• Member Since 9th Mar, 2023
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Invading an extra-dimensional mad scientist's secret lair? No big deal for the agents of S.M.I.L.E.

But what Lyra and Bon Bon find there might give them some second thoughts.

Entry to the sidewide Science Fiction Contest III.

Expanded from a speedwrite originally written for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting January 2024 Basic Contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

Adorable and wholesome. Always love seeing more of these two being a quirky yet health couple.

Hello, fellow contestant! Your friendly neighborhood Hat Man is here with a quick review!

I remember this from the contest, and liked it then, too! It's got some cute shipping, some lovely comic book-style references, and even preserves the style of the original book it's based on.

I am a little sad this version of the story doesn't have a more definitive ending, but that was your call, so I respect it.

Nice work, Darkcyan. Glad I got to read this story again, and I'm glad the public gets to read it as well! :twilightsmile:

Bon Bon sidled around a sparking wreck to approach her partner. “Any injuries?”

Lyra shook herself all over, test-stamped both front hooves, and then smirked. “Nothing you can’t kiss better later.”

“Ly– Agent!”

ehehe love it

Whoever named the Inter-Dimensional Incursion Opposition Taskforce sure had had an interesting sense of humor, though.


Subject 0075-B status: Within expected parameters

Progress to the next stage of the experiment is recommended

Bon Bon resisted the urge to bang her hooves – or perhaps her head – against the keyboard. The next stage of what experiment? What subject? Why did these mad scientist types never take coherent notes?

hey props to the mad scientists, this is a great way to make sure only you understand your work!

Suspending in a strange liquid that glowed green enough to make Bon Bon’s coat almost match Lyra’s, was an unconscious pony. A very familiar unconscious pony. One who Bon Bon saw in the mirror every day.

hehe love the “almost match Lyra’s”. also, mysterious!

But maybe what she’d always thought of as the fallibility of pony memory was more than that. Maybe her memories were just as fake as the documents she’d worked with Foxtrot to create before coming to Ponyville, the ones that claimed she was just a simple country pony named Bon Bon.

oof! i mean, if you’re bringing in the idea of clones and memory copying then epistemology really just goes out the window! and yes, the irony here in Bon Bon’s Bon Bon identity itself having been a fake cover really does add to it.

Finally, though, she pulled away, and smiled weakly at Lyra. “Then let’s get me out of here.”

Lyra nodded firmly. “When we get home, I'll make frozen cocoa for all of us.”

They could figure the rest out later.

aww, what a sweet ending! always love a good LyraBon in the context of the whole secret agent thing, and love the conclusion that both Bon Bons are worth being alive and loved because they both had the experience of living in Ponyville with Lyra and all that goes with that is what really matters. very fitting since Lyra had already gone through this mental journey with the original Bon Bon, augh i love it. now i definitely want this story to continue, though! 

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