• Published 26th Jul 2015
  • 3,762 Views, 60 Comments

The Chaotic Adoption of Scootaloo - Mega NewWays97

Scootaloo been a orphan for most of her live. However all that changes one day. Now she has a father, everyone's favorite chaos entity Discord.

  • ...

The Fallout

Author's Note:

Here Chapter 2.

Special thanks to m2pt5/emtu for editing.

The next day Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom came to school. "Isn't it strange Scootaloo hasn't come yet? School's about to start." Suddenly, a flash was seen as Scootaloo appeared.

"Sorry, I hope I'm not late," Scootaloo said.

"Scootaloo where have you been? Also, did you just appear?" Sweetie Belle asked. Unfortunately school had started, cutting the whole thing short.

Later that day, Rarity and Applejack were walking to the school to pick up their sisters, and as they did they saw Discord walking with a cloud of cotton candy floating alongside.

"Discord, what are ya doin'?" Applejack asked with a quirked eyebrow. "Ya better not be out causing' trouble."

"Why Applejack, I am quite offended. Do you really think so little of me that you expect me to spread mischief wherever I go?" Discord asked in feigned hurt.

Applejack leveled a look at him that screamed, 'Really?' "Well, pardon my rudeness, but would you mind explaining what it is that brings you here today?" Discord beamed at that.

"Well if you must know I'm here to pick up my adopted daughter from school. I'm trying my paw at this whole fatherhood thing and I think I'm doing a decent job so far. I even patched up the bottomless pit that was in my living room."

"You're kiddin', right?" Applejack shot back. Discord just smiled. "Wait, you're serious?"

Discord gave a nod. "Why of course I am."

The three got to the school right as class was letting out. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo came out, with Scoots racing ahead. When they reached the adults, Discord picked up Scootaloo and floated her in front of him. "So how was school? Do I have to send those two fillies to my cousin?" Discord asked.

"No, they were switched to the afternoon classes," Scoots answered back.

"Really? Well that should make things simpler for you and your friends," Discord said with a bit of a smile.

"Yeah, but they'll probably find new foals to pick on in those classes," Scootaloo replied with a bit of a worried expression on her face.

"I don't think it'll be that easy for them. There's probably already bullies in that class time. Those two will probably butt heads with the other bullies and might even learn the error of their ways," Discord retorted.

"Do you really think so?" Scootaloo asked.

Discord shrugged at that. "Stranger things have happened."

The other two mares and fillies just stood by with slack jaws as they tried to process what they were seeing. "Scootaloo, what's going on here?" Sweetie Belle squeaked out.

"Oh yeah," she replied, turning away from Discord. "I tried to tell you this earlier, but I got adopted by Discord yesterday. Ooh, we should totally have a sleepover at my house soon! You guys won't believe how much cool stuff Discord has!"

"Really? Where does he live?" Sweetie asked.

"In a nearby pocket dimension. It's so fun... I think I have a key here somewhere," Scootaloo looked around and Discord sighed. He forgot it as did she.

"You two won't mind if her friends come other to our nice little dimensional home, do you?" Discord asked the older sisters of the two other Cutie Mark Crusaders. The three fillies gave Applejack and Rarity cute puppy eyes. While they two wanted to say no, a part of their minds told them that even if they did, Discord and the girls would probably do it anyway.

"Ah suppose there wouldn't much of a problem with that," Applejack relented with a sigh.

"I agree, but be aware that if anything happens to the girls while they are under your care, Discord, know that we will be forced to take drastic action," Rarity warned him with a very thinly veiled threat.

The three fillies ignored the threat and only paid mind to the fact that the two mares agreed. They exchanged a brief look before hopping into the air and shouting, "Cutie Mark Crusaders dimension hoppers, yay!"

Discord meanwhile simply nodded at the two mares. "Don't worry about a thing, I'll be on my very best behavior," he concluded with a large grin and a halo appearing over his horns.

Discord reached out and ripped open a portal to the dimension. "Now then, come along little ones. I'll return them before the sun sets, which does so in my dimension a hour before Celestia's," Discord said, to give them some understanding of time. Once the three fillies and the god of chaos were gone, Applejack turned to Rarity.

"Which one of us tells Rainbow Dash and which Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"I'll tell Twilight, you tell Rainbow Dash," Rarity answered.

The fillies looked around at the strange world. "Wow this is so cool, It's like something out of one of those strange paintings," Sweetie said.

"Do ya mean the kind with those crazy stairs, or the kind with those melty clocks?" Apple Bloom asked as she looked at the strange environment passing them by.

Sweetie Belle tilted her head and thought it over for a second. "I think both."

Scootaloo listened to them and offered them a bright smile. "Yeah this place is pretty crazy but there's also all kinds of cool stuff here too."

"Okay there Scoots, we trust ya."

Discord chuckled a bit at their exchange. "Alright girls, we've made it to my humble abode," he told them as they came up to the small looking home.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked confused for a moment, not because the house was strange beyond belief but because it was so normal. "Wait, this is where you live?"

"Is there a problem Sweetie Belle?"

"With all this craziness around, your house looks so... normal," Sweetie said.

Discord looked around and at the place. "That's the thing Sweetie Belle, it has doors leading to rooms that are bigger than it could hold, and some to other places in Equestria." That last part was hard but he had found a way how to connect the doors to distant locations. It made no sense to anyone, but how else was Santa Hooves supposed to get to everyone's house?

A knock was heard in the library, then a moment later Rarity walked in. As she was about to speak, Rainbow Dash crashed in through the window. "Twilight, Discord has adopted Scootaloo! You have to do something!"

"Well, it seems that Applejack found Rainbow Dash already," Rarity muttered under her breath.

Twilight just rolled her eyes at the mare who had just crashed through the window. "Nice try Rainbow Dash, but I'm not falling for one of your pranks. Also, buildings have doors for a reason."

Rainbow Dash let out a frustrated growl and flew up to Twilight. "This isn't a prank, Twilight! Applejack just told me about this!"

"Uh huh, sure she did," Twilight said, still unconvinced. "Look Rainbow, I don't know what your game is here but I'm not falling for it. I mean, Discord adopting Scootaloo? That doesn't even make the slightest bit of sense. So Rarity, what brings you here today?" Twilight said as she turned to Rarity.

"Well, Discord has adopted Scootaloo."

Twilight tried to wrap her mind around that. Discord, the living embodiment of chaos, has adopted Scootaloo. "That makes no sense, why would Discord adopt Scootaloo? That just seems so... unlike him." Twilight needed to get to the bottom of this. "So where does Discord live now anyway? Is he staying with Fluttershy?" Twilight asked as she lit her horn, intending to teleport there.

"Another dimension," Rarity answered.

A look of surprise and resignation appeared on Twilight's face. "So how in Equestria are we supposed to get to him?"

"Do you suppose that we should go to Fluttershy's to see if she knows how to get there?" Rarity suggested.

Rainbow Dash jumped up at that. "Yeah, she'll know where he is. Come on, let's get going! There is no way I'm going to let Discord do anything to Scoots!" Rainbow Dash then rushed out through the same window she had crashed through in the first place. Twilight let out a huff and started to head out the door to Fluttershy's with Rarity close behind.

"Come on Angel, you need to take your medicine," Fluttershy said. The door opened up as Rainbow Dash came crashing in.

"How do we get to his place, Fluttershy? Tell me now!" Rainbow Dash demanded, holding up the yellow pegasus.

Twilight walked in and, upon seeing one of her friends accosting another, separated them. "Rainbow, stop," Twilight said. The alicorn turned to Fluttershy. "We came to ask, do you know how we can get to Discord's home dimension?" Twilight asked.

Angel took this moment to hide away from them and Fluttershy. "I'm sorry, but I actually don't know how to get there, I've never been there," Fluttershy replied. "If you don't mind me asking, why do you need to find Discord?" she asked.

"Because Discord has adopted Scootaloo," Rainbow Dash stated.

"Oh, that," Fluttershy said. She already knew about that, having been there when Discord finalized the papers.

"Wait a minute there Fluttershy, you knew about this?!" Rainbow Dash screeched.

Fluttershy flinched a little at that and nodded slightly. "Well, he teleported me into the orphanage office yesterday to be his referral. He seemed so genuine when he told me he wanted to adopt her."

"How could you not tell us about this, Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, it only happened yesterday, and I've been very busy today. I was going to tell you as soon as I finished with my animals, but Angel has been fussy today so it's taken longer than usual. I'm sorry." Rainbow Dash and Twilight let out a sigh at the mare's explanation.

"It's alright, Fluttershy," Twilight said.

The outside of Discord's house belied its interior.The three fillies went down a slide made of glass and into a room of objects. "Wow, what are these things?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"This is stuff that Discord got from his family members over the years," Scootaloo said.

"Wait, Discord? Family?"

"Well it's not a 'family' in the traditional sense, it's just kind of something about us chaos beings. Apple Bloom, I wouldn't open that box, Shaggoth wouldn't like that," Discord said, stopping the youngest Apple from opening the box. "Also don't touch any sword... I don't want to deal with the whole Khone," he warned.

"Well is there anything we can touch?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Discord thought for a moment before reaching behind his back and pulling out a snowglobe. "Here, this is something you three can play with without inviting catastrophe," he said as he placed the globe into Sweetie's hoof.

"Aww come on, can't you give us something more exciting?" Scootaloo asked with a pleading look in her eyes. "This is just a crummy snow globe you can get at any gift shop."

Discord just chuckled a little at that. "Give it a shake and you'll see how it's different from your ordinary knick-knack." Sweetie did as she was told and the three crusaders crowded around the object to see the snow inside swirl around and formed into a tiny snow pony that skated along the bottom of the globe before turning back into little snowflakes.

"That was made from Windigo ice, a rarity in this day and age." Discord answered. "However, let's get you all out of here." Discord then walked through a door with the three fillies in tow and ended up in Sugarcube Corner.

"What the?" Apple Bloom asked in surprise.

Discord tapped the counter as Pinkie Pie appeared. "Yes? Oh hey Discord, why are you here, also how's the first day of being a dad?" Pinkie Pie asked, as she hopped in place.

"It's been great so far! Now then girls, what do you want? My treat," Discord said, summoning up a bag out of nothing.

"Sweet!" Scootaloo cheered as she floated up for a brief moment. "I'm thinking about getting a giant sundae, what about you girls?"

"I think I'll just get a strawberry milkshake." Sweetie Belle answered.

"And Ah'll have a chocolate shake." Apple Bloom finished.

Discord nodded and turned to Pinkie with a smile. "Well, you heard the girls, think you could get those for me?"

"Coming right up!" Pinkie cheered as she zipped to the back.

"Now you girls find a table and I'll bring you your treats," Discord instructed.

The three crusaders took a seat, and soon afterwards Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Rarity came in. "Pinkie Pie..." Rainbow Dash spotted Discord and stopped. "You." The pegasus got up into Discord's face. "Why did you adopt Scootaloo? You don't even know how to be a father, do you?"

However the filly in question was right there. "Rainbow Dash, he been a great father so far."

Discord felt a warm feeling welling up inside when he heard that. 'Is this... crap I remember Slendy saying it's called love.'

Discord shook his head at that, thinking he could deal with that particular thought later. "Rainbow Dash, I don't have any ulterior motives to this. I just happened upon Scootaloo and overheard her problem and decided to adopt her," Discord explained.

Rainbow Dash quirked an eyebrow while still glaring at him. "Uh huh, and why in Equestria would you want to do that?"

"There are some personal reasons for that and it's not something that I'd like to get into."

"Whatever," Rainbow Dash said as she turned to Scootaloo. "So, is he really taking care of you?"

Scootaloo nodded enthusiastically at that. "Yeah, it's been a lot of fun!" Rainbow Dash let out a sigh and turned back to Discord. "Fine, I'll go along with this for now but I want you to tell us how to get to your place so we can check in on how Scootaloo is doing."

"Very well, then," Discord said with a sigh.