Rarity woke with a jaw-cracking yawn.
“Ahh, what a strange sleep that was… it makes me feel… weird,” Rarity shrugged and hopped to the bathroom…?
“Hmm?” Rarity noticed that she was hopping and she stopped “Odd… why was I doing that?” Rarity said before trotting into the bathroom “Be calm Rarity, you are probably still just tired, now remember that- AAAH!” Rarity said noticing what a mess her mane was and she hurriedly applied some hairspray and gel to smooth it down.
“I’ve had bedhead before but never that badly,” Rarity said… before her mane poofed out again “No!” Rarity shouted when she saw this and she repeated the process and flattened out her mane again… only for it to poof out again, deciding drastic measures needed to be taken she got out several colorful scrunchies and she put her mane in a ponytail.
“Hah, good one author… wait… who was I just talking to… ok, Rarity stop acting like this! You are an elegant mare and you aren’t to let whatever is happening take you over,” Rarity said… before she jumped into the tub and she was suddenly downstairs in the closet.
“Huh?!” Rarity exclaimed before exiting and looking around and when she looked to the kitchen she saw Sweetie making pancakes.
“Hmm? Oh! Hey Rarity, I didn’t hear you come downstairs, I was hoping to surprise you,” Sweetie said before seeing the unnerved expression on Rarity's face “Is everything alright?” Sweetie said bringing the burnt pancakes to the table.
“I-I’ve been having the strangest morning…” Rarity said before trotting to her seat and staring nervously down at the pancakes.
“Is everything alright?” Sweetie asked.
“I… feel as though these pancakes… can… be…. SPLENDORIFFIC!” Rarity suddenly cheered before hopping off the chair and in front of the stove before she rapidly made non-burnt pancakes in three seconds, put a ton of toppings on it, and got back in her seat all in the time it took Sweetie to process the events listed before.
“Whoa! How did you-” Sweetie said.
“I-I have no idea! Sweetie, something is wrong I-...I…I…” Rarity suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head and she cried out and fell to the ground.
“Rarity!” Sweetie cried running over to her as she rolled around on the ground and held her head.
“Rarity, do I need to get you to the hospital?” Sweetie said.
“I… feel… I…. feel….. IIII feeeeeeellll…..” Rarity groaned before the scrunchies broke and her mane began curling into a poofy mass of a mane and her cutie mark suddenly became balloons.
“Huh?” Sweetie backed away as Rarty transformed.
“I… I….FEEL…..LIKE A PARTY IS IN ORDER!” Rarity popped to her hooves and spread her arms laughing.
“Rarity, your sick, you need help,” Sweetie shivered.
“On the contrary Sweetie! I feel elation, and cheerfulness, I simply must share this with everypony! Today I am Rarity, the party planner!” Rarity said before eating her pancakes in one bite and darting out the door.
“....Wow…” Sweetie said.
Rarity bounced through Ponyville with a playful hum and she waved to the other ponies who could only stare in confusion as to why Rarity of all ponies was acting like Pinkie.
Suddenly Rarity’s mane bounced and she turned to see another figure bouncing towards her.
“Rarie!” Twilight cheered and she bounced over to her friend and hugged her.
“Twilight! I am ever so elated to see you,” Rarity said before pulling away and looking Twilight over, she looked like a Twilight version of Pinkie!
“You’ve become like Pinkie as well?” Rarity asked.
“I woke up today feeling like partying and eating sugary sweets until I passed out, and then suddenly I became Twilight the party pony!” Twilight cheered.
“Me too, I don’t know how to describe it but I feel jubilated, I simply must find the others,” Rarity said.
“I agree, let’s go!” Twilight giggled and they locked forelegs and skipped into the distance.
They arrived at the castle but their Pinkie Sense warned them and they opened the doors and got sprayed with multiple party cannons.
Instead of their usual exasperation, they laughed.
“Hiya!” RD cheered, her mane all curly and poofy as well.
“Hey glad ya can make it!” Applejack said excitedly her mane was curly as well.
“LET’S PAAARRTY!” Fluttershy yelled at an unusual volume for her.
“Hold it fellow Pinkified ponies,” Twilight said drawing their attention “This party won’t be complete without the O.G,” Twilight said.
“Ah yes! Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow said.
“Maybe she can explain what happened to us?” Fluttershy said.
“Ain’t it obvious, it’s the potion, made us all like Pinkie Pie,” Applejack said.
“Well, let’s get the party ready,” Twilight said mischievously.
Pinkie woke with a start, she looked around and stood up.
“I’m… sensing something…” Pinkie glanced around before her mane and tail bounced.
It was warning her there was a party somewhere and she wasn’t personally invited!
“Not on my watch!” Pinkie said before trotting towards the door and grabbing Gummy and putting him on her back before going downstairs.
As she went through Sugarcube Corner Mr Cake was already setting things up, he was in the middle of lifting a series of cakes.
“Oh, hey Pinkie, can you help me with-” Mr Cake asked before Pinkie cut him off.
“No time Mr Cake, I need to correct an injustice!” Pinkie said.
“And… that is?” Mr Cake wobbled.
“A party without me!” Pinkie said before bouncing out of the building.
“B-but Pinkie I need help!” Mr Cake said before he slipped and fell over.
Pinkie trotted up to the castle where disco lights were shining through the window and loud music was playing.
“I sense it, this is where the party is, have a party without me, what’s going on?” Pinkie said before noticing a cupcake on the ground.
“Huh? OOOH Strawberry cupcake!” Pinkie ate it and then saw another.
“Yummy!” Pinkie ate that one and then the next one until she made it to the door and she turned to see the door there was a sign on the door.
“Hmm… Turn around for a surprise… Hah! Nice try! I won’t fall for-” Pinkie was suddenly scooped up by hooves from above her and she got pulled up “EEEP!” Pinkie yelped and she suddenly found herself amid a sort of mega party.
A buffet, a bounce house, a pool was somehow put in the room, and a clown and a… too much to describe!
“WOWIE! Now this is a party! But who else but me could make it?” Pinkie asked.
“Why you of course silly!” A voice that sounded like Rarity said and Pinkie turned to see her friends… only they all had curly manes and balloon cutie marks.
“Girls?” Pinkie asked.
“Yeppers!” Rainbow Dash giggled.
“We’re all like you now!” Twilight bounced up to Pinkie.
“Wow! So the potion worked?” Pinkie asked.
“Looks like it, now we’re thinking like you,” Fluttershy said.
“Then there’s only thing to do now then…” Pinkie said.
“PARTY!” They all cheered, and the next few hours were spent by all the cheerful ponies having a blast, they all went bouncing in the bounce house and doing cartwheels and pranking eachother.
Pinkie and the others eventually took a break and sat down.
“Whoo, ah didn’t think ah could feel this kind of way,” AJ said.
“Like what?” RD asked.
“Happy all the time, wanting ta party fer hours, energetic, ah feel like a new mare,” AJ said with a goofy smile.
“But the party ain’t over till we dead!” Rainbow said with a smirk.
“Then let’s get partying some more!” Applejack said.
As the party picked back up, Pinkie and Fluttershy were sent out to get more partygoers and the party lasted well throughout the day.
The door opened and Mr Cake snuck in.
“Hey, excuse me,” Mr Cake approached a random stallion who turned to him.
“Yeah?” The stallion asked.
“Do you know where Pinkie Pie is? The line at Sugarcube Corner is too long for me to deal with alone,” Mr Cake said.
“I have no idea, I literally got abducted off the streets and into this party by a crazy yellow mare,” The stallion said.
“Yellow?... like Fluttershy?” Mr Cake asked before trotting on and eventually, he saw the said yellow and pink mare on a raised platform… dancing?
“Huh?” Mr. Cake said seeing Fluttershy breakdancing… in a way he’s only seen Pinkie do…
“Mrs Fluttershy!” Mr Cake called and she turned to him with a curly mane similar to Pinkie’s.
“Hiya Mr Cake!” She cheered, he’d never seen her so excitable.
“Um… what’s going on here?” Mr Cake asked.
“Only the awesomest most splendoriffic party ever! Wanna Cherrychanga?” Fluttershy pulled on out of her mane.
“No… thank you… look is Twilight nearby?” Mr Cake asked.
“She’s right there,” Fluttershy pointed.
‘Thank goodness,” Mr Cake turned to see Twilight only inches from his face…
“AHH! Geeze,” Mr Cake said.
“Hiya! Wanna party? My favorite song of all time is coming on!” Twilight said.
“Are you alright princess?” Mr Cake asked.
“I’m awesome!” She said.
“Your all acting like Pinkie Pie,” Mr Cake said.
“Yeppers! All thanks to a potion Pinkie gave us!” Twilight said.
“What?” Mr Cake asked.
“From Zecora!” Twilight said.
“....I need to get answers,” Mr Cake said.
Mr Cake wandered through the woods and found Zecora’s hut, as creepy as usual.
“Oook, maybe she knows what’s going on,” Mr Cake said.
He knocked on the door a few times and Zecora answered.
“Hello Purveyor of cake, I am glad you came for Pinkie’s sake,” Zecora said.
“How did-”
“I could hear you,” Zecora said.
“Oh… I need to know why the princess and the other elements of harmony are all acting like Pinkie,” Mr Cake asked.
“Ah it is taking effect sooner than I first expected, looks like my efforts are worthy of being respected,” Zecora chuckled.
“How do you tie into this?” Mr Cake said.
“I simply gave them the potion of imitation, to those affected its effects have no limitation, each day they will all act like eachother for a week, at the end I predict their friendship problems will become weak,” Zecora said.
This is going to happen for a whole week? But I need Pinkie to be her usual upbeat self!” Mr Cake exclaimed.
“It is in their hooves you who employs, now if you’ll excuse me, I have a bath to enjoy,” Zecora then closed the door.
“Oh dear…” Mr Cake said.
He made his way to the Castle again and saw that the party had thankfully died down.
As he entered he saw the place was somehow clean again and saw the six Pinkies.
“Pinkie Pie!” Mr Cake called and Pinkie zoomed up to him.
“Yes chief?” Pinkie asked.
“Any reason you’ve missed a whole day of work and turned the princess and her friends into…” Mr Cake had to duck Fluttershy who flew overhead.
“Sorry bossman!” Fluttershy said with a giggle.
“That,” Mr Cake asked looking a little upset.
“I… didn’t think it would happen like that,” Pinkie said as the others gathered.
“Well regardless, now they're stuck emulating eachother for the next five days,” Mr Cake said.
“Five days?” AJ said with a deflating mane.
“Oh dear,” Fluttershy said.
“But Mr Cake, this could help fix things between them,” Pinkie asked.
“I get that, but it could be dangerous,” Mr Cake said.
“Well it’s too late to change that now, so let’s get moving, ready girls?” Pinkie asked.
“Bring it!” Rainbow Dash said.
“Let’s get baking!” AJ said, her mane reinflating and they all darted past Mr Cake.
“...Oh please don’t let this end badly,” Mr Cake said before following them.
The long line at Sugarcube Corner versus six Pinkie Pies.
“Bring it on!” Pinkie said bouncing along with her friends and they entered the building.
Mrs Cake looked overworked and trying to keep up when she saw the elements.
“Oh thank Celestia, Pinkie… and everypony else?” Mrs Cake asked.
“Don’t ask, just take a break, we got this!” Pinkie said and Mrs Cake nodded before the six jumped behind the counter.
“What’ll you have?” Pinkie asked a stallion.
“A cinnamon roll,” The stallion said.
“On it!” Pinkie said and Applejack got that to Pinkie in seconds.
“GG!” Pinkie said before giving the stallion the food and collecting the money.
“Next!” Pinkie called.
“I want a-” The mare was about to ask for a double layer chocolate cake but Rainbow had delivered it and Pinkie extended her hoof for bits.
“Whoa…” the mare said even seeing the words she wanted written on it were there.
“Five bits,” Pinkie said.
“Ok,” The mare gave the money and took the cake, the next customer made his order.
“Fifteen Cherry Changas!” Pinkie yelled.
In the kitchen
“Fifteen Cherry Changa’s on the triple!” Twilight shouted to her friend.
“On it!” Fluttershy said flying through the room and gathering the ingredients and before depositing them on the counter.
AJ bucked a counter to get some flour to pour into a bucket.
RD was rapidly kneading the dough.
Rarity was using her skills to decorate the Changas and float them into the oven.
They somehow cooked fast and she brought them out before hoofing them to Twilight via magic.
“Changa’s ready!” Twilight delivered the changa’s
And the weirdest part… this was all done in ten seconds…
“Holy, we’ve never worked this fast before,” Mrs Cake exclaimed.
“I agree, but I guess six Pinkies work faster than one,” Mr Cake chuckled.
“I need a coffee…” Mrs Cake said.
By nighttime, the rush was over and Mr and Mrs Cake entered the kitchen to see the six asleep, they also seemed to have returned to normal.
“For now at least…” Mr Cake said to himself before they nodded to one another and grabbed the mares before bringing them to Pinkie's room.
“Let’s be ready for tomorrow…” Mr Cake said before they went back downstairs.
And Gummy turned off the lights.
Where can I vote?
I'm loving this story. I can't wait to see future chapters.
I think it should be fun.
(I haven't read it yet )
Right here in the comment section
I would have gone for either Rarity or Applejack, but I'll save the best for last, or close to Last.
Might I suggest getting an editor?
Pinkie senses a disturbance in the Force.
That reminds me of a poem from WAAAAY back...
You aren't allowed to break the fourth wall!
She is Pinkiefied, so it's allowed
This party never ends