• Member Since 12th May, 2015


Know me or not, I seek what?

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Rainbow Dash was the Iron Wing. She was a war hero, the Slayer of Shadows, the Liberator of the Crystal Empire, the Wrath of Celestia. And depending on who you ask, she still is.

But the war is over. There's little need for a pony like her in peacetime. So she keeps telling herself that she needs to adjust, that she needs to find a new role to fill in the world that she saved. But Equestria seems content to let her remain what she has become, even though they have no need of a warrior.

"This isn't how it's supposed to be", is something she keeps telling herself. But every time she says it, the only thing she can reply is, "so what should it be?"

One whole year after the close of the war, and Rainbow Dash still doesn't have the answer.

Art by NCMares.

Chapters (1)

There are several reasons Rarity stays inside on Nightmare Night. Because she's Generosity, and it makes more sense to be giving away treats than to go out collecting them. Because really, costumes are their very own fashion trends, darling, and there's only so much a reasonable pony can be expected to deal with per season. But mostly because when it comes to the truest holiday nightmare of Ponyville, the thing which sends colts, fillies, and adults galloping their screaming way into the night?

She's it.

(A stand-alone, no prior-reading-necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits are welcome. )

Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Twilight were hardly the only ponies who noticed Applejack's increasingly inefficient methods. They were just the first ones who got her to listen. Getting them into the position to do so took more than a little finesse on the parts of some unsung heroes.

Image credits: Angry Apple Bloom | Apple Bloom's cutie mark

Chapters (1)

Only crazy ponies hear voices inside their heads, telling them to do good or bad things. Derpy is not crazy.

Her voices come from a pair of little breezies she likes to call Red and White, who sit on her shoulders and offer advice about her life. Just because nopony else can see them, doesn't mean she's crazy.

That's perfectly sane. Right?

Wonderful art done by The Exotic Natasha, check her out!

Thanks to these wonderful people who had to deal with my constant changes:Striving Scholar, Savoured Thoughts, Georg and Sandcroft.

Chapters (2)

After finding Discord hiding out in his closet, Twilight Sparkle soon learns the most horrible of truths about herself and the world surrounding her.

And then she learns another truth.

And another. And another. And...

Chapters (2)

Sweetie Belle and Button Mash are transported to Minecraft.
And it's not that fun anymore...

Especially when you could really die.
Especially when you have to kill to survive.
Especially when you have to protect the one you love...

Chapters (20)

Scootaloo has lead a hard life. It's not easy being a orphan. However that soon changes. Now she has a father and this wasn't who anypony expected. Now for her adopted father a question must be asked.

Can Discord a orphan himself be a father?

Co-Written with my good friend thunderclap

New Artwork is thanks to dtiger

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are excited. The day had finally come where they would travel together with Apple Bloom to Appleloosa to watch her big sister competing in the local rodeo.
Unfortunately, on the very day of their departure, Apple Bloom falls sick. Leaving her little sister in the care of Big McIntosh and Granny Smith, Applejack travels to Appleloosa with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle only.
Having arrived there, the two fillies are determined to get their cutie marks on this trip and to surprise Apple Bloom when they return.
But when a wanted outlaw threatens them, the events take a whole different turn for them and the two friends make a dangerous decision they might regret later on.....

Cover by luminaura on Deviantart.

Chapters (1)

Being subtle isn't Rainbow Dash's strong suit. At all. So when Applejack asks her point blank what she thinks of Rarity, she doesn't hold back.

Not her best idea.

Pre-Read by: SapphireColors | LoneUnicornWriter

Reading by LandonWho

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo loves cool things. Wearing a bow is something that would never come to her mind.
It's kitschy. It's cheesy. It's uncool.
Yet she did it last night to help Apple Bloom out of a complicated situation. But that was an exception. Help for a good friend, not more. She would never wear a bow again.
At least that's what Scootaloo thought. For some reason, she couldn't let go of Apple Bloom's bow.
Why does it make her feel so much more comfortable to wear it?

A little one-shot inspired by "Somepony to Watch Over Me".
I usually don't write shipfics, but Scootaloo wearing Apple Bloom's bow in that episode was too good of an opportunity to take a pass on writing one. And too much cuteness to resist.
Please let me know what you think about it in the comments.

Image used belongs to Socksthewarrior.

Chapters (1)