• Member Since 10th Jul, 2022


When you want to write but procrastination is winning | A Starlight fan since 2020 | Christ is King!

Tracking 10 stories
  • Tracking 10 stories - 0 unread chapters For good imcomplete stories that I wanna track
    Created by Catpaw616
    - December, 2022
Found 10 stories in 27ms

Total Words: 36,393
Estimated Reading: 2 hours



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The trickster meets the manipulator...

When traveling, Starlight encounters Trixie, a simple illusionist. When the subject of Equestria's newest princess comes up, Starlight realizes she might finally have a chance. But does this mean she has to...make a friend?

Takes place after the premiere (season 5)

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight sends Trixie and Starlight to discover the Ursa's Tower's ancient history, a fascination from pre-Windigo times. As they travel Equestria, meeting tribes, they unearth the tower's origin stories.

Inspired by the Devil's Tower stories passed down from Indigenous American tribes.

Chapters (1)

During a stormy night, Starlight notices Trixie carrying a bloody, pony-shaped bag. Just how far will Starlight go to protect her friend? Does Trixie actually needs to be protected?

Chapters (4)

A little idea I had and I havent seen much what if MLP content, so I wanna try it out! This story focuses on the legion of doom, and what'd they do if they found out about Discord's scheme earlier.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer is mostly known as the former pupil of Princess Twilight Sparkle, and the guidance counselor of the School Of Friendship, but to eight creatures of Equestria. She means the world to them, and today we’re going to find out how much they love Starlight.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Always Mine

She finally had the opportunity. After being summoned by the ancient Grogar, Chrysalis finally has a chance to get Starlight Glimmer for herself and she will not blow it. Meanwhile, Starlight herself has been receiving notes from an unknown source, Twilight has been worrying about losing her girlfriend, and Discord, Tirek, and Cozy Glow all struggle to believe what’s going on between Chrysalis and Starlight.

(I’m using the REAL Grogar, the Discord twist is not happening.)

Chapters (1)

When Starlight’s magic is torn away from her by the Storm King, her friends are there to help her recover and adjust in her magically drained state but after having her magic taken away in a painful way that even Tirek could never do, it is questioned if she will truly be okay even if she gets her magic back.

Chapters (2)

You know the darkest day somepony can have in Equestria? It’s when a dragon who’s a friend to all of Equestria loses his memory. It’s amazing how just one singular creature has such a big effect on everyone. Today we’re all going to learn that as we take a glimpse at how the world fares when Spike gets amnesia.

Chapters (1)

In the season seven finale of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. When Starswirl the Bearded returns from Limbo along with the rest of the Pillars and the Pony Of Shadows, he does not bother listening to Starlight Glimmer at all about whether they should even attempt to reform Stygian.

But what if something in Starlight snapped that day? What if being ignored, gaslighted, and pushed around lit a fuse in Starlight. What if that confrontation in the library went VERY differently.

Chapters (4)

After Mrs. Cake gets mad at her for using her magic to make a cake, Starlight sees a money making opportunity and opens a bakery.

Chapters (1)