed.

“Psh, I got this,” Twilight said before flashing her horn, and suddenly everypony who didn’t have wings had butterfly wings.

“Oh no, ah’m too cool fer butterfly wings, give me pegasus wings,” AJ demanded.

“I can’t, you think I can just make a pegasus out of thin air?” Twilight barked back.

Suddenly their stomachs rumbled and they nodded to each other before heading downstairs first.

The group got downstairs and Mr Cake was cleaning the soda machine, when he saw them he dropped his rag.

"Whoa," Mr Cake said.

"Yep, we're Rainbow today, speaking of which, root beer float," Rainbow said.

"Me too!" Pinkie said.

"I would like one as well," Rarity said .

"Me too!" Fluttershy added in.

"Ah'll have three," AJ said competitively.

"Me too!" Twilight said.

"....Um... make that six," Rainbow said.

Pretty soon they were all enjoying root beer floats and chatting about Wonderbolts and flying exercises. Afterwards they all made their way outside.

"Um, don't cause too much trouble," Mr Cake called.

"No promises!" The six yelled in unison and then they started laughing.

"Oh dear..." Mr Cake sighed.

"I think I know my exercise routine better than you," RD said.

"Ah'm just like you right now," AJ bit back.

“Everypony quiet!” Pinkie said “Why waste our day as Rainbow arguing? Let’s fly!” Pinkie said

“Race ya!” AJ said jumping into the air and the others followed.

As they flew away from Sugarcube Corner ponies saw the multiple Rainbow Dash’s and saw them take off.

“Hey AJ! How’s last place sound?” Rainbow taunted as Applejack fell behind.

“Consarnit! How the hay am ah supposed to win a race with wimpy butterfly wings?!” AJ said.

“Shame we won’t have an actual air race,” Fluttershy taunted as she did several loops.

“Hey, Shy? Wanna race?” RD asked.

“Hay yeah!” Fluttershy said, excited to finally have the will to say yes.

“I’m coming too!” Twilight said.

“Sorry guys, guess you’ll have to be spectators,” Rainbow waved back at her slower friends as the three flew for the nearest cloud.

“Ponyfeathers…” Rarity grumped.

“Doesn’t mean we can’t have our own,” AJ said before flying to ground level.

“Alright!” Pinkie said flying down there as well.

“Sounds good,” Rarity smirked competitively.

“One three, first one to the farm wins!” AJ said.

“You're on!” Pinkie said.

“On three then?” Rarity said smirking mischievously.

“Alright…” AJ said.


“THREE!” All three of them bolted at the same time.

“Ah forgot we’re thinkin alike right now,” AJ grunted as she ran.

“Great minds think alike then!” Rarity was already panting.

“Getting winded Rares?” Pinkie asked.

“No!” Rarity said.

“Too bad, see ya!” Pinkie suddenly blazed away from the two.

“Huh?! When did she get that fast?” AJ asked.

“She did once almost catch Rainbow Dash,” Rarity sighed, once they made it to the barn Pinkie was already there drinking a cider.

“What took ya?” She asked smugly.

Rarity huffed and fell on the ground panting “I suppose… Rainbow has a point that one must be more inclined to exercise… to race like that…” Rarity panted.

“Alright, wonder how the others are doin?” AJ asked.

“THREE!” Rainbow, Fluttershy and Twilight took off on their race and they blazed past the market and caused multiple things to be knocked over.

“Woohoo! Nice!” Rainbow cheered.

“Psh, I have this, ten seconds I bet!” Fluttershy said keeping up.

“Curses!” Twilight said as she lagged.

“This is why you exercise egghead!” Fluttershy yelled back at her with a smile.

“I hardly ever see you exercise!” Twilight bit back.

“Um hello, your talking to the animal caretaker,” Fluttershy said before darting forward.

“Nice try! But I’m the O.G!” Rainbow said before she sped up and used the Rainboom and she shot ahead.

“No fair!” Fluttershy said trying to copy but she lacked the ability.

“Totally fair!” Rainbow called back before she reached the cloud they were racing to first.

“Alright!” Rainbow cheered and the others arrived.

“No fair!” Fluttershy crossed her arms.

“Jelly?” RD said.

“HEY GUYS!” Pinkie cheered and they saw their other friends down there and they flew down there.

“Who wants to play hoofball, I found a good field, just outside of town.” Pinkie challenged.

“Oh your so on,” The Rainbow personalities said.

It showed the group playing a rousing game, together.

“TAKE THIS!” Fluttershy cheered as she bucked the ball to the other side.

“Physically weak I may be but I won’t lose!” Rarity said as she deflected the shot.

“Ah’m comin in!” AJ said running for the ball.

“Your dealing with the best!” RD said as she flew up and bucked the ball.

“New best in town!” Twilight said knocking it away with her magic.

“Not on my watch!” Pinkie suddenly popped out of the nearby trees and she knocked the ball away.

The six laughed and played for the rest of the day, afterwards they made for the barn.

“AJ? Is everything alright?” Big Mac asked as he entered and he was surprised to see the six playing cards and drinking lots of hard cider.

“...Ah suppose ah can look the other way this time,” Big Mac sighed before leaving.

“King me!” Pinkie cheered as she won a hand.

“Pinkie that’s checkers,” Twilight sighed.

“Oh yeah,” Pinkie said before they played another game, at the end she showed her ace of fives.

“Go fish!” Pinkie said.

“Wrong game again!” Fluttershy said.

“Oh… ok,” Pinkie said.

“I got a better one,” AJ showing her ace of sixes.

“Oh poo,” Pinkie said.

“The next game they were making bigger bets and when Twilight revealed her hand expecting victory Pinkie then showed her royal flush “Gutter ball!” Pinkie cheered.


The group went on to play other games together, after a day of playing they were sitting in Twilight’s castle, reading Daring Do together.

“This was an awesome day, it was like having five sisters who happen to share my interests,” Rainbow sighed happily.

“It felt nice to be brave like you Rainbow,” Fluttershy said before laughing at a funny part in her book.

“I think it was fun to get some activity,” Twilight said.

“Well I think it was fun to get to play hoofball together,” Pinkie said.

“And… I do admit perhaps I could stand to get some more exercise than usual,” Rarity said.

“Hah!” Rainbow said.

“Don’t push it,” Rarity said firmly.

“Well, I can only wonder what tomorrow will bring,” Twilight said.

“More awesome adventur-” Fluttershy said before the clock under Owlicious struck twelve and they all stiffened and dropped their books before passing out.

And their manes and cutie marks became normal again… for now.

Meanwhile, a door opened and Spike came in.

“Twilight, I’m back- huh?” Spike noticed the six sleeping mares and he decided to head upstairs quietly for now.

Author's Note:

I can't wait which one you guys choose next.